I got Blokus Portable: Steambot Championship in the mail on Monday from Karyann.
Wanted it because of its ties to Steambot Chronicles, which was a very good & overlooked PS2 game. Still need to pickup the other PSP spinoff title for it - it's a shame the true sequel got cancelled.
I also picked up Samurai Warriors 4 - Special Anime Pack yesterday. Unless I'm mistaken, this is the first ever US released "special edition" of a Warriors game, so I definitely wanted to support that. Pretty fun from the little bit I played too, I like that not only can you take 2 characters into battle but you can actually dictate where the one you aren't currently controlling goes & what he/she does.
Today I should be getting another PS4 game in the mail, Shadow Warrior. Looks like a great old-school style FPS, and for the price (I got it down to just over $20 w/ my Best Buy discount & some reward certs I had) I couldn't resist.