Author Topic: Disney and Disney/Pixar games item names on database  (Read 1834 times)

Disney and Disney/Pixar games item names on database
« on: September 09, 2020, 03:55:11 pm »
As I've been adding my games to the database, I stumbled a lot of Disney and Disney/Pixar games I have, but it seems to be no uniform name of how to call them. Some are called "Disney …", some are called "Disney's …", others are "Disney/Pixar …", "Disney Pixar …", "Disney/Pixar's …" or Disney Pixar's and some are omitting the prefix altogether. What is the preferred item name to use here? I've read through the Style guide and Advanced Style guide, but I couldn't find an explanation on this sadly.


Re: Disney and Disney/Pixar games item names on database
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2020, 04:04:56 pm »
I would say use GameFaqs as a guide, but then again, some of these titles are inconsistent there as well, so...

I've honestly stopped caring about this, so hopefully tripredacus or someone else will be of further help.

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Re: Disney and Disney/Pixar games item names on database
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2020, 04:14:54 pm »
Would be nice indeed :). Forgot to mention there's also Disney·Pixar …


Re: Disney and Disney/Pixar games item names on database
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2020, 04:50:37 pm »
Okay, so according to this, those names apparently should go in the alt-name field.

Quote from: tripredacus
Some games have a company name in the logo design that does not match the Common Name.
Lion King, The has in the Alt-Name:
The corporate branded title: Disney's The Lion King

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Re: Disney and Disney/Pixar games item names on database
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2020, 05:40:54 pm »
Okay, so according to this, those names apparently should go in the alt-name field.

Quote from: tripredacus
Some games have a company name in the logo design that does not match the Common Name.
Lion King, The has in the Alt-Name:
The corporate branded title: Disney's The Lion King
Oh, I must have missed it, thanks!

Re: Disney and Disney/Pixar games item names on database
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2020, 04:12:58 pm »
Assuming that the name of the game is just it, so e.g. Cars, I'm still a little puzzled what should go to alt-name, especially for foreign-language titles e.g.

It currently is "Disney/Pixar Monsterit Oy Säikkysaari" and alt-name is Disney's Monsters Inc: Scare Island

Assuming the correct name would be "Monsterit Oy: Säikkysaari", what would be the alt name? "Monsters Inc: Scare Island, Disney/Pixar Monsterit Oy: Säikkysaari" separated by comma? And that assumes that we use "Disney/Pixar" as uniformly accepted writing style and scrap the "Disney"/"Disney's" altogether for Disney/Pixar games and use the prefix for just the original title and not the English equivalent.

May require to summon the knowledge of mighty @tripredacus to help here indeed. ;)


Re: Disney and Disney/Pixar games item names on database
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2020, 05:51:49 pm »
Well, whenever I have to separate stuff in the alt-name field I use a slash (/), but a comma would also work.

As for the example you gave, since this is for a foreign release, I'd put the English name at the end and any other before it.

Lastly, I think "Disney·Pixar" is what should be used since that's what we see on the cover. However, I think an admin/mod should weigh in on this, so don't take my word in this regard.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
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Re: Disney and Disney/Pixar games item names on database
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2020, 10:19:15 am »
Use the name on GameFAQs. If they have Disney, or Disney/Pixar or whatever, then we put that in Item Name. If it doesn't, you can put that full name into the alt-name field. If the specific release is not on GameFAQs, then the coporate name can be omitted from Item Name.

I can do a rundown of my process of determining a name for you.

Using the example given. We "know" that this is a Finnish version of Scare Island. So we can look up Scare Island on GameFAQs to see what name it uses:
But then we can see it only has the UK release and the PSN version. Our source doesn't have the title for this release. We can enter the title as it appears on the actual product, which is Monsterit Oy Säikkysaari. I don't read Finnish, so I am not certain that Oy should be capitalized or not.

I believe as it stands now, the name can be that which is on the product itself (full front or spine title), or just the game name sans coporate branding or the name from another source besides GameFAQs. I typically follow the formatting on GameFAQs for variations that aren't present. For example with this Monsters Inc game, I would omit the corporate branding on the Finnish title because the UK title on that site doesn't use it .

The way around this issue, the fact that some games have the branding and some don't (because this is how they are on GameFAQs) would be to call a community vote on the matter. Whether we should adhere to the name on GameFAQs no matter what, or omit corporate branding from titles altogether. If you think it is worth a shot, you can request such a thing here:,8361.0.html

Re: Disney and Disney/Pixar games item names on database
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2020, 02:46:18 pm »
Thanks for the replies!

The way around this issue, the fact that some games have the branding and some don't (because this is how they are on GameFAQs) would be to call a community vote on the matter. Whether we should adhere to the name on GameFAQs no matter what, or omit corporate branding from titles altogether. If you think it is worth a shot, you can request such a thing here:,8361.0.html

I think it may be worth a shot, I just might not be up for a task to make one right now. I saw the whole discussion about item names at the thread linked here:,8361.msg156632.html#msg156632 so at least it was acknowledged already. I don't think following any other service, be it GameFAQs or anything else blindly is a good idea either, especially as VGCollect is already established entity and as you said not all games are there anyway, though I get why it's there in the first place and at least it's something to start off with. Plus any change to this would require a poll definitely.

Currently item names lack uniform style which makes it hard for me to find different releases or editions and even things such as the usage of symbols such as colons et al are not standardized, I sometimes try to fix them when I see them, but I often don't know which way is the right way sadly. :(

Either way, thanks for all the work toward style guide! Even if all the quirks may not be explained yet, at least some things are now properly described with examples and stuff. :)


Re: Disney and Disney/Pixar games item names on database
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2020, 10:29:42 am »
We can create common name exceptions for situations where GameFAQs are not uniform, such as we have previously done for F1/Formula 1 and PES/Pro Evolution Soccer.