Author Topic: Video Games/Series you like, but almost no one else does  (Read 4448 times)

Re: Video Games/Series you like, but almost no one else does
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2012, 07:25:48 am »
I remember that vast amount of money we spent buying our first Playstation with Ridge Racer and Toshinden, I still have a soft spot for both of those games :)

The one series that comes to mind for me is Sega's Sangokushi Taisen - there have been two ace DS games and the arcade version's going strong (three main releases + updates + a Sengoku Taisen spinoff). That's the one series that I'd really like people to play.

Re: Video Games/Series you like, but almost no one else does
« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2012, 07:12:55 am »
Here are the most 3 neglected strategy games which come to my mind:

1.) Chess

The king of the turn-based strategy games. I don't know anyone who would be much into games playing chess. People who play chess do mostly play just chess and nothing else. However I play chess for more than 13 years already. Never gets boring.

2.) Axis & Allies

This was an awesome game! I am saying "was" because I used to play it online through 2007 for hundreds of hours, but then the small player base in which everyone knew each other suddenly went inactive. The learning curve was huge but once you got into it it was loads of fun. This game required a lot of planning and teamwork and with the good players the battles mostly took more than 4 hours!

3.) Hogs of War

For so long I was fully in love with this game. The 25 single player missions were all great, especially in the end winning required a lot of skills and a group of highly leveled up pigs. Plus all the fun with friends? Priceless! Too bad my disk is scratchy after all these years, the game keeps freezing on a regular basis so it's unplayable. And here in Czech it's almost impossible to find!


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Re: Video Games/Series you like, but almost no one else does
« Reply #17 on: September 29, 2012, 09:15:53 am »

If you haven't yet tried it/heard about it...ARCHON may be right up your alley...
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: Video Games/Series you like, but almost no one else does
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2012, 01:17:35 pm »

None of my friends have the urge to catch 'em all like I do. It's so bad, I'm thinking about not getting White 2 and Black 2... I've even offered to buy copies for my friends so I'd have someone to play with. It never works.

I didn't even get Black/White 1. Gen V pokémon just look to ugly to me, except for Oshawott. You sure are nice to your friends if you're offering to buy them games.
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Re: Video Games/Series you like, but almost no one else does
« Reply #19 on: September 29, 2012, 01:48:37 pm »
Here are the most 3 neglected strategy games which come to my mind:

1.) Chess

The king of the turn-based strategy games. I don't know anyone who would be much into games playing chess. People who play chess do mostly play just chess and nothing else. However I play chess for more than 13 years already. Never gets boring.
people are the same way with reversi/othello and dont know why more people love it like do


Re: Video Games/Series you like, but almost no one else does
« Reply #20 on: September 29, 2012, 02:24:54 pm »
I think a lot of people like Pokémon, including me, so I don't think that works. I'd say racing games, I don't know a lot of people who like racing games, and I think they're alright. Specifically I'd say Gran Turismo or Need for Speed. To answer the question in reverse, I'd say RPGs. Everyone likes those, except for me (except for Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga!)

None of my friends have the urge to catch 'em all like I do. It's so bad, I'm thinking about not getting White 2 and Black 2... I've even offered to buy copies for my friends so I'd have someone to play with. It never works.

I have the same problem. Most of my friends/cousins don't really like Pokemon. There are a few though, but I still never really get a chance to duel them or trade. I usually pick up both copies of the game at launch and the guide and then just trade back and forth using 2 DS systems.

I don't think I really have a lot of games to add to this list though... lets see...

.hack both original and G.U.
Jak & Daxter
Metal Gear (At least within my family)
Assassin's Creed (same as Metal Gear)
Resident Evil (same again)

Funny story about Metal Gear Solid. I lent it to my cousin to play and he seemed to really dig it, until he had to contact Meryl by looking for her Codec number on the back of the cd case. I think the breaking of the 4th wall severely put him off and he's not touched a MGS game since. He also has the 1st Assassin's Creed game and "just couldn't get into it", I think it's because it heavily into sci-fi rather than all assassin, all the time.
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Re: Video Games/Series you like, but almost no one else does
« Reply #21 on: September 29, 2012, 05:37:05 pm »
Thanks for the heads-up about Archon! I think that I own an untouched copy on Steam, until I get an access to my online library I'll make sure I won't forget about it.

And yes regarding Reversi that's true, I also played it for some time, together with Gomoku. But unlike in Chess I did not experience the "discovering something new every day" feeling so I had not sticked with them for long.

Re: Video Games/Series you like, but almost no one else does
« Reply #22 on: September 29, 2012, 06:13:41 pm »
So, when games started having more meaningful multiplayer, especially when you were playing at the same time, there were some games that we loved for that aspect and haven't aged well.  The original Battletanks game and Return fire for PSX. 

Klik N' Play was released by Maxis?  I think for PC, and it was this uber basic, create a sprite and give it some programming, and you could make your own games.  Me and a good friend played with that for HOURS and HOURS.  I never found a game/development deal that was the same level of ease, or at least not one that I cared to give the time of day to.