So I stopped in my local Gamestop because the website said they had a few games I've been looking for, hoping they had complete copies (they didn't), and now I've got a "fun" Gamestop story.
So there was this lady and her kid in the store, she was being kind of rude and belligerent, but I had a feeling it was because of something the employees did. I'm not sure what happened or what went on before I got in the store, but I walked in and immediately got in line behind 2 other people. She made some comment to one of the employees asking for assistance or something and, who I assume is an assistant manager, told her to get in line. This is fine by me, but she had been standing at the counter before I got in the store. Side story, her kid is walking around the store (mostly Wii, Wii U, 3DS) and sneezing all over everything. So she gets up to the counter to finally deal with her issue. Apparently she bought a $20 DS game for her kid, and used a 20% off coupon paid with Powerup Rewards points ($16). Well the game doesn't work, so she wanted to exchange it for a working copy. Well the story didn't have any other copies of the game, which is where the shenanigans come in. And I know this is shenanigans because I used to work at Gamestop and I know how their PoS system works. So the lady asked about returning it and getting her money and the coupon back. They told her they can't refund the coupon and the system has no way of returning the spent reward points back to your account. This I believe is true. So she asked if she could swap it for another game that is the same price. They told her that she can't do that either, since she used a 20% coupon she can only swap it for a product that is $15 (which isn't 20% off of $20 if you don't understand math). This is bullshit, because I know for a fact that you can price mod an item and mark why you modified the price, and this is definitely something you wouldn't get in trouble for. So basically they screwed her over for no good reason. You could maybe blame that on her attitude, but I decided to kind of test the waters with these guys. I asked them if they could check if another store had a copy of a game and they out right refused to do so, making different excuses.