Had a couple nice rare game consoles come in the mail and I stopped at my Local Toys R Us and found they where having a sale on all their Video games 60% off their clearance prices so I picked up a bunch of games for $4 - $8 each.
If you have a Toys R Us in your area you might wanna go check it out.
WiiU- Mass Effect 3
XB360- Zone of Enders HD Collection
- Generator Rex
- King of Fighters XIII (with 4 CD sountrack)
- Epic Mickey 2
- Dead Space 3
PS3- Jimmie Johnson's Anything with an Engine
- Ico & Shadow of Colossus Collection
WII- Domino Rally
- Saint
3DS- Steel Diver
NDS- Jewel Master: Cradle of Athena
Then I picked up two rare consoles offline.
Epoch Cassette Vision in box, another rare Japanese console.
and something I've been trying to find for a long time that wasn't in bad shape and overpriced.
Game Boy Advance SP Zelda Limited Edition This was only released in Europe. It even came with it's Euro charger