I enjoy this forum because everybody respects each others opinions though and I do not have to worry about reading LOLZELDASUX and while a lot of people here do not enjoy the FPS genre they do not pick on the people here that do.
Just thought that this sentiment bears repeating as it's *
Definitely* one of the *MAIN* aspects, attitudes, tones, and stances of this community that (IMO) *
Really* makes this site stand-out from many of the other popular/"mainstream" sites.
From the (admittedly, relatively short) amount of time that I've been a part of this community...I've found that there's a great deal of variety & diversity when it comes to what the individual users here preferences are regarding their favorite consoles/platforms/Hand-helds, etc & their favorite genres of games...
while at the same time...there's so, very much less of the console-"wars" and/or "fanboy/girl-ism's", no teasing, bashing, and/or flaming of others for what their likes & preferences are, none of that terribly stereotyped (not to mention, overly annoying) "
Derp...you like to play JRPG's...Derp-ditty-Derp-Derp = well then, you're obviously a pedophile...*DERP" and, IMHO, more important than all of the above...
The users of this board strike me as not "set to the default" setting that ruins so many other sites...which is, of course...
...the assumption, attitude, and prevalence of the:
"If *I* don't like something = it's *BAD*", and the other side of that, which is..."If *I* do like something = It's automatically Good"...MY GOD, how I hate that shit

Anywho, back on topic...
I actually do like & prefer all of the Sony systems over the MS ones...
...And...this is coming from someone who's owned/played Atari, Intellivision, Colecovision, Apple ][e, Nintendo (consoles & handhelds), PSP's, Game-Cubes, 360's, Commodore 64's (and I'm sure that there's some that I'm forgetting) - just to show that I'm not partial to/biased by any one company/console...and I feel like the thought of people thinking/feeling that they "owe" *ANY* form of allegiance to a corporate comglomerate (be it Nintendo, Sony, or MS)...is just sad & misguided

But, to be fair, as a disabled-gamer (my left hand & wrist were amputated several years ago)...I'm far from being in any of the larger/more-targeted demographics that *any* of the "big three" would ever really pay much attention to, anyhow.
So, my perspective and reasons for preferring Sony (in general) over the X-Box/360 is, (contrary to the majority's opinion:) that (again - after owning & playing games on the 360, too)...that for
*ONE-HANDED GAMING* - Sony's controller(s) are much more easy to adapt to playing w/ only one hand.
Of course, the fact that I've been *using* PS controllers much longer & more regularly than anything else may also be factoring in to that...