My recent pick ups.
- Galaxy Force II and Shining Force for Genesis
WCW vs. The World for PS1
Clay Fighter 63 1/3 for N64
Street Fighter III Double Impact for Dreamcast

Nice finds. That WCW vs. The World sucks balls. My friend bought back when it was new. We were huge wrestling fans back then and were tickled to get a sweet WCW game. It was pretty bad. The Giant / Paul White has this massive Afro. It's funny and awful at the same time.
Now that Street Fighter III, it's one of the last Dreamcast games I'm looking for.
Yeah, WCW vs. is not that great of a game. At least it was $6.
I used to have SFIII 3rd Strike for DC but foolishly traded it in because I got the XBox(used to anyway) and PS2 versions. Oh well, it was recently re-released for XBox 360 and PS3 not to long ago.
Shining Force is another one I foolishly traded as well in the past. Had to bite the bullet for that copy...but I'm glad to have it once again.