Author Topic: Revival....  (Read 3063 times)


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« on: August 21, 2013, 02:04:09 am »
If you could revive or fix a game series to your own desires, what would they be~?  What changes would you make~?  I am going to list my top five here....  I would like others to do the same, because I always get excited thinking about what could be and like to get incite from others on what made the greats so great~!

Suikoden - Konami has treated this series like a red headed step child of late....  With laughable off shoots that don't even take place in the same world and titles that don't even cross the ocean at all, one of the greatest RPG series of all time has had abhorrent treatment in the states....  The worst past is that very little innovation is really needed....  The first few entries were (Blue) lightning in a bottle with their unique blend of mechanics and rich, deep story....  To be honest I would like a current gen home console entry where I would not recommend anything for them to better, but rather just not make any mistakes....

Destrega - An interesting experiment by Koei on the PS1; Destrega was fast paced 3D fighting game that felt more like glorified rock, paper, scissors at times....  With a high angled top down camera, the game plays reminiscent of Power Stone and DBZ....  Though unrefined, the game showed a lot of promise if you ignored atrocious voice acting and story....  It really shined in versus matches though....  This game would need some major overhaul this day and age, but I would quite literally squeal if I found out Koei had a Destrega pet project for the PS4....  I wouldn't be disappointed if all of the original story concepts were scrapped and re-envisioned from scratch, but this game could quite literally be confused for an alpha version of Power Stone or Tenkaichi and that is not a bad thing at all....

Tenchu - An oft over looked member of the stealth genre family, Tenchu was doing things VERY right straight from the get go....  The first few titles were incredibly well designed in gameplay mechanics, story, and execution....  Though A.I. was not revolutionary in the early days, the level design ramped up to combat predictability over the course of the games to prevent the same tactics on enemies further into the games....  The series fell apart once it hit current gen systems though, when the Xbox 360 game was simply a mess and the Wii one tried too hard to venture a different style....  The worst part of this series is the fact that it's best entries never even got state side releases....  On the PS1 there was a best levels compilation with 100 stages made by fans and voted onto the collection, and the first PSP title managed to gather all the greatest elements of each title and combine them into one....  I would like a future title in this series to start where Tenchu: Time of the Assassins left off and keep an eye on where the Shinobido series went to use as a guide for a next gen home console release....

Bushido Blade - There are many different types of fighting games, but how many of them involve 1 hit kills~?  Now how many of those use 1 hit kills as the core gameplay mechanic~?  Bushido Blade was a fantastic game that was a balance of spastic flurries of attacking and long uneasy moments of feints and backsteps....  The matches could last less than 4 seconds or for over 5 minutes....  This game knew exactly how to hold the mood and make a fight intense....  Sometimes there was no music at all....  All the audio you could hear would be feint footsteps in the dirt and steel being drawn from a sheath, and it was perfect....  The mechanics were very solid and would need little updating....  A sequel would require little other than a roster update, new story elements, and a graphical overhaul....  I could die a happy man in 1 strike....

Metroidvania - This one is kind of cheating....  Neither Metroid nor Castlevania are necessarily dead by any means, and their forays haven't necessarily been terrible either....  I know that I am not alone in wanting more Super Metroid and more Symphony of the Night though....  I don't need more Prime or more Lords of Shadow....  Other M was a joke and the Prime games (while good) do not satisfy that craving....  Konami has had much more success, but similarly their home console outings in recent generations do little to satisfy the old school style gameplay crave....  I was quite content with the GBA and DS titles, but Mirror of Fate has me frightened....  I have a sense of dread that the old ways are gone....  The funny thing is that I have no specific requests on improvement at all....  I feel that they are simply trying to make "different" kinds of games....  I believe if they set the older style gameplay as a goal, I would be happy with anything that was produced....


Re: Revival....
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2013, 02:10:52 am »
I want to see the Q*Bert series revived.  I feel bad for him!

Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)


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Re: Revival....
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2013, 02:14:45 am »
I want to see the Q*Bert series revived.  I feel bad for him!

A new Q*Bert game should use a first person camera view on the Occulus Rift....  I think that would be crazy, but super fun....


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Re: Revival....
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2013, 02:15:23 am »
I want 2 things, and I've wanted them for a long time:

1. A new King's Field game. AND NO! A new Demon's Soul or Dark Souls game does not count.

2. A much deserved sequel to the masterpiece that is Crystalis. It was freaking better than Legend of Zelda! And it never got a sequel!


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Re: Revival....
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2013, 02:18:43 am »
I want 2 things, and I've wanted them for a long time:

1. A new King's Field game. AND NO! A new Demon's Soul or Dark Souls game does not count.

2. A much deserved sequel to the masterpiece that is Crystalis. It was freaking better than Legend of Zelda! And it never got a sequel!

Crystalis WAS great~!  But I never tried any of the King's Field games....  How are they similar to D.Souls~?  I know I have 1 and 2 at the store....  They have never caught my eye before though....


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Re: Revival....
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2013, 02:26:31 am »
I want 2 things, and I've wanted them for a long time:

1. A new King's Field game. AND NO! A new Demon's Soul or Dark Souls game does not count.

2. A much deserved sequel to the masterpiece that is Crystalis. It was freaking better than Legend of Zelda! And it never got a sequel!

Crystalis WAS great~!  But I never tried any of the King's Field games....  How are they similar to D.Souls~?  I know I have 1 and 2 at the store....  They have never caught my eye before though....

It's one of those games that people either love it or hate it. It's a first-person view action-RPG in an open-world consisting of basically interconnecting dungeons, with very sprase NPCs. It has a high emphasis on exploration, and on figuring out where to go on you're own. You won't have tutorial pop-ups or a "Navi" type character. And the combat has a steep learning curve. But it is also very atmospheric, very rewarding, has a great ambient soundtrack, and it's addicting once you get a feel for the game.

And the graphics are VERY dated on the PS1 entries, since they were very early PS1 games and were pretty ambitious considering.


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Re: Revival....
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2013, 08:54:37 am »
A new King's Field game.

Which King's Field games have you played & liked the best?

iirc, there were -what- 2 (NA) releases on the PS1, 1 (NA) release ("The Lost City"; I think) for the PS2, and, another one or two that were JP-only?

Also, have you played the PS1 game Shadow Tower?

It seems like (from talking to friends of mine that have played both KF games & ST)...that they are similar in gameply & styles.
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: Revival....
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2013, 09:39:25 am »
Thanks for bringing Destrega to my attention! I'm a huge Power Stone fan so I'll have to check this out at some point. I definitely agree with Suikoden, Bushido Blade, and Tenchu!

Crystalis is another great addition! You guys all took my ideas so I have nothing to contribute lol.
Currently Playing: The Witcher


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Re: Revival....
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2013, 10:44:27 am »
Needs to return to it's 2D roots on home consoles.  Symphony of the Night is a masterpiece, but following it they split the series into ho-hum 3D games on consoles and the true Castlevania games on handhelds.  I prefer to play on my TV, so it's been really sad to see this beloved series struggle.

Resident Evil
Needs to be rebooted.  Every game becomes less survival horror and more Gears of War.  I adored RE4, but the series seems to have lost its way.

It needs to become an MMO.  Desperately.  Introduce equipment for your Pokemon that boost their base stats or give them special abilities/resistances/etc. so you have some variety and unpredictability in combat.

And the unexected:

Mach Rider
Nintendo has a great opportunity to create a new franchise from this dusty, forgotten game and give them an interesting, relatively mature new game.  Re-envision it as a PG-13 version of Mad Max/Fallout and it could be an interesting reboot.

Re: Revival....
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2013, 11:44:21 am »
Road Rash - better handling bikes and graphics as well as a cool combat system would be a success
Skitchin - i loved this game.
Micro Machines - one of the best racing and party games out there
Speed Freaks (Speed Punks in NA) - a fast kart racer that gave mario kart a run for its money in my eyes
Earthworm Jim - why was a 3rd never made
Ren and Stimpy - sick humor appeals to the masses
GitarooMan - this game was amazing.
Cannon Fodder - point and click army game

i will try to think of some more

didnt say these as they are getting remade
starwars battle front (dice)
timesplitters (fans are remaking this called timesplitters rewind)
« Last Edit: August 21, 2013, 12:27:00 pm by stethebubble »


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Re: Revival....
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2013, 02:57:07 pm »
A new King's Field game.

Which King's Field games have you played & liked the best?

iirc, there were -what- 2 (NA) releases on the PS1, 1 (NA) release ("The Lost City"; I think) for the PS2, and, another one or two that were JP-only?

Also, have you played the PS1 game Shadow Tower?

It seems like (from talking to friends of mine that have played both KF games & ST)...that they are similar in gameply & styles.

I have played all 4. The original Japanese one via a remake on PC and made into English. I loved them all.

As for Shadow Tower, yes, I've played it. And it's impossibly hard. King's Field games already have a challenging learning curve. But Shadow Tower doesn't give an inch and gets into the "it's so hard it's punishing" category, which makes it no fun.

I've heard the PS2 Shadow Tower games is much better, and closer to the KF games, but it's a Japanese exclusive and I don't have a Japanese PS2.


Re: Revival....
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2013, 04:29:26 pm »
There are some great suggestions in here, and I wholeheartedly agree with 2D Metroid and 2D Castlevania. One particular thing I'd like to see is the return of light gun games. I know the tech isn't the same anymore, but you know what I mean. Who wouldn't like to see an updated and expanded Duck Hunt, or Hogan's Alley?  I had hoped that Nintendo would have revisited these when they came out with the Wii Zapper, but it seems like they quickly forgot it existed.
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Re: Revival....
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2013, 06:05:43 pm »
Cannon Fodder - point and click army game

Good call!  That game was simple, but so awesome!

Might I suggest Secret of Mana?  Seiken Densetsu?  Is that too obvious?  I really want more multiplayer RPGs, that aren't MMORPGS.


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Re: Revival....
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2013, 06:56:47 pm »
Cannon Fodder - point and click army game

Good call!  That game was simple, but so awesome!

Might I suggest Secret of Mana?  Seiken Densetsu?  Is that too obvious?  I really want more multiplayer RPGs, that aren't MMORPGS.

I love Seiken Densetsu~!  Legend of Mana was the last great one I think....  Definitely deserving of some new attention, and as far as Cannon Fodder is concerned; I heard something a while back about a new release in Russia of all places, but I can't remember much else for the life of me....


Re: Revival....
« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2013, 09:04:56 pm »
I could mention a ton of series that need to be revived, and I agree with very many of the ones named here (like starting to make good Castlevania games again), but I'll go with just one for now... StarTropics.

I think I put all my praise before in the previous VGconnect thing, but the first was a fantastic design and I know they can do something interesting with what already exists for a really solid revival, without copying the original design (it just wouldn't work now). There were rumors of Retro Studios working on that, but that didn't work out sadly.

... Okay, and Star Fox... Just ****ing do it Nintendo... and get Platinum Games to do it.