Urggh...Been going to this one Thrift Shop for awhile now pretty regularly as I do seem to find something there of some sort at least once week, but I feel I haven't come across the resellers other than maybe one guy who might've just been another collector like me which is totally fine. Today though after I grabbed a few PS1 games and PC games from the CD section, I made my lap and came back to grab some more PC titles for the heck of it and there she was. She had her little tablet phone thing sitting on the shelf or whatever it is that is wireless connected to her tiny little hand scanner, scanning through every CD. I don't know if she was getting games or just CD's, but I knew what she was there for. That's always annoying to see :\ I'm use to seeing that at the Flea Market where there are usually two or three of the common resellers there, but this was the first I've ever seen on at the thrift shop. Just means less chance of finding good music if she was CD only which sucks.