I guess, I may have been frustrated at the time, but in retrospect, not having to pay anything to get it repaired was fantastic. It also helps that the repair facility was like 2 hours away, so it was 1-day shipping both ways and they repaired it or replaced it same day.
I put $20 into a broken ps3, with the expectation that I'd have a working ps3 after fixing it. I don't know, I was expecting one repair, not 2. And as far as I know, after that fix, something else will go wrong, I'm trying to decide if it's worth it. $110 total for a working BC PS3 isn't a deal imo. I can go to a pawn shop and pick up a working BC ps3 with a "warranty" for about $100. May not have cords, controllers, or games, but I don't need any.
As for gaming experiences on PS3 that have no equivalent on 360, I'm not really aware of any other than maybe JRPGs. But my backlog of JRPGs is so large, it's almost moot. Don't get me wrong, Infamous and God of War are great, but you can find tons of hack and slash and third person adventure games out there.
If you can get a BC PS3 for $100, I would jump on it.
Here is a list of games, exclusive to the PS3, that I love and have no equal on the 360 or are highly regarded by many. Just personal opinion, but IMO these are can't-miss titles.
3D Dot Game Heroes
Best of PlayStation Network
Beyond - Two Souls
Demon's Souls
Disgaea (everything)
Dragon's Crown
God of War III and Ascension
Gran Turismo 5 & 6
Heavenly Sword
Heavy Rain
Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection
Infamous & Infamous 2
Jak & Daxter Collection
Journey Collector's Edition (Journey, Flower, Flow)
Killzone 2 & 3 as well as the Collection that includes the 1st game remastered
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 and 2.5
Last of Us, the
LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
LittleBigPlanet Karting
Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots as well as the Legacy Collection with...just about everything!
ModNation Racers
MotorStorm 1, 2 & 3 (1, Apocalypse and Pacific Rift)
Ni No Kuni - Wrath of the White Witch
Ninja Gaiden Sigma & Sigma 2
PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale
Ratchet & Clank (6 new releases and the originals in a collection)
Resistance Fall of Man and 2 & 3
The Sly Collection
Sly Cooper Thieves in Time
Tales (all of the games in the Tales series that are exclusive to the PS3)
Tekken Hybrid (HD version of Tekken Tag Tournament with demo for TTT2 and a Blu-Ray movie)
Twisted Metal
Uncharted 1, 2 & 3
Valkyria Chronicles
White Knight Chronicles 1 & 2
Yakuza 3, 4 & Dead Souls