Author Topic: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?  (Read 18209 times)


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Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #45 on: April 17, 2014, 02:37:04 pm »
****The following statement is my own personal opinion ... do not be offended if I left off that title that you think is the most amazing thing since Brittany Murphy****

These are the games I find worth actually owning on the NES (value of game does not compute when worth owning is being discussed):
1943, Athena, Battle of Olympus, Blaster master, Castlevania II, Chubby cherub, Clash at Demonhead, Contra, Destiny of an Emperor, Dragon warrior I-IV, Faria, Flying Dragon, Gargoyle's quest, Gauntlet, Goonies, Guardian Legend, Karnov, Kid Icarus, Kid Niki, Legend of Zelda, MUSCLE, Magic of Scheherazade, Mega man, Metroid, Mike Tyson's Punch out, Pac man, Power blade, Pro Wrestling, RC Pro-am, Rygar, Section Z, SMB 3, Tetris, Trojan, Ultima : Quest of the Avatar, Willow, and Wizards and Warriors.

Holy crap ... thats exactly 40 games. I did leave off a few titles I consider iffy. Final fantasy during its actual NES days was cool but with the "fixes" that occured on the GBA/PS1 version of the game, the NES version is very limited now and unplayable since. Swords and serpents is something I did enjoy when I first played but now its just not really enjoyable with its lack of almost anything visible.

Dude, that's a strange 40 games.  I guess that's why they made so many.  Something for everyone. 

If you get sick of hoarding the other 650+ games you have, I'll happily come pick them up.  ;)


Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #46 on: April 17, 2014, 02:42:35 pm »
Thats what I say about the PS1/PS2 ... I dont care how picky you are on games, with a potential combined library of over 4000 games, there is no way you cant find "something" you wouldnt play.


Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #47 on: April 17, 2014, 02:58:44 pm »
It's not saying much, i'm not complaining but it's kept the avgn in business. You would be hard pressed to find 40 games you would play. The NES is definitely the worst offender when it comes to crap games. I can't really think of that many great games that I would even play today other than contra, mega man, castlevania, kirby, little samson and metriod.

Don't get me wrong.  There is a pile of shit on the NES, but it's smaller than 95% of the pie.  You also can't call games that are just old "garbage".  There are bad games and then there are outdated games.  I don't think anyone can honestly say the Call of Duty or Halo games are bad games.  It may not be their type of game, but it's still a solid game.  In 25 years, the huge games of today will look awful and have zero lasting appeal.  Same goes for the NES.  The best games are still fun, but that just shows how good the gameplay is.  It can outlast time.

*If that didn't make sense: Only great games outlast technology.  Just because a game is shit now, doesn't mean it was shit when it was new.
Old doesn't mean bad I measure games on fun factor. I quite like the outdated games it captures the culture, and era of the time. I played sega master system, and I still love it played NES was bored out of my mind, sold it.


Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #48 on: April 17, 2014, 03:00:25 pm »
****The following statement is my own personal opinion ... do not be offended if I left off that title that you think is the most amazing thing since Brittany Murphy****

These are the games I find worth actually owning on the NES (value of game does not compute when worth owning is being discussed):
1943, Athena, Battle of Olympus, Blaster master, Castlevania II, Chubby cherub, Clash at Demonhead, Contra, Destiny of an Emperor, Dragon warrior I-IV, Faria, Flying Dragon, Gargoyle's quest, Gauntlet, Goonies, Guardian Legend, Karnov, Kid Icarus, Kid Niki, Legend of Zelda, MUSCLE, Magic of Scheherazade, Mega man, Metroid, Mike Tyson's Punch out, Pac man, Power blade, Pro Wrestling, RC Pro-am, Rygar, Section Z, SMB 3, Tetris, Trojan, Ultima : Quest of the Avatar, Willow, and Wizards and Warriors.

Holy crap ... thats exactly 40 games. I did leave off a few titles I consider iffy. Final fantasy during its actual NES days was cool but with the "fixes" that occured on the GBA/PS1 version of the game, the NES version is very limited now and unplayable since. Swords and serpents is something I did enjoy when I first played but now its just not really enjoyable with its lack of almost anything visible.

Obviously you are entitled to your opinion and I don't begrudge you that, I'm just curious as to why you think Castlevania 2 is good but 1 and 3 are shit? I know it's kinda cliche to give Castlevania 2 crap, but I really never could get into it nearly as much as 1 or 3.  Also, I'm not really an NES guy (my current collection excluding virtual console titles is a whopping 0) so I can't really speak on the other titles there or other ones you left off, I just found it strange that that one made the cut for you but not the others in the series.


Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #49 on: April 17, 2014, 03:04:39 pm »
Its cause he has a boner for RPG elements and Simon's Quest has them.  ;)
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Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #50 on: April 17, 2014, 03:11:21 pm »
Scott is mostly correct. I like RPGs more than any other genre. Castlevania is frustrating as hell otherwise!


Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #51 on: April 17, 2014, 03:16:21 pm »
****The following statement is my own personal opinion ... do not be offended if I left off that title that you think is the most amazing thing since Brittany Murphy****

These are the games I find worth actually owning on the NES (value of game does not compute when worth owning is being discussed):
1943, Athena, Battle of Olympus, Blaster master, Castlevania II, Chubby cherub, Clash at Demonhead, Contra, Destiny of an Emperor, Dragon warrior I-IV, Faria, Flying Dragon, , Gauntlet, Goonies, Guardian Legend, Karnov, Kid Icarus, Kid Niki, Legend of Zelda, MUSCLE, Magic of Scheherazade, Mega man, Metroid, Mike Tyson's Punch out, Pac man, Power blade, Pro Wrestling, RC Pro-am, Rygar, Section Z, SMB 3, Tetris, Trojan, Ultima : Quest of the Avatar, Willow, and Wizards and Warriors.

Holy crap ... thats exactly 40 games. I did leave off a few titles I consider iffy. Final fantasy during its actual NES days was cool but with the "fixes" that occured on the GBA/PS1 version of the game, the NES version is very limited now and unplayable since. Swords and serpents is something I did enjoy when I first played but now its just not really enjoyable with its lack of almost anything visible.
Final fantasy 1 was always overrated anyone who's played phantasy star on sms will know which is the superior game in every regard. Final fantasy on NES doesn't even beat the dragon warrior games.

-Gargoyle's quest superior version on snes.
-Ultima superior version of sms
-Pac man better versions elsewhere
-Gauntlet superior versions elsewhere
-Mike Tyson's Punch out snes better

You mentioned some pretty good obscure ones there surprized they even let some of them off the famicom through you mentioned some average even terrible ones as well. Wizards and Warriors god I hate that game so much.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2014, 03:23:52 pm by dreama1 »


Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #52 on: April 17, 2014, 03:17:00 pm »
Scott is mostly correct. I like RPGs more than any other genre. Castlevania is frustrating as hell otherwise!

Fair enough. I think if I were to make my own must-play nes list (which would be far smaller than yours just based on the fact that I've only played a handful of them anyway) I would only put the first on there for me. 3 is definitely incredibly frustrating and usually falls on the more-frustrating-than-fun side for me. But the first one, at least to me, just perfectly balances right on that line. It's challenging, and sometimes maddening, but I usually find that I'm frustrated in a way that makes me want to power through and beat it. Beating it the first time was definitely one of my greater personal gaming moments.


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Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #53 on: April 17, 2014, 03:39:33 pm »
My Master System Converter and quest for a working Sega CDX are irrational desires since I really don't have any "must have" games in my wish list for those systems.

Ill take that converter off your hands then! Ive been looking for one for months but the prices are absurd.

Really? Wow, I'm glad I bought mine when I did. They used to be dirt-freaking cheap. I got my Sega Power Base Converter for the Genesis for $25, and my Master Converter for Game Gear for $10.

I don't have an actual Master System, though, which I'd love to have because their handsome as fuck.

That's crazy! Might as well pay just a little more and get an actual Master System.


Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #54 on: April 17, 2014, 03:44:43 pm »
****The following statement is my own personal opinion ... do not be offended if I left off that title that you think is the most amazing thing since Brittany Murphy****

These are the games I find worth actually owning on the NES (value of game does not compute when worth owning is being discussed):
1943, Athena, Battle of Olympus, Blaster master, Castlevania II, Chubby cherub, Clash at Demonhead, Contra, Destiny of an Emperor, Dragon warrior I-IV, Faria, Flying Dragon, , Gauntlet, Goonies, Guardian Legend, Karnov, Kid Icarus, Kid Niki, Legend of Zelda, MUSCLE, Magic of Scheherazade, Mega man, Metroid, Mike Tyson's Punch out, Pac man, Power blade, Pro Wrestling, RC Pro-am, Rygar, Section Z, SMB 3, Tetris, Trojan, Ultima : Quest of the Avatar, Willow, and Wizards and Warriors.

Holy crap ... thats exactly 40 games. I did leave off a few titles I consider iffy. Final fantasy during its actual NES days was cool but with the "fixes" that occured on the GBA/PS1 version of the game, the NES version is very limited now and unplayable since. Swords and serpents is something I did enjoy when I first played but now its just not really enjoyable with its lack of almost anything visible.
Final fantasy 1 was always overrated anyone who's played phantasy star on sms will know which is the superior game in every regard. Final fantasy on NES doesn't even beat the dragon warrior games.

-Gargoyle's quest superior version on snes.
-Ultima superior version of sms
-Pac man better versions elsewhere
-Gauntlet superior versions elsewhere
-Mike Tyson's Punch out snes better

You mentioned some pretty good obscure ones there surprised they even let some of them off the famicom through you mentioned some average even terrible ones as well. Wizards and Warriors god I hate that game so much.

I only listed the NES games I considered worth owning. Comparing NES to SNES is simply unfair. I will definitely agree on Quest of the Avatar. Pac man and Gauntlet versions on NES are very comparable to any other system. And yes, Phantasy star is the best 8 bit RPG.


Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #55 on: April 17, 2014, 03:45:38 pm »
My Master System Converter and quest for a working Sega CDX are irrational desires since I really don't have any "must have" games in my wish list for those systems.

Ill take that converter off your hands then! Ive been looking for one for months but the prices are absurd.

Really? Wow, I'm glad I bought mine when I did. They used to be dirt-freaking cheap. I got my Sega Power Base Converter for the Genesis for $25, and my Master Converter for Game Gear for $10.

I don't have an actual Master System, though, which I'd love to have because their handsome as fuck.

That's crazy! Might as well pay just a little more and get an actual Master System.

My main reasoning for looking for a converter is cause it potentially is able to be used on Retron 5 when it comes out in 2020.


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Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #56 on: April 17, 2014, 03:47:53 pm »
My Master System Converter and quest for a working Sega CDX are irrational desires since I really don't have any "must have" games in my wish list for those systems.

Ill take that converter off your hands then! Ive been looking for one for months but the prices are absurd.

Really? Wow, I'm glad I bought mine when I did. They used to be dirt-freaking cheap. I got my Sega Power Base Converter for the Genesis for $25, and my Master Converter for Game Gear for $10.

I don't have an actual Master System, though, which I'd love to have because their handsome as fuck.

That's crazy! Might as well pay just a little more and get an actual Master System.

My main reasoning for looking for a converter is cause it potentially is able to be used on Retron 5 when it comes out in 2020.

Seems like a good reason. But I personally wouldn't go for a Retron. The sound is always off on those things.


Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #57 on: April 17, 2014, 03:57:07 pm »
I want to be able to play my games in my living room. The way my entertainment system is in my living room, there is no way for me to do so.


Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #58 on: April 17, 2014, 04:05:57 pm »
****The following statement is my own personal opinion ... do not be offended if I left off that title that you think is the most amazing thing since Brittany Murphy****

These are the games I find worth actually owning on the NES (value of game does not compute when worth owning is being discussed):
1943, Athena, Battle of Olympus, Blaster master, Castlevania II, Chubby cherub, Clash at Demonhead, Contra, Destiny of an Emperor, Dragon warrior I-IV, Faria, Flying Dragon, , Gauntlet, Goonies, Guardian Legend, Karnov, Kid Icarus, Kid Niki, Legend of Zelda, MUSCLE, Magic of Scheherazade, Mega man, Metroid, Mike Tyson's Punch out, Pac man, Power blade, Pro Wrestling, RC Pro-am, Rygar, Section Z, SMB 3, Tetris, Trojan, Ultima : Quest of the Avatar, Willow, and Wizards and Warriors.

Holy crap ... thats exactly 40 games. I did leave off a few titles I consider iffy. Final fantasy during its actual NES days was cool but with the "fixes" that occured on the GBA/PS1 version of the game, the NES version is very limited now and unplayable since. Swords and serpents is something I did enjoy when I first played but now its just not really enjoyable with its lack of almost anything visible.
Final fantasy 1 was always overrated anyone who's played phantasy star on sms will know which is the superior game in every regard. Final fantasy on NES doesn't even beat the dragon warrior games.

-Gargoyle's quest superior version on snes.
-Ultima superior version of sms
-Pac man better versions elsewhere
-Gauntlet superior versions elsewhere
-Mike Tyson's Punch out snes better

You mentioned some pretty good obscure ones there surprised they even let some of them off the famicom through you mentioned some average even terrible ones as well. Wizards and Warriors god I hate that game so much.

I only listed the NES games I considered worth owning. Comparing NES to SNES is simply unfair. I will definitely agree on Quest of the Avatar. Pac man and Gauntlet versions on NES are very comparable to any other system. And yes, Phantasy star is the best 8 bit RPG.
It's going to be said tho lol. Let's be honest the SNES was everything the NES wasn't, and it did everything the NES didn't, and it did better at that. The NES hoarded all the exclusives as well from the SMS. I feel SMS should of been the rightful winner of that generation if it was given the chance. At the end of the day I feel  the NES is nothing more than a overhyped machine fueled by nostalgia, and youtube NES collectors. It also pisses me off to be honest people buying 50 copies of a game to drive up it's value, these folks are not gamers, business men pure, and simple who probably don't even play video games who feed off ill informed collectors at a high price. There should be no association between them. Lets be honest about it.


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Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #59 on: April 17, 2014, 05:09:08 pm »
It's going to be said tho lol. Let's be honest the SNES was everything the NES wasn't, and it did everything the NES didn't, and it did better at that. The NES hoarded all the exclusives as well from the SMS. I feel SMS should of been the rightful winner of that generation if it was given the chance. At the end of the day I feel  the NES is nothing more than a overhyped machine fueled by nostalgia, and youtube NES collectors. It also pisses me off to be honest people buying 50 copies of a game to drive up it's value, these folks are not gamers, business men pure, and simple who probably don't even play video games who feed off ill informed collectors at a high price. There should be no association between them. Lets be honest about it.

Of course the SNES is what the NES wasn't it was better.  That's how progression works.  They made a better NES.  Dare I even say they made it "Super"?  You can't compare the two.  Technology was moving so fast at the time.  Is a PS1 as good as the PS2?  PS3?  No, they took what worked and made it better.  Are there games on the PS1 that are better than games on the PS3?  I'm sure there are.  I don't really know. 

I know it's cool to like the SMS right now; but let's all face it, the NES has more good games on it.  I like the SMS.  I have one hooked up right next to my NES (actually it's below it and to the left, but still the same TV   :P).  The SMS has some good games on it; but just like the NES, it has some shit too.  In my opinion and the opinion of many, many others, the NES has better games. 

As for the NES being overhyped: Are you serious?  More people on this planet know who Mario is than Barak Obama.  That is a fact.  A ton of massive franchises were born on the NES.  Super Mario, Mega Man, Metroid... Do I really need to keep going? 

And resellers hoarding stock to raise the price?  How is the any fault of the NES?  You need to be blaming the people that are willing to pay those high prices.  NES collecting started because people loved the system as kids and wanted to get a piece of that back.  It just sucks that these speculation assholes saw where a dime could be made and jumped in.

Now, you are entitled to your opinion.  You don't have to like the NES.  You may think the SMS was developed by God himself and handed down to Sega.  I just don't see it.  That's why there is more than one system.  We can all find something we like.