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Messages - vivigamer

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Hardware and Tech / PC Advice (Think I need a new Graphics Card)
« on: December 09, 2018, 11:30:03 am »

I recently got a new PC, which I have jsut set up - I say new but it is a refurbished model with:
Processor - intel Core 15-3470 CPU @ 3.GHz

But my Video Card is still the same as my old one:
AMD Radeon hd 5450
(Embarrassed to admit I thought this devices was just to use a HDMI port)

So I gather it is quite weak in the realm of gaming, I don't really game much on my PC anyway but I want a Video Card that can handle HD videos better too. I do want to run the Steam Version of Shenmue HD to its fullest capability if I were to upgrade so the minimum specs of that might be a refference point:

        OS: Windows 7 64Bit
        Processor: Intel i3-560 / AMD FX-4300
        Memory: 4 GB RAM
        Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti (1GB Vram) / AMD Radeon 6990
        DirectX: Version 11
        Storage: 30 GB available space

Any advice would be appreciated, I'm in t he UK so if you have any purchase links keep that in mind

General / Re: A Year in Review - 2018.
« on: December 06, 2018, 05:50:37 am »
Favorite Game Played in 2018: Yakuza Kiwami 2 - The game to tie the gap between the PS2 games, now I can play all the series on PS3 hardware onwards which is great! Hoping that we get them Yakuza 3, 4 & 5 ports on PS4 soon too!

Least Favorite Game Played in 2018: The Quiet Man - Great concept, but didn't live up to PS2's The Bouncer at all!

Sleeper Hit of 2018: A Way Out - A fantastic Co-op experience!

Favorite Gaming Moment in 2018: At being surprised how good World of Final Fantasy actually was, glad I gave it a chance!

Proudest Collection Accomplishment of 2018: Star Ocean: The Second Story on PS1 - One of them titles I've wanted for years! Beat it too!!
I also snagged a 360 console which I sold the games to make my money back. I have a collection which I am very content with now :)

Has Jet Future Radio been done yet? We got a Remaster of the Jet Set/Grind Radio on PS3 but one of the reasons I got my 360 lately was to play this game.
Other suggestions:
- Kung Fu Chaos
- Dino Crisis 3
- Shenmue 2
- Gun Valkayrie
- BreakDown
- Blinx 1 & 2
- Crash Twinsanity
- Shadow of Memories/Destiny
- Toe Jam & Earl III

Yeah having not had an Xbox, getting my 360 this year means I get to try out such games, this is one i've always been curious about - Luckily it is backwards compatible on the 360 :)

Oh I also got Knights of the Old Republic 2, Crimson Skies & Another copy of Shenmue 2 on Xbox too!

Black Friday Gatherings All Arrived:

Got some good deals, I did give into Fist of The North Star as it seems to be going up in price - But a game I'm gneuinely interested in playing soon!

I did get Stubbs The Zombie on Xbox for a steal which I'm pleased about :) It even has Split-Screen Co-op which I didn't know of :)

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: December 03, 2018, 01:01:44 pm »
Yakuza: Dead Souls
No way near as bad as people make out, I will say it is a game to where I have to sink into it pace - There are a lot of loading screens that take a hefty time. But once I got used to the games aiming having use the left analogue stick to navigate, I was fine! I actually really like the presentation of the city under quarantine and the story is very engaging and compelling despite not being canon to the series and a fun off shoot - This is a great example of what a spin-off title should offer.

I had to stop playing it for a while because I hadn't played Yakuza 2 and in this game you can play as the main antagonist, but now I have beat Kiwami 2 I've fit snuggly back into this game :)

General / Re: 2019 Video Game Resolutions
« on: December 02, 2018, 05:03:28 am »
I think I need to sit down and really play through more of the games I've gathered. I've down well the last few weeks with The Darkness 1 & 2, I'm now playing El Shaddai, but I have so many games that I say I'm going to get to but never do - I still have games sealed from Black Firday last year... didn't stop me gathering a bundle this year :P So I'll be participating in next years Challenge 52 if it is going.

I think my biggest rule now is to look out for upcoming games and see if they have a Season Pass and try pre-determine if it will have a Complete Edition within the following year. I managed to do this with a few games like Horizon Zero Dawn & Injustice 2 which i got the Legendary Edtion of recently. However, some games still haven't like Wolfenstien 2. So sadly it's still very hard to judge.

Sounds very anti-consumer, it would mean the industry would have a set control on pricing and we wouldn't be able to find deals out in the wild anymore.

I personally cannot stand subscriptions, the only one I have is PS+ so i can play online - Admittedly the Free monthly games have been worth it... But I have an Xbox 360 too mainly because I was able to snag it cheap and gather a nice collection through the time I invested in researcing prices for games. If I had to pay a fee based on a time I simply wouldn't have branched out to that system at all.

Off Topic / Re: Do you replay movies, tv series' or video games?
« on: December 02, 2018, 04:44:01 am »
I do but in long time periods, like now I'm replaying the Kingdom Hearts series in build up to Kingdom Hearts III. Having that PS4 Remaster set on my shelf has been preserved perfectly for that moment, after I may go back to it - I still have extra content on some of the games to do. While I don't always replay something in the same year even I like to own it for when that moment strikes it is there and ready. Truth be told though, I just have so many games and things to go through that I don't often even haev the time to replay something.

Off Topic / Re: What are your thoughts on digital collections?
« on: December 02, 2018, 04:36:12 am »
I don't value it at all. I never had for anything digital and if it is possible I will get the physical version whenever possible - Even if that means waiting, like I am fo Life Is Strange 2 right now.

Though these days with PS4 Games the game on disc simply is not the final product, with all the Updates we receive it does sort of devalue the disc. However, I still hold them at higher value as the disc maintains the majority of the content and can be installed within 20 seconds. But recently with the Spyro fiasco I refused to buy the game at all as the benefits of having the game physically were not included as I had to download the majority of the game - Which in retrospect now, we know the game could have fit on the disc.

Within this year I have considered digital purchases for games with a lesser file size, it's why I don't tend to go out of my way to buy Limited Run indie releases. I'll get the game still if it's something I cherish like Sonic Mania or the Secret of Mana remake but I am more less included to as the biggest selling feature for physical medium on a practical manner is the quick installs - But of course I like having the game on disc, being part fo the collection and feeling like I own the product rather than renting.

However, what has been annoying me recently is Remasters for JRPG;'s on the PS4 which are digital only - Star Ocean: The Last hope, Resonance of Fate, The Last Remnant. All these games are pretty hefty in file size and I would have happily bought a physical Edition for each of them. I don't like the idea of physical games like this not being an option as the 50gb+ download is horrendous & it has to remain there on my HDD as I don't want to go through the process again. What also annoys me about the PS4 is that you can't separate the Install Data from the Update Data, which is something you could do on many PS3 titles. if I had the option I'd keep the update data stored on my HDD and just delete all the Disc install Data as I please - This is a big feature I want from next gen consoles.

Modern Video Games / Re: Xbox One console exclusives
« on: November 30, 2018, 03:03:28 am »
Re-Core is the only title that really comes to mind... maybe Gears of War 4/5 at a stretch, but compared to the PS4... ... I'll behave :)

General / Re: Do You Prefer Playing Single Or With Friends?
« on: November 30, 2018, 03:01:09 am »
I see the two experiences completely different.

For fast frantic games I like to enjoy them with friends. i wish more games had Split-Screen Co-op these days - Rocket League jhas been a game me and my friend have played for years every Friday beacause we can play Online & Split-Screen, many other games like OnRush or GRIP:Combat Racing which I would expect to have thsi featuresimply don't and it really ruins the potential of the experience... Hoping Sonic Team Racing next year lets you play through the campaign mode split screen like the previous two games.

Yet when it comes to an emotionally charged story, that is something I like to experience on my own, I just find that experiencing with another that their presence can sometimes break the immersion. I find games as a method of relaxation in the evening so when I am playing a JRPG it's a lounge chair and slippers experience.

So I see both experiences as seperate, but value both equally, if I had to choose I'd say Single Player experiences jsut because of the quantity, one night a week ofgaming with friends is enough, but I prefer most of my others on Single Player games.

Classic Video Games / Re: The top 5 games that defined your childhood
« on: November 29, 2018, 06:09:28 am »
Final Fantasy VIII - The first game which really opened my eyes to narrative within gaming. I remember borrowing my brothers friends copy for the day and played it non-stop. It was just a very compelling experience and one I still hold fondly.
Mickey Mouse & Donald Duck: World of Illusion - Certainly a comfort game, one that I just remember playing often single or two player.
Shenmue - I remember buying a pre-owned Dreamcast after it tanked just for this game! & Boy was it worth it. Still to this day I find Dobuita one of the most richly detailed environments in gaming.
Tekken 3 - I would play Survival Mode endless amount of times, best score was 103 Wins.
Crash Team Racing - Many fond memories of 4-player Cup Tournaments that lasted beyond midnight!

Off Topic / Re: Are you into movies and tv shows as well as games?
« on: November 29, 2018, 05:46:03 am »
Film does play a big part of my interest/life too, but honestly the last 2-3 years have been very underwhelming with little incentive to go to the cinema - The only film I have seen this year is Christopher Robin. Part of that is due to ridiculous cinema prices - Odeon in particular who now charge extra for bit hit films like Star Wars, just because.

I had near 1000+ DVD's but probably have around 300 nows, I still feel a bit Blah in how redundant most are with the rise of TV Resolution. I've bought much less Blu-Ray films in recent years- Before I'd buy films on DVD out of curiousity, now I only commit to purchase if I feel it is something that Wowed me & would watch again - I think the only time I've gone overboard is collecting Disney Bluray films over the years.

I don't do streaming services, very against them. I simply don't like the idea of commiting to one service and then content I want to watch being on another provider - I certainly don't intend to buy multiple subscriptions! I wish there was a more universal system, I look at online services and see them to be following the format war of HD-DVD & Blu-Ray had that actually went on for years... Thank god it didn't!

I'd say I sit comfortably within the 9 of that category.

Gaming has just always been an engaging format within my life. Within recent years I find my love for filmmaking has crashed with little incentive to go out to cinemas but the game industry has kept me hooked all this generation from month to month! I think it's fair to say over 75% of items I own are Video Game related :P From games to guides, soundtracks and art books.

I have a gaming schedule which is currently set in stone until October 2019  :P:
- Playing through the Kngdom Hearts series before the release of Kingdom Hearts 3 - Which I have book holiday off for. I'm up to Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix & then to play Dream Drop Distance which I never have before.
- Also in the mix, I intend to play the Resident Evil REmake in prep for the wonderful upcoming REmake of Resident Evil 2.
- After them to around March we get Devil May Cry V... So I intend to play through that series with the PS4 Remasters as well.
- AFTER THAT, I may have a few months of backlog catching up - Not that it has stopped me buying games this month :P
- But then, I will replay Shenmue 1 & 2, in prep for the momentous release of Shenmue III! (I found myself even drawing Fan art the other day on this :P)

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