Well, getting HBO Max for Wonder Woman 84 wasn't the best idea, but I am using this opportunity to catch up on some shows I missed out on. I just got through
Westworld Season 2, having originally watched the first season back around when it aired and I liked it back then, the second season...maybe not as much? I had heard folks weren't happy with the series after the first one and I can sorta see why, but it's also abit of a thing where the show would sorta lose me in spots and I wasn't 100% on board the whole time. How the show handled certain parts could be a little hard to follow, and I guess what I want to see more out of the show was all the different park mixture. The system is falling apart and we see that there are other parks and all of that mixes, and we get some of that, but it's a small part of the show as the story is about a whole lot else, which is fine.
I am gonna start into Season 3, see where the story is going, the future tech world could be interesting since I am in a Cyberpunk mood.