Author Topic: Matt's ToDo List  (Read 24763 times)


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Re: Matt's ToDo List
« Reply #45 on: October 02, 2012, 03:40:01 pm »
I concur on the love from disgaeniac!
*SPREAD-THE-LOVE*, I say, I say!!!
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: Matt's ToDo List
« Reply #46 on: October 02, 2012, 08:36:41 pm »
Well Disgaeniac,

Thanks to that post, I am going to try to be around a lot more often that I have been in the last few weeks. I've been busy with other things and sorely lacking in my attention to the site. But the amount of kind words in your post has made me realize how much I've neglected my duties over here and from now on I'll be making sure to keep up on everything I need to be.... right after...
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Re: Matt's ToDo List
« Reply #47 on: October 02, 2012, 09:01:06 pm »
aww guys are making me blush!

One of my main goals when creating this site was to keep is community focused so I am glad that it is working! I try to be as transparent as possible with a goings-ons whether it be a new feature or a decision, I rely on you all to help guide us.

I've had a CRAZY busy summer and haven't been giving the site as much attention as I'd like. Now that autumn has arrived, you can expect a lot of movement during the cold months.

As far as the server switch, at first you won't notice much. We'll most likely have some scheduled downtime within the next few weeks. This won't be anything major and hopefully most users won't even notice. We've basically outgrown our existing hosting in many ways. We are now switching over to a virtual private server, that is unmanaged so I can do whatever I want with it. The first major update will most likely be an overhaul to the search engine. We are limited on this server since it is shared. The new server will instantly give us 100% freedom.

The next major update is mostly behind the scenes. I'm in the process of porting the code over to a PHP framework. Everything we are running now is custom with very little structure. Porting things over to this framework will allow us to have much cleaner code on the backend as well as speed up development for future add ons.

Man...I've got so much planned haha.

Thanks again for the kind words. I'm even more thankful for all of you who actually put work into making this a community. We couldn't do this without you!


Re: Matt's ToDo List
« Reply #48 on: October 03, 2012, 01:59:00 pm »
Well Disgaeniac,

Thanks to that post, I am going to try to be around a lot more often that I have been in the last few weeks. I've been busy with other things and sorely lacking in my attention to the site. But the amount of kind words in your post has made me realize how much I've neglected my duties over here and from now on I'll be making sure to keep up on everything I need to be.... right after...

I've been slacking a bit in my duties as well (especially cleaning up duplicates).  I've had a lot of stuff to deal with in my personal life lately.  I'll try and be around a lot more too.
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Re: Matt's ToDo List
« Reply #49 on: October 04, 2012, 04:31:19 am »
I agree with disgaeniac, I am not here for long but I noticed that you guys really care for your members.

Thanks for making all this possible and keep up the good work!


Re: Matt's ToDo List
« Reply #50 on: March 18, 2013, 07:33:27 pm »
Submission badges would be cool. I wondered why I get a badge for an edit but not a submission.


Re: Matt's ToDo List
« Reply #51 on: March 18, 2013, 09:15:13 pm »
Submission badges would be cool. I wondered why I get a badge for an edit but not a submission.

Could submission badges incentivize bad submissions? I say this only because there are a lot of random hacked games and duplicate listings as is.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


Re: Matt's ToDo List
« Reply #52 on: March 18, 2013, 09:32:00 pm »
Not sure.

Do duped item submissions get deducted from a person's total submissions when they're merged?

Re: Matt's ToDo List
« Reply #53 on: March 19, 2013, 01:08:08 pm »
Not sure.

Do duped item submissions get deducted from a person's total submissions when they're merged?

At this time they do not but this is something we'll fix when we launch the new site. I'll run some queries to audit all the totals and update all accounts.

Re: Matt's ToDo List
« Reply #54 on: March 19, 2013, 04:39:58 pm »
Will the new site give us developers some fun or is that a future todo after the new site has been stable for a while? There's so many ideas and implementations that I think a lot of users could benefit from. If you had some sort of "plugin" feature where users could pick and choose what features to add then you could keep the basics simple. Would be pretty easy to implement, let me know if you need help with that.


Re: Matt's ToDo List
« Reply #55 on: March 19, 2013, 07:59:05 pm »
I'm actually surprised that submissions are blindly allowed. Oh the other collection site I use, while it lets you add a submitted item into the collection, the submission must be approved by a moderator before it actually counts.


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Re: Matt's ToDo List
« Reply #56 on: March 19, 2013, 09:06:05 pm »
Having been on various sites that are 100% moderated, it's rare for it to work well unless there are a large number of active moderators, and even then, there's no guarantee. The trade off is usually that only one or two moderators really keep on top of things, who then place their own style preferences over any written guidelines, and in most cases, things wind up perpetually backlogged, and the site falls into an outdated mess.

DVD Spot (which is sadly gone) and Film Aficionado are the only sites where things have worked out OK, but on the same token, it seems like a lot of people are less inclined to contribute because the requirements for adding something are a bit laborious. Others, like RPGGeek, are an absolute mess - I've had some stuff pending waiting to be approved/denied for probably a year, and I eventually just gave up.

I think it's one of those "go that route only if you have to" sort of things, and personally, prefer the open, collaborative approach. Apart from the duplicates and occasional typo, we've got a pretty good community of submitters, and tend to police ourselves rather well, imo.


Re: Matt's ToDo List
« Reply #57 on: March 20, 2013, 02:13:35 am »
I'm only familiar with two VGM sites for this sort of thing - Chudah's Corner and VGMdb. Chudah's site only allowed submissions from a very small group of select trusted people while VGMdb pretty much allows anyone to add anything; while CC's approach is more "watertight" in real terms it mean the site was missing out on a *lot* of titles and it wouldn't accept submissions from people who had them. VGMdb's collaborative effort means that not only is everyone adding titles but everyone can help edit mistakes or add further info (scans, artist info, etc) too.

As far as VGCollect goes... I think the submission form needs to be reworked - there's a lot of scrolling, both to find the "Submit Item" button and when going through the "Type"/"Genre", etc options and there's no "submit similar item" if you're working through a NES/Saturn/PC collection or whatever . Easier submissions means more submissions! Also rather than having edits require approval (which is rather odd when new submissions do not) if possible have the system create a log of all edits, meaning that any false corrections can be rolled back by a member of staff if they need to be.


Re: Matt's ToDo List
« Reply #58 on: March 20, 2013, 07:39:30 am »
Having dealt with endless bureaucratic BS at MobyGames, I'm happy I don't have to wait weeks and weeks (or even several years) to have one single correction approved. So that's one advantage.

But some people really shouldn't be allowed to add items right away... this is how we keep getting tons of duped Pokemon games.


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Re: Matt's ToDo List
« Reply #59 on: March 20, 2013, 12:15:19 pm »
Apart from the duplicates and occasional typo, we've got a pretty good community of submitters, and tend to police ourselves rather well, imo.

I agree with this,

As far as VGCollect goes... I think the submission form needs to be reworked - there's a lot of scrolling, both to find the "Submit Item" button and when going through the "Type"/"Genre", etc options and there's no "submit similar item" if you're working through a NES/Saturn/PC collection or whatever . Easier submissions means more submissions! Also rather than having edits require approval (which is rather odd when new submissions do not) if possible have the system create a log of all edits, meaning that any false corrections can be rolled back by a member of staff if they need to be.

and this, and even

Having dealt with endless bureaucratic BS at MobyGames, I'm happy I don't have to wait weeks and weeks (or even several years) to have one single correction approved. So that's one advantage.

But some people really shouldn't be allowed to add items right away...

ALL of this...but...determining, singling-out, and making public/drawing attention to who these "some people" are, I think...well...that there would just not be any nice, easy, and/or polite ways to do this...
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"