I haven't seriously watched wrestling in many years, mostly just clips and lately review show stuff from OSW reviews, but I went and watched Wrestling Kingdom 9, which is New Japan's event and holy crap is this is some good stuff. It's very different from the American wrestling going on, very much due to the cultural differences, where it seems like WWE fans are loud and noisy all the time, but in Japan, it's more of a buildup, the audience showing their respect for the guys until things start to really ramp up. Because of this, you get to hear some very nasty sounding hits and kicks and more in ring type of stuff.
Even what might be considered the worst in this show, seemed better than most stuff I've seen shown up over here in WWE. There's more focus on the actual wrestling and less of the badly acted bullshit soap opera stuff. Sure that kinda stuff can be kinda fun at times, but it doesn't matter if the wrestling matches suck and I don't really think it's been as good as the event and promo stuff of wrestling past from the late 80's into the 90's from the likes of Hogan, Savage, Jake the Snake, and others, but I am slightly biased since pre-2000 was more my era of wrestling lol
Here's some gifs from the show.
This match in particular was just awesome. This one really felt like it was playing up much more of the entertainment aspect, while still doing lots of great wrestling. The wrestler doing the pose and then knee to the face was mocking the guy who gets hit by using his style lol Lots of back and forth mockery that the crowd ate up.