Author Topic: Wrestling Thread!  (Read 116602 times)

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #825 on: April 10, 2021, 11:14:12 pm »
Been a long time since I watched much wrestling, but I figure I would check out Wrestlemania since it is having an audience, even though I know almost nothing about the stories going on.  Gotta say, they are selling way too much for this guy Bad Bunny, some rapper I've never heard about before.  Like he's surprisingly good for a non-wrestler, one of the better guys I've seen actually, he's apparently a pretty big fan of wrestling, but he shouldn't be beating down Miz and Morrison who've been wrestling for nearly 20 years each lol

That being said, holy crap, Bad Bunny did a Canadian Destroyer on Morrison on the outside perfectly.  That's really impressive lol I'm actually curious of other celebs that have done nearly as good of a job as this.  Actually a real good match. 

Braun and McMahon was solid enough for not being too much of an actual wrestling match, I always like when Braun gets to tear something up and McMahon loves falling/jumping from cages lol Lashley versus McIntyre was okay, the women's tag stuff was fairly rough, and Cesaro vs Rollins wasn't too bad.  I like that they are doing a two day event rather than like a 6+ hour slog that Wrestlemania usually is.  Hope they keep this setup.

Bianca is pretty impressive.  Real good agility and quite strong, usually they push this type of thing with bigger wrestlers, for women it would be Nia Jax or Tamina, .  I only really knew her from a short bit of NXT I watched where it seemed like what most of her gimmick was whipping people with her hair lol  Some good stuff here for sure.  I don't know how they've been pushing Bianca up till this, but she could be a real great women's champion as long as they don't screw up the storytelling like they are often want to do lol Also man, that hair whip just doesn't ever stop being so nasty lol

Overall, not a bad first day for Wrestlemania.  They were very smart to put Banks and Bianca on last, it was a way better match than Drew and Lashley.  The only weak match of the night being the women's tag match. 

Wish I could say I'm looking forward to Zayne vs Owens tomorrow, but they put Logan Paul in the match and that's just a complete mood killer.  Also not looking forward to the Orton and Fiend match...I mean isn't this like their third PPV battle now? They had that pretty awful match a couple years back at Wrestlemania, and they did that house fight which was also pretty bad.  I guess the only way it could turn out okay is if Bray wins, because if he doesn't, I feel like it guarantees another burial of the Orton again...OH GOD WHY DO THEY KEEP DOING THIS, WHY DOESN'T WWE LEARN!
« Last Edit: April 11, 2021, 12:59:58 am by kamikazekeeg »

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #826 on: April 11, 2021, 08:46:48 pm »
Bad Bunny was really good.

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #827 on: April 11, 2021, 09:05:18 pm »
Bad Bunny was really good.

He must've been training for months, it's wild how good he was.  I still think they ran him too long, it was sorta ridiculous to have a rapper in there on even footing with two veteran wrestlers, but he killed it.

Ended up spacing on watching Day 2 of Wrestlemania and can't go back through the stream on Peacock for it till it is done, so gonna go and watch it later after it's finished.

As goofy as all this Fiend stuff can be, I think it's still fun...Like I'm going into the Orton vs Fiend match expecting the worst, that this thing is going to be another burial of Bray Wyatt again by Orton, but I hope not lol  I do like how Slasher villain The Fiend is, the whole burning him, just to come back is very Jason lol And...Orton once again beats Bray for some lame story reason.  Like at least The Fiend is continuing after this, but all the buildup for that half-assed match at Wrestlemania? Also everyone hated that, so yes, once again another terrible Bray and Orton PPV match lol God, one RKO took him out? He was acting indestructible beforehand, but only one RKO? Didn't someone at some point take multiple RKO's before going out? It infuriates me that WWE keeps screwing things up with the writing so much with wrestlers like Bray.  Like they just can't figure out interesting ways to end anything.

Zayne and Owens have had their good times over the years, should be a good match I hope...not sure I am into this conspiracy theory thing they are doing with him, but he seems like he's having some good fun with it and always had that kind of high energy that works for this character and all that hair and beard helps sell it more...Anything with Logan Paul can piss right off though.  It's a seriously lame inclusion to this.  It was overall a good enough match, these two really know how to sell hits damn well and the energy they have together is great.  Though I can appreciate somewhat Logan playing the douche and getting a stunner for it.  The only use he's good for in this lol

Holy cow, Sheamus is so just so dang white, and with the shine on his body and the camera not cutting on his entrance, I thought I was looking at footage of the next WWE2K game lol I haven't seen too much of Riddle beyond a bit of him in NXT, so I don't know how this goofy stoner bro thing he has going on is working lol A little slop in the match by the end, but not too bad.  Oh geez, that ending though, Riddle took a boot right to the mouth from one heck of a move.

Big E is just a good time, I've been a fan of New Day for a number of years now and all three of those fellas are great.  Never was much for Apollo, a fine wrestler, but never stood out for me.  Some good spots, though an interference win for the belt is never a great way for a win, especially from a wrestler making his first appearance...

I'm a huge Asuka fan, like they haven't really handled her the best all the time, but she's such a great character with her style and attitude.  Rhea I don't know too much, other than she's built and looks like an absolute badass lol She looks like she can absolute beat someone down.  That singer for New Years Day is a little rough though lol  Some great hard hitting stuff here, like I skipped the earlier women's tag team match, because I really don't expect too much out of most of those wrestlers involved, but Asuka has that hard hitting Japanese style and Rhea seems like she can keep in there with that.  Not sure if the ending was quite big enough for ending Asuka's run as champ, but not too bad overall.

I last left Bayley when she was going heel...I have no idea what she is doing here, is she like the embodiment of a "Karen"? lol I guess they just don't have too much for her right now.

I'm actually very interested to see this final match with Daniel, Roman, and Edge.  Bryan was playing heel last I saw him, I hadn't seen Roman since he'd gone heel, but I've been wanting to see something like this with him, and Edge, I haven't see him since he came back to wrestling, so we get three good dudes in one match and I hope it pans out in this main even match.  Also is it just me or is WWE's new production makin certain things look like a videogame intro for some wrestlers? Like how they are holding on wrestlers for long times down the ramp in smooth shots, and with the lighting and maybe even some sort of framerate difference? It's so weird that I noticed this two or three times today.  I do like two of these wrestlers are known for their spears, and they worked that into the match lol Overall not a bad match, they really sold all these hits pretty well.

I think overall, while this Mania didn't have a lot of the craziness it tends to have, there wasn't a whole lot of bad going on.  That Fiend match sucked, and the first women's tag team match was kinda nothing, and I skipped their championship match, but otherwise I was into it.  I had been out of wrestling for awhile, I was tired of the stories they were telling, and then 2020 hit and they lost the audience, which is a lot of what helps push matches, it is not the same without a crowd, it's why I can't watch much indie wrestling, the production and crowd of a show like WWE does a lot for my enjoyment.  I might jump back in for abit now.  See where things head from here.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2021, 04:20:26 am by kamikazekeeg »

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #828 on: June 21, 2021, 04:11:54 pm »
I've been a fan of wrestling since 2002 and always have been a WWE fan since that was the first show I ever watched. My first ever memory was Shawn Michaels standing up from his wheel chair after having been hit in the back by his former friend Triple H. Since then I've always only really followed WWE, I did use to watch TNA(Now called Impact Wrestling) but when they went head to head with Raw, I stopped watching them.

WWE currently is still the best product of any wrestling company out there despite what others would say. Is it as good as it once was? No and it never will be, got to change with the times and enjoy the present.


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Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #829 on: June 21, 2021, 04:45:21 pm »
I've been a fan of wrestling since 2002 and always have been a WWE fan since that was the first show I ever watched. My first ever memory was Shawn Michaels standing up from his wheel chair after having been hit in the back by his former friend Triple H. Since then I've always only really followed WWE, I did use to watch TNA(Now called Impact Wrestling) but when they went head to head with Raw, I stopped watching them.

WWE currently is still the best product of any wrestling company out there despite what others would say. Is it as good as it once was? No and it never will be, got to change with the times and enjoy the present.

Both AEW and NWA are better. WWE is abysmally bad in 2021.

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #830 on: June 21, 2021, 05:31:19 pm »
I've been a fan of wrestling since 2002 and always have been a WWE fan since that was the first show I ever watched. My first ever memory was Shawn Michaels standing up from his wheel chair after having been hit in the back by his former friend Triple H. Since then I've always only really followed WWE, I did use to watch TNA(Now called Impact Wrestling) but when they went head to head with Raw, I stopped watching them.

WWE currently is still the best product of any wrestling company out there despite what others would say. Is it as good as it once was? No and it never will be, got to change with the times and enjoy the present.

Both AEW and NWA are better. WWE is abysmally bad in 2021.

I can't speak on NWA because I haven't seen their shows, but AEW I've seen five shows and those are much more abysmally bad compared to WWE. AEW might have the talent to compete, but man their product comes across me so boring.

At the end of the day we can like and watch anything we like, and I'm not going to insult people's view like I've seen a lot of people do in the wrestling community.

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #831 on: March 21, 2022, 09:57:32 am »
It looks like Daniel Bryan is going to be forced to retire. I just started watching wrestling last year around the time CM Punk left and Daniel Bryan quickly became my favorite. It's kind of sad that he just came back from injury and now he's injured again. Jeff Hardy is apparently injured now as well. I mainly watch WWE but I watch TNA sometimes to see Jeff Hardy.

This is my first post on this forum and I feel like such a downer.. well, at least Neville is a really fun to watch new talent!
This was my first post and it's funny how everyone I mentioned is now in AEW.

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #832 on: April 03, 2022, 12:34:06 am »
Stone Cold Steve Austin just had his first match in 19 years and it was amazing.

Cody Rhodes is back in WWE.

Somehow what seemed like a skippable night of WrestleMania actually delivered. Night two will be even better.

Re: Wrestling Thread!
« Reply #833 on: April 03, 2022, 01:18:28 am »
Decided to watch it, because I was a little bored, even though I haven't watched WWE in quite awhile.  Really underwhelming as a product for awhile now, especially with a lot of the people that left, and while I haven't really gone to watch AEW, which seems way cooler these days, that first night of Wrestlemania wasn't bad.

Uso's vs Nakamura/Boog was alright, I've long been a Nakamura fan, felt bad for Boog getting injured in that one spot.

Drew McIntyre vs Corbin was eh, I'm okay with McInteyre, he's a solid enough big man, but I've never liked Corbin much and his gimmick is just weird.

Rey vs Miz with others was fine, I only half watched it, Logan seemed to do fine, but I could care less about the guy.

Bianca vs Becky was pretty solid, great build, crowd was super into it, nice to see Bianca get the belt back after one of those awful and lame quick championship flips they love to do that are really annoying and almost always very unsatisfying.

Cody vs Seth was another solid one, it's definitely interesting to see Cody return and get to be himself without being saddling with the Stardust gimmick, which I thought was kinda fun at the time, but this definitely feels like something he has way more control with, so hopefully it's a good run for him.

Charlotte vs Rousey I barely watched, don't care too much for either.

And KO/Austin was not bad at all, it was obvious what was gonna happen, but they went fairly hard and Austin took a lot of bumps I didn't expect.  It's totally fine for just one more run for Austin in his home state.

Overall, the first night was totally fine, nothing crazy exciting and there's way less for me on Night 2.  Mostly just Brock and Roman which could be fine, and that's about it, maybe Edge vs Styles, the rest I'll pass on.