Author Topic: What are your 2014 game collecting goals?  (Read 6409 times)


Re: What are your 2014 game collecting goals?
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2014, 01:27:28 pm »
Marked off the goals of mine on the 2013 thread.

2014 goals

1. Buy more Atlus games
2. Hit 100 PS2 games and work on thinning down my wishlist for it.
3. Rebuy the rest of my missing games (traded off/ sold ones that need replacement)
4 Buy a NES top loader.
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

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Re: What are your 2014 game collecting goals?
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2014, 07:02:20 pm »
My collection goals from last year were stupid and vague. It was stuff like "flesh out my 360 collection". This is the equivalent of a new year resolution of "smile more". But damn it, that's how I work. Last year I focused on Xbox, Xbox 360, and Game Gear. I did really well. I have about half of the Game Gear games and expanded my Microsoft collection greatly.

2014 main focus areas
Sega 16-bit (Genesis, 32X, CD)

Secondary areas
Dreamcast (hit the big titles)
Master System/Game Gear (continue inching toward that complete set)

Get em as I see/want them
Sega Saturn and XBox defining games.

I don't have any real defined goals. This is due to my collection already being fairly focused. It is defined by "an @$$load of Sega and XBox". That is my goal.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


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Re: What are your 2014 game collecting goals?
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2014, 07:18:55 pm »
Last year:
main goal: to find a Sega CD model 1 so it doesn't look like a tumor on my genesis got a model 2 with a 32X Close enough

other than that my only real goals are to increase certain collections like my saturn & Wii U,started with 3 each, in the end, Saturn:13 Wii U: 18 so I say that goal reached
 and also to knock off a few of my most wanted games like Fire Emblem, legacy of kain: Blood Omen, & Arc Rise Fantasia.Actually got the 3 I named and so Many more


Re: What are your 2014 game collecting goals?
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2014, 08:24:55 pm »
last year i wanted to get every thing on my wish list but instead it got bigger


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Re: What are your 2014 game collecting goals?
« Reply #19 on: January 02, 2014, 08:29:12 pm »
last year i wanted to get every thing on my wish list but instead it got bigger

You win the thread, lol. So true.


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Re: What are your 2014 game collecting goals?
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2014, 08:38:47 pm »
My early 2014 goal would be to get the Star Wars edition of the Xbox 360 new if possible.  Only 2 gamestops in my area are the only one's who still have them available but they are 400 dollars so I'm slowly saving and I hope that when I save up enough, one is still available.

Re: What are your 2014 game collecting goals?
« Reply #21 on: January 03, 2014, 12:32:56 am »
Last Year:
First and foremost: ORGANIZATION!  Hate that it is all just in boxes.   Nope, still in boxes.

Fun stuff:
Working SegaCD Nope
More NES carts, common or otherwise. Yes, this I actually did
At least one CIB for the systems I currently own Not really, but added a few to NES, N64, Gen
A longbox or two for PS1, those are neat.Nope.
The new neo geo :) Nope.

So, I didn't do that well with 2013's goals.

-I'd still like to organize, but it will have to wait until we have less people in our house, and more room for displaying things.
-I'd like to make a MUST have list to give me something to strive for in various systems.  I feel like I'm rarely buying, even on decent deals, and then buying things that I'm sort of "meh" about.  Focus...
-Get my mame cabinet up and running


Re: What are your 2014 game collecting goals?
« Reply #22 on: January 03, 2014, 12:48:39 am »
Pretty much the same year after year for me.
Still collecting more wrestling games and more from my childhood. Still wouldn't mind getting a TG16/Turbo Duo and a Virtual Boy.


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Re: What are your 2014 game collecting goals?
« Reply #23 on: January 03, 2014, 01:00:09 am »
    • Finish off my Vectrex collection.  Made it to within 7.
    • Finish off my SMS collection (a long shot but do-able if the funds are available)  Only missing Knockout Boxing.
    • Finish off my 32x collection (again, pending availability of allocated funds)  Made it to within 11.
    • Fix the majority of my broken arcade machines  This totally didn't happen. Ended up back where I started.
    • Finish the conversion of one side of the garage into a proper arcade  Got the machines arranged but had to use the space to store my audio/video/lighting equipment.

    • Pick up James Buster Douglas Knockout Boxing for SMS   Completed
    • Pick up a Master Gear converter
    • Finish off my Virtual Boy collection   Completed
    • Pick up a Magnavox Odyssey
    • Pick up a SNES model 2
    • Pick up a NES toploader
    • Pick up a Jaguar CD
    • Flesh out the Dreamcast collection (a little over 1/5 of the way done)
    • Build two more pinball coffee tables
    • Move my audio/video/lighting equipment out of the arcade and finish decorating/painting/lighting, etc
    « Last Edit: January 17, 2014, 08:10:53 pm by dstone »


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    Re: What are your 2014 game collecting goals?
    « Reply #24 on: January 03, 2014, 02:05:18 am »
    As for my 2014 goals, my 2013 goals still apply as I haven't finished them yet.  Some new goals are expanding my Sega Genesis collection and finishing my backlog remains imperative.  Good luck with your individual goals, everyone!  I've been reading some of the goals posted and I was...   :o

    Please check out the games I have for sale.


    Re: What are your 2014 game collecting goals?
    « Reply #25 on: January 03, 2014, 06:46:22 pm »
    My collection goals from last year were stupid and vague. It was stuff like "flesh out my 360 collection". This is the equivalent of a new year resolution of "smile more". But damn it, that's how I work. Last year I focused on Xbox, Xbox 360, and Game Gear. I did really well. I have about half of the Game Gear games and expanded my Microsoft collection greatly.

    2014 main focus areas
    Sega 16-bit (Genesis, 32X, CD)

    Secondary areas
    Dreamcast (hit the big titles)
    Master System/Game Gear (continue inching toward that complete set)

    Get em as I see/want them
    Sega Saturn and XBox defining games.

    I don't have any real defined goals. This is due to my collection already being fairly focused. It is defined by "an @$$load of Sega and XBox". That is my goal.

    I forgot to add that I want to focus on obtaining some accessories. This year it is going to be all about arcade sticks. And I don't want one per system. I want four player Gauntlet Legends, baby!
    UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


    Re: What are your 2014 game collecting goals?
    « Reply #26 on: January 03, 2014, 09:27:28 pm »
    I have a pretty busy year planned ahead of my and I'm sure it's gonna be chaotic.

    1. Store my games better (Ordered some 50 odd case protectors)
    2. Keep up with new Final Fantasy Releases

    It's not a goal to have the biggest collection or anything but I think it's realistic considering all the moving I'm going to be doing this year.


    Re: What are your 2014 game collecting goals?
    « Reply #27 on: January 03, 2014, 09:45:37 pm »
    My collection goals from last year were stupid and vague. It was stuff like "flesh out my 360 collection". This is the equivalent of a new year resolution of "smile more". But damn it, that's how I work. Last year I focused on Xbox, Xbox 360, and Game Gear. I did really well. I have about half of the Game Gear games and expanded my Microsoft collection greatly.

    2014 main focus areas
    Sega 16-bit (Genesis, 32X, CD)

    Secondary areas
    Dreamcast (hit the big titles)
    Master System/Game Gear (continue inching toward that complete set)

    Get em as I see/want them
    Sega Saturn and XBox defining games.

    I don't have any real defined goals. This is due to my collection already being fairly focused. It is defined by "an @$$load of Sega and XBox". That is my goal.

    I forgot to add that I want to focus on obtaining some accessories. This year it is going to be all about arcade sticks. And I don't want one per system. I want four player Gauntlet Legends, baby!
    I know what you mean! I'm really eyeing up some Dreamcast arcade sticks, but man it seems they're expensive. Most seem to be the japanese version too. I don't think that'd matter though?

    P.S. I watched your youtube channel over the last couple days. I've enjoyed it! Keep it up :D.
    Currently Playing: The Witcher


    Re: What are your 2014 game collecting goals?
    « Reply #28 on: January 03, 2014, 09:54:30 pm »
    My collection goals from last year were stupid and vague. It was stuff like "flesh out my 360 collection". This is the equivalent of a new year resolution of "smile more". But damn it, that's how I work. Last year I focused on Xbox, Xbox 360, and Game Gear. I did really well. I have about half of the Game Gear games and expanded my Microsoft collection greatly.

    2014 main focus areas
    Sega 16-bit (Genesis, 32X, CD)

    Secondary areas
    Dreamcast (hit the big titles)
    Master System/Game Gear (continue inching toward that complete set)

    Get em as I see/want them
    Sega Saturn and XBox defining games.

    I don't have any real defined goals. This is due to my collection already being fairly focused. It is defined by "an @$$load of Sega and XBox". That is my goal.

    I forgot to add that I want to focus on obtaining some accessories. This year it is going to be all about arcade sticks. And I don't want one per system. I want four player Gauntlet Legends, baby!
    I know what you mean! I'm really eyeing up some Dreamcast arcade sticks, but man it seems they're expensive. Most seem to be the japanese version too. I don't think that'd matter though?

    P.S. I watched your youtube channel over the last couple days. I've enjoyed it! Keep it up :D.

    Yeah, they are expensive. That's why I'm giving myself a year.

    Thanks man! I plan on spending tomorrow making some videos. A new SG Awesome and something new if I have time.
    UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


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    Re: What are your 2014 game collecting goals?
    « Reply #29 on: January 03, 2014, 10:31:52 pm »
    My collection goals from last year were stupid and vague. It was stuff like "flesh out my 360 collection". This is the equivalent of a new year resolution of "smile more". But damn it, that's how I work. Last year I focused on Xbox, Xbox 360, and Game Gear. I did really well. I have about half of the Game Gear games and expanded my Microsoft collection greatly.

    2014 main focus areas
    Sega 16-bit (Genesis, 32X, CD)

    Secondary areas
    Dreamcast (hit the big titles)
    Master System/Game Gear (continue inching toward that complete set)

    Get em as I see/want them
    Sega Saturn and XBox defining games.

    I don't have any real defined goals. This is due to my collection already being fairly focused. It is defined by "an @$$load of Sega and XBox". That is my goal.

    I forgot to add that I want to focus on obtaining some accessories. This year it is going to be all about arcade sticks. And I don't want one per system. I want four player Gauntlet Legends, baby!
    I know what you mean! I'm really eyeing up some Dreamcast arcade sticks, but man it seems they're expensive. Most seem to be the japanese version too. I don't think that'd matter though?

    P.S. I watched your youtube channel over the last couple days. I've enjoyed it! Keep it up :D.

    Thanks man! I plan on spending tomorrow making some videos. A new SG Awesome and something new if I have time.

    Let's hope so!!!     You're fans have been waiting  :)