The legendary PS2 was released 20 years ago in NA.
I have never understood were there aren't many stories about the console, or about the development of the console.
There a few interesting stuff that I consider memorable or curious, for example a lot of developers and people thought the console wasn't as impressive like for example, Sega console the Dreamcast and there were unfortunately rumors that the console was too hard for program and develop games.
The launch day of the console in Japan wasn't too good either, the software sold was too poor because most people bought the console for the cheap dvd player instead of the catalogue of the console and even is documented that one person jumped from a building because he couldn't get the console.
While that the future of the console didn't looked too promising, people at Sony were calm and just waited until people could understand the greatness of the console, and like most of you should know at this point it happened.
I absolutely love the console.
The controller, the design of the console, the iconic boot up screen and more.
Also the console indeed had a great catalogue of games.
The logo in the console, the blue PS2 logo is also rather clever, because it meant that the logo was the world and the black raven of the console the universe, that's what I call good design.
So yeah.
Happy anniversary to Sony, legendary console.
My favorite game is Contra Shattered Soldier.
And you?