Finished the fourth wish in Guided Fate Paradox. Still chipping away at Arkham Origins. And I started Chrono Trigger on the DS - maybe I'll finish it this time. 
I don't know what it is about Chrono Trigger, but I just never seem to be able to finish it. I play for a while, don't really get hooked, put it down, then try to play it again later after I've forgotten what I was in the middle of.
How are you enjoying GFP?
Sorry, missed this.

I really like the gameplay of GFP, a lot. It's hardcore Rogue-like gameplay, pretty unforgiving but at the same time not unfair. The level up system(s) are fairly complex, similar to what I remember of Disgaea. You have lots of opportunities to grind, and they expect you to take them. But that's all good, since the game is so fun.
But I hate, *HATE*, the plot & characters. The wish "stories" have ranged from inane to painfully stupid. The best one so far is the first one, and that's not saying much. The one with the zombies had me wanting to jump out the window. I have the English voices on because I generally prefer English these days and the main 2 characters' voice actors are good (the main guy is voiced by the guy who voiced Jude in Tales of Xillia). But the zombie voices are SO BAD. SO, SO VERY BAD!

Luckily, they don't make you slog through the cutscenes when you replay a dungeon, so that's something.
The overarching story isn't really any better. I'm sure you know the ridiculous setup of how a guy wins a lottery and becomes god. And hey, I'm fine with ridiculous setups - the problem is they try to play it STRAIGHT!

There's all this bickering and in-fighting and backstabbing going on between the "angels", and what little humor they do try to interject falls flat (one angel is extremely horny all the time, so that's...funny?

So basically you play for the gameplay and not much else. Which with this type of game, luckily that's enough - you don't really need much of a story w/ a RL game. But it IS kinda sad when I can tell my wife "The story in Chocobo's Dungeon for the Wii is better than this" and be 100% serious.