99 PS2 games!
You got 99 games but a Barbie ain't one!
Funny thing, I almost picked up Barbie Horse Adventures on the PS2 today.
Instead, I bought this:

StarFox Assault was $2.50. The game is in good shape, except for the back artwork - this was found in a box with several PS2, Gamecube, Xbox and PS1 games that were mostly complete, but had one or two holes through the back of the case and artwork, which leads me to believe they were all promo games (or someone really hated the cases, I dunno.) There were several games I wanted in the lot, but some had scratched discs or were missing the manual. I only picked up this one for a reason that I'll mention in the "General" topic later.
The CD is the soundtrack for The Vortex: Quantum Gate II, one of those mid 90s FMV "games". I've seen this a few times over the years but I never knew it was a game soundtrack until last year, when I stumbled upon the game itself. It's a promo copy (there's a sticker over the UPC in the case) but it's the same as the normal release. I know this may probably be the one of the first FMV game soundtracks published in the US. It's certainly made me curious about the game itself...