Author Topic: Consoles you like and dont like  (Read 7549 times)

Consoles you like and dont like
« on: June 25, 2012, 08:02:32 pm »
What consoles do you like that no one else seems to?
and on the flip side what consoles do you not care for so much that everyone loves?

Like list:
1- Sega CD Great quirky RPG's
2-Atari 5200 Interesting piece of gaming tech
3-Virtual Boy Grew up with it and love the games I have for it, had a lot of potential

1-Dreamcast, I think it was underrated in it's time but not anymore, not a lot of great games that hold up.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 01:49:51 am by kingrat101 »


Re: Consoles you like and dont like
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2012, 08:12:28 pm »
Like: The Gamecube. Pretty much all of my favorite games from that era were for the Gamecube. Games like Cubivore and Eternal Darkness really showed what the thing could do, but people tend to overlook it for the Xbox or PS2.

Don't Like: The Atari 2600. "Don't Like" might be too strong, but if you put me in a room with an Intellivision, a 2600, and a ColecoVision, the 2600 will collect dust. The Coleco was vastly superior with graphics and sound and gave a closer similarity to the arcade versions of games.
"You can buy everything, except love, friendship, and exp. points."


Re: Consoles you like and dont like
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2012, 08:52:29 pm »
Like : PS1 - in its time, the greatest system ever made. They got the controllers right the first try and havent messed with them since. The RPG library was nothing short of amazing. There was a great game for every genre too.
         NES - If it wasnt for the NES, gaming wouldnt even be close to what it is now. It brought games to the homes!
         SMS - I wasnt allowed to have an NES growing up but I (oddly) was allowed to have an SMS. Im kind of glad it worked out that way cause some of my favorite lines of games started there (Phantasy Star, Ys).

Dislike : N64 - System is just chalk full of junk. Horrible controllers, 25% or so of the library is junk sports game, no RPGs and the start of the downfall of the Zelda and Metroid line of games.
            Dreamcast - The only system who had a controller worse than the N64. The library is too small and filled with unappealing games. Just a waste of time.


Re: Consoles you like and dont like
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2012, 12:06:18 am »
Like:  For me it is a tie between Atari 2600 and SNES.  The SNES was the first video game system I ever played.  My aunt and I played Super Mario World when I came to visit.  We still play SNES together every time I see her.  Plus there is just lots of great games for the system like Donkey Kong Country and Link to the Past.  Atari 2600 is one of the systems that got me into collecting.  I love old video game history and there is a ton of games, many of them can be bought for cheap too.

Dislike:  Xbox 360- The system is not really bad and there are some fun games, but I hate how a majority of teenagers like me suddenly think that it is the only good system out there.  "Oh you play Wii?  That's for babies and old people and it has horrible graphics which is the most important thing for games to have.  I spend all day playing CoD and Halo because they are violent and have guns!".  Even my friends who used to play N64, GC, and Wii with me switched to Xbox and now will not buy Zelda Skyward Sword because of the graphics style.  I would be lying if I said I never enjoyed a game of CoD or Halo, but I will take Zelda or Mario any day over those games.  So I don't really hate the system for what it is, but I hate how it has changed my friends from the game has to be fun to be worth playing to it has to be on Xbox and have nice graphics and violence.

I enjoy this forum because everybody respects each others opinions though and I do not have to worry about reading LOLZELDASUX and while a lot of people here do not enjoy the FPS genre they do not pick on the people here that do.
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)


Re: Consoles you like and dont like
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2012, 12:16:10 am »
Love: NES - do I really need to say any more? There are just so many original games that I love to play and a great selection of all genres.
Xbox 360 - IMO a good selection of genres and XBLA and XBL Indie allows for a greater variety than has been seen in the past

Like: N64 - pure nostalgia for this one, found memories of playing through Goldeneye, Mario Kart and Blast Corps

Dislike: PC - it's just too expensive for me to be able to keep up with
SMS - I've just never been able to get into it
SNES - I have never understood the appeal of it, there are a couple of games that I like on it but I would rather play the NES or N64

Hate: None

I am pretty surprised with the number of people who have already disliked the Dreamcast, I thought it was pretty much universally loved.


Re: Consoles you like and dont like
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2012, 12:46:24 am »

NES - Obvious answer is obvious. Castlevania, Mega Man, Metal Gear, Mario, Zelda, Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, etc etc.

Saturn - The Saturn was my first "3D" graphics console. Only had a handful of games for it but love everything about it. It's really under appreciated and has a ton of hidden gems on the system. I love the large jewel cases, and artwork and finding new games I haven't played on it yet. Played so much of it that I was able to clear all of Virtua Cop w/o using the Stunner gun accessory. I traded it off for super cheap at one point and always regretted it, I've since replaced my console and my original games, plus some. I'll pretty much never unhook the Saturn from my TV again.

PlayStation 2 - I jumped on the PS2 wagon a little later, I think after the original price drop. I remember kids in HS talking about it as the next big thing, but ignored it for a while. Eventually I saved up change and bottle refunds and bought it brand new, with The Bouncer, Klonoa 2 and Dave Mirra BMX 2, and never looked back.  At one point I had about 70 games for it, but traded a bunch off (which I am working on replacing). It has most of my favorite games on it. Metal Gear Solid, GTA III, Tony Hawk, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, etc. When the PS2/Xbox wars were raging I was diehard in the Sony camp and refused to acknowledge Halo or anything else on the system, until a friend of my talked me into getting an Xbox for online play. I would have prolly continued into the PS3 at the switch, if all my friends hadn't owned 360s. At which point I jumped ship, thanks to multiplayer with friends and the insane original price of the PS3.

Game Boy - It was my go to console for road trips growing up. Each trip consisted of buying a keg of AA batteries to power the Game Boy and travel light. A case full of games, link cables and my Game Genie. I still remember getting it for Christmas along with my brother, and playing Tetris in vs mode all day long. Or being amazed at Metroid II and TMNT: Fall of the Foot Clan. I'm working on finding a Play it Loud version of the Game Boy to add to my collection, so I have one of each version standing next to each other on my shelf. I also made it a point to get the Game Boy Light and now play game exclusively on that. Up until recently I still carried a decent assortment of GB games with me on trips. But with GBA, DS and 3DS games all vying for space, I had to make a cut somewhere and the GB has to sit on the sidelines for now.


I don't really dislike any of the systems I've ever played, But:

PS3 - I would say out of everything I own the PS3 gets the least attention and is delegated to movies and netflix most of the time. My biggest issue with the PS3 is updates. Whenever I want to play one of the games I have I have to wait for an update to download and they always take forever. Like last night, I was starting up 3D Dot Game Heroes and had to wait for an update that was less than 200 mb in size, and it took over an hour to download and patch, not cool. Or the need to install data on the hard drive before playing or during play, MGS4 is a giant culprit for that one. When I want to play a game, I want to pop it in and play, not look at a download screen, get frustrated and load up the 3DS instead. Also, not so much a "hate" but just fact the multiplatform games get played on the 360, since I like the controller better. I would like to explore PS3 exclusives, but then again the money I would put toward that, is usually being put towards tracking down Saturn and Castlevania items and replacements of my original NES & PS2 games.

PSP - Also, for a long time I didn't care much for my PSP. Only because it seemed there wasn't a whole lot of good games for it. I've since added some gems to the collection. But the biggest problem with the PSP is it holding a battery charge. It seems that 9 times out of 10 if I don't play the thing for a week and feel like loading up something on it, I have to plug it into the wall, because it killed it's battery on it's own.
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

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Re: Consoles you like and dont like
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2012, 01:28:24 am »
This is a great topic!

I like:

NES - just so many great games and the start of so many classic series.

Sega Saturn - the Saturn is one of my "LOVES" for sure. It's difficult to collect for which adds a challenge to my collecting, and oddly enough, I love that about it. It makes finding a game out in the wild that much more satisfying.

Sega CD - Just got mine, and while the system overall has some serious craptastic games, the shooters for it are off the charts.

Xbox 360 - Wow do I love my 360. Great graphics, perfect online interface/experience, and the controllers are my favorite ever made.

Nintendo DS/3DS - I play it on the road, at home, and I think besides the excessive shovelware, it's a top notch system.

NEO-GEO - this and the 3DO are the only 2 things I wanted as a kid but my parents said no to, and that made me want it just that much more. When I finally bought one, I rejoiced in its glory. The games provide an experience that cannot be replicated and I love that.


Playstation...all of them - the weirdest part about this is, all of my electronics are Sony, I absolutely love the company, but for some reason I've never liked the PS. They've used the same controller for 3 generations of consoles, which I just think is lazy. And I have a hard time with anyone that tries to say the PS controllers are their favorite. I have a PS1 for certain shooters and a handful of other games, but it gets minimal playtime.

PSP - seriously, I hate this machine. For all intents and purposes, I'm just gonna lump the Vita right there with it.

iPad - If you play games on iPad and consider it an actual experience, please do not speak to me. This 99 cent game bullshit has corrupted gaming as we know it. The only game I enjoy on it is Pinball Arcade, but I have it on 360, so I always play it there.


Re: Consoles you like and dont like
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2012, 01:43:25 am »
@amauriel Oh Gawd! I agree! The Gamecube is so great, its my favorite console from last generation.
@brettybluevein Yes the Neo Geo is great... only problem is that price tag haha.

Im glad people posted some of their favorite consoles as well, it was kinda meant as an "underrated/overrated" type topic but I like the way we've taken it and think there can be a nice discussion here, if we're talking favorite consoles though, I must say my top 3 are:


Re: Consoles you like and dont like
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2012, 03:34:19 am »
NES- Great all around system.  Had a varied library of games, anyone could find something to play.  Also being built fairly sturdy with little to no technical issues, save the connector helps too.

SNES, Genesis- Great library of games awesome RPG's and some great shoot'em ups on both consoles.  Although the SNES had Sega's controller whipped hands down.

TG-16 Good little machine with a very capable library, too bad it didn't get the recognition it deserved.

Sega CD, when you managed to slog through its craptastic selection of games, there are a good many gems for this system. 

Saturn.  Marginally graphically superior to Sony's Playstation yet ignored so much.  Still has some fine RPG's on it

PSX, PS2.  I shouldn't have to explain this one.  SO many games, Perhaps TOO many games. LOL

Xbox, Xbox 360  I like both systems they each have their own great selection of games.  Controllers aren't too shabby either.

Gamecube I thought this one was underwhelming.  Like the N64 not many games and just a handful that really got me to take notice the rest.  I don't care much for.

N64, See above, and the sports games so. many. sports games.

Dreamcast, Again underwhelming. The few great games are just that, great.  Too much tends to be just blah.

Jaguar- horrible controller, horrible library not much can be said about this one.

32x Technical problems and a very limited selection of bad games.

Like but can't do much with.
Handhelds- any of them.  with my job I work I usually make the same 4 motions 8 hours a day 5-7 days a week.  Now take that into 10 years, and my arms and wrists will tell a story of repetitive motion stress, and carpal tunnel.  I can't mess with any hand held for any length of time before I lose the feeling in my fingers.  I don't have that problem with controllers, probably because I rest the controller in my lap while playing.  There are a lot of awesome on these little machines. but I have to get over it.


Re: Consoles you like and dont like
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2012, 07:14:11 am »
N64:there is a lot of hidden gems like rocket: robot on wheels,wetrix and body harvest
Odyssey 2:its the turbografx 16 of the second generation consoles

dont like

xbox consoles: the xbox consoles made fps and other games boring,colorless and is probably based on gorilla warfare and thats one of the many things that i dont like about xbox consoles
« Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 07:19:46 am by htimreimer »


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Re: Consoles you like and dont like
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2012, 10:39:36 am »
All the Nintendo consoles, minus the Virutal Boy because I've never played one.  Nintendo has the best line-up of first party games, period.
Xbox and Xbox 360 because they were the Go-to for "core" games for the last two generations
Dreamcast because it had some awesome games that I just missed out on. 
I'm just not a fan of Playstation stuff.  I've tried, but I don't really like the blocky move to 3d with the PS1.  After that, it just left swore off Sony.  I don't really like the control.  Maybe I just didn't give it a fair shake.  We'll see what the future holds.  I used to hate Sega.


Re: Consoles you like and dont like
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2012, 10:54:50 am »

Xbox 360 - Wow do I love my 360. Great graphics, perfect online interface/experience, and the controllers are my favorite ever made.

Playstation...all of them - the weirdest part about this is, all of my electronics are Sony, I absolutely love the company, but for some reason I've never liked the PS. They've used the same controller for 3 generations of consoles, which I just think is lazy. And I have a hard time with anyone that tries to say the PS controllers are their favorite.

Heh thats so funny to me cause I am 100% opposite. I love the PS controllers and the reason they dont change them is they got them right the first time so why mess with greatness. The Xbox, on the other hand, has big huge blocky controllers (like the 64 and Dreamcast I listed above) and cant see why anyone would want to play a game with a controller the size of a football.


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Re: Consoles you like and dont like
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2012, 01:00:24 pm »

I enjoy this forum because everybody respects each others opinions though and I do not have to worry about reading LOLZELDASUX and while a lot of people here do not enjoy the FPS genre they do not pick on the people here that do.

Just thought that this sentiment bears repeating as it's *Definitely* one of the *MAIN* aspects, attitudes, tones, and stances of this community that (IMO) *Really* makes this site stand-out from many of the other popular/"mainstream" sites.

From the (admittedly, relatively short) amount of time that I've been a part of this community...I've found that there's a great deal of variety & diversity when it comes to what the individual users here preferences are regarding their favorite consoles/platforms/Hand-helds, etc & their favorite genres of games...while at the same time...there's so, very much less of the console-"wars" and/or "fanboy/girl-ism's", no teasing, bashing, and/or flaming of others for what their likes & preferences are, none of that terribly stereotyped (not to mention, overly annoying) " like to play JRPG's...Derp-ditty-Derp-Derp = well then, you're obviously a pedophile...*DERP" and, IMHO, more important than all of the above...

The users of this board strike me as not "set to the default" setting that ruins so many other sites...which is, of course...

...the assumption, attitude, and prevalence of the:

"If *I* don't like something = it's *BAD*", and the other side of that, which is..."If *I* do like something = It's automatically Good"...MY GOD, how I hate that shit  >:(

Anywho, back on topic...

I actually do like & prefer all of the Sony systems over the MS ones...

...And...this is coming from someone who's owned/played Atari, Intellivision, Colecovision, Apple ][e, Nintendo (consoles & handhelds), PSP's, Game-Cubes, 360's, Commodore 64's (and I'm sure that there's some that I'm forgetting) - just to show that I'm not partial to/biased by any one company/console...and I feel like the thought of people thinking/feeling that they "owe" *ANY* form of allegiance to a corporate comglomerate (be it Nintendo, Sony, or MS) just sad & misguided :(

But, to be fair, as a disabled-gamer (my left hand & wrist were amputated several years ago)...I'm far from being in any of the larger/more-targeted demographics that *any* of the "big three" would ever really pay much attention to, anyhow.

So, my perspective and reasons for preferring Sony (in general) over the X-Box/360 is, (contrary to the majority's opinion:) that (again - after owning & playing games on the 360, too)...that for *ONE-HANDED GAMING* - Sony's controller(s) are much more easy to adapt to playing w/ only one hand.

Of course, the fact that I've been *using* PS controllers much longer & more regularly than anything else may also be factoring in to that...
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: Consoles you like and dont like
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2012, 01:09:19 pm »
Have you used any of the actual 1h controllers? I bought one for my SNES many years ago (before the internet when gaming conventions used to come to down in the huge fairground buildings) and I loved it for Chrono Trigger. I know there is one available for the PS1 as well called the Grip I believe. Im semi-actively searching to get me one of them. There is also something called the Dragon that I have seen a lot of on Ebay. Its available for most current systems. It sits on your leg and is usable with either left or right hands. I do not know of any others (other than the weird suck & blow hands free for the NES itself).


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Re: Consoles you like and dont like
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2012, 01:27:52 pm »
Have you used any of the actual 1h controllers? I bought one for my SNES many years ago (before the internet when gaming conventions used to come to down in the huge fairground buildings) and I loved it for Chrono Trigger. I know there is one available for the PS1 as well called the Grip I believe. Im semi-actively searching to get me one of them. There is also something called the Dragon that I have seen a lot of on Ebay. Its available for most current systems. It sits on your leg and is usable with either left or right hands. I do not know of any others (other than the weird suck & blow hands free for the NES itself).


I've actually looked into a few of them.

The two that looked the best/most useful were:

(1).  One that was custom-made, on a case-by-case basis, by a guy named "Ben Heck"(endorn), and

(2), One that looked/was shaped somewhat like a larger-sized *Zaxxon* controller - kinda' like a 'throttle' w/ a trigger- that actually has the "main" joy-stick on the *bottom* of it (to be rested on a table or something), thereby having the rest of the controls in accessible positions on the other parts of the 'throttle'.

Problem w/ both of them (and most technology like this) is that, until/unless they're more mass-produced...they'll always remain prohibitively expensive.

(like ~ $1,000.00/each)

So, for the present, since I've figured out "work-a-rounds" to be able to play 99% of the games that I'd like to...for me, this would be like throwing $ away :(

-says the guy who just ordered his 2nd Giclee...  :-\
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"