While most everything seems like a big improvement with this New 3DS, I think Nintendo could be making another mistake here by releasing games that can only be played with the the new version.
http://www.destructoid.com/what-do-you-think-of-the-new-3ds-getting-exclusive-games--280405.phtmlSure, if you make something to utilize the new features and power, it can't be used on the old one, but isn't a hardware upgrade usually meant for a new handheld? Calling something "New" worked with Mario Bros because no matter whether it's new or just regular, it's Mario and it won't confuse people. But you call something "New 3DS" and people are just gonna think it's a new 3DS game and not a game for the New 3DS, so I don't know. It feels like an issue like Nintendo had with the Wii U being such a fucking terrible name and that it makes people think it was just some add on for the Wii instead of a brand new system, but then again, the Wii was a terrible name to begin with lol
Make a new version of the handheld, that's fine, but they've essentially now created a wholly separate handheld, alongside the original 3DS, and it is gonna create confusion. I don't get their mindset with this. I'm pretty sure I don't see the "New 3DS" exclusives taking off to much and they just stop doing that and end making all the games be compatible with the original system.
Also brought up in the comments of that, just call it the Super 3DS lol