Earning the platinum in HDN Victory took me about 40 hours. It wasn't as fun as the one in HDN Mk II, but it was still a somewhat easy platinum to achieve. Grinding the Lily Ranks was easier than I thought thanks to me making some awesome discs that boost Lily ranks by 5 after each battle. It made the grind much shorter.
So, as disgaeanic knows, I'm a frequent poster/contributor/celebrity/user on GameFAQs.com. I don't frequent many boards on there, but the one where I met Kenny is the RPG: Everything Else board. It's a solid community, but it occasionally attracts some pests. Most of the time, they leave after getting thrown some shade by the normal users. Unfortunately, other times they stick around. I usually end up putting them on an ignore list. Well, it looks like one of the pesky bugs that I put on ignore decided to start the latest social topic. Lucky for all of you sexy beasts here, I will posting more often on my gaming adventures and the everyday life stuff!
Time to get back to my latest gaming project: Baten Kaitos.