Author Topic: Just a general Thank You!  (Read 1706 times)

Just a general Thank You!
« on: January 20, 2013, 02:51:48 am »
I just wanted to acknowledge how much I use and appreciate this site. Having said that, a huge Thank You goes out to Matt and Scott for keeping the site up to date, reliable, and most of's FREE!!! I think we could all do our part in clicking a few of the ads from time to time as every little bit can help. I know I'm not the only one, as I have several local buds that use it as well, and I for one use it almost daily if I'm out on the hunt for games, because I hate when I accidentally buy a double. It's saved me lots of time, lots of money, and it's just a great way to track a collection. My brother is highly involved in my collecting activities, so he knows a lot about vgcollect, and he is SOOO jealous that he doesn't have something similar to track his Hot Wheel collection.

Anyway, that turned into a mini rant, but I just want you guys to know you're greatly appreciated!

Forever Thankful,



PRO Supporter

Re: Just a general Thank You!
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2013, 10:21:09 am »
I can get behind/second this sentiment & appreciation of this site!

I feel the same way...and, on top of that...the very nature of the site where we all can involve ourselves & contribute to the site's growth & success (even/every little bit at a time:) -I think- nicely does the job of giving us more of a sense-of-community...and, a more...*vested*-interest, if you will; in feeling part of the site...for better or worse...maybe I just haven't been 'round the Net that much to see enough 'other' places -BUT-, for me - this makes it kind of unique, and as such, makes it stand out to me more than the other/typical "Generic" / "Vanilla" "dime-a-dozen" sites that I've seen & wasted time at in the past :P
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: Just a general Thank You!
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2013, 10:41:01 am »
I'll add in a general thank you to everyone on the site. It really is a group effort to help the site grow and increase the games in the database! Also if Matt and Scott were the only ones on the forum it would be pretty boring so thanks to everyone who posts. Thanks to all the mods for approving edits/cleaning the database/everything else you do!

But yeah thanks to Matt and Scott too :)


PRO Supporter

Re: Just a general Thank You!
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2013, 11:50:01 am »
Only been here a month or two, and I've got to agree! Great site with a great service and community, and it's amazing that it's all free!  :D


Re: Just a general Thank You!
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2013, 12:40:47 pm »
A friend the other day linked me to his Backloggery page the other day, and I said I couldn't do anything with that site when I first joined and really like VGC.  He said I should look at Backloggery again, and it took maybe 30 seconds after I logged in when I thought, "Oh, this is why I don't like this site.  I have to type in the name for each and every title I want to 'track,' which removes the feature of being able to compare your backlog with your friend's in an efficient manner."

If one person on the site has already typed in the words "Call of Duty: Black Ops," why should thousands of others have to do it themselves?

Thanks for everything, admins, mods, and VGC contributors!  I've been here for a year and a half, and the members are great, the forums are active, and it's growing at a great pace.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


Re: Just a general Thank You!
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2013, 01:58:08 pm »
If one person on the site has already typed in the words "Call of Duty: Black Ops," why should thousands of others have to do it themselves?
I have never used the site but having to type in every single game I own is just insanity!


Re: Just a general Thank You!
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2013, 02:46:36 pm »
Awww, thanks guys. And on our Birthday too.  ;D

I'm super appreciative of all the work you guys do in helping populate the site, joining in conversations and sharing collecting/ everyday life stories, etc.  Without you all it would just be a little listing site for tracking Matt and my own collections (which is what it began as), and we wouldn't have nearly as much stuff listed as we do, let alone as many entries with complete info on them.

Thank You!

Also if Matt and Scott were the only ones on the forum it would be pretty boring so thanks to everyone who posts.

Ha, if it was just me and Matt posting, I'd be talking to myself 90% of the time.  ;)
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

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Re: Just a general Thank You!
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2013, 07:00:18 pm »
I have to say thanks as well. I searched for a place like this for a while. I found some similar things for the UK community. But the North American retro collecting groups seemed to stick to themselves a lot more. But this site is exactly what I was looking for.

Gaming has always been a communal hobby. All of my favorite memories has been gaming with my friends. It's nice to have this community extension as I get older and get into more niche activities such as retro collecting.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


Re: Just a general Thank You!
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2013, 08:58:30 pm »
Thanks for this great site!  This site has quickly become my most visited site and the forum community here is awesome!
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)


Re: Just a general Thank You!
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2013, 10:09:09 pm »
Thanks for this great site!  This site has quickly become my most visited site and the forum community here is awesome!
I'll take credit for this ;D

Re: Just a general Thank You!
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2013, 04:35:15 pm »
I just wanted to acknowledge how much I use and appreciate this site. Having said that, a huge Thank You goes out to Matt and Scott for keeping the site up to date, reliable, and most of's FREE!!! I think we could all do our part in clicking a few of the ads from time to time as every little bit can help. I know I'm not the only one, as I have several local buds that use it as well, and I for one use it almost daily if I'm out on the hunt for games, because I hate when I accidentally buy a double. It's saved me lots of time, lots of money, and it's just a great way to track a collection. My brother is highly involved in my collecting activities, so he knows a lot about vgcollect, and he is SOOO jealous that he doesn't have something similar to track his Hot Wheel collection.

Anyway, that turned into a mini rant, but I just want you guys to know you're greatly appreciated!

Forever Thankful,


Funny story - I actually have a good friend named Brett, who is big into Hot Wheels collecting. He's actually talked to me about cloning the guys of VGC and giving him a blank slate for a Hot Wheels site. Not a bad idea but I know I'd just get roped into countless updates and changes for something I have zero to no interest in.

Everyone else - thanks again for the kind works. Scott and I really just put out the tools and it is all of you who make it a community.