Hey Guys! Nice to meet everybody. My online handle is Zierlaz or you can call me Matt. I've been gaming for as long as I can remember and like to collect a little bit of everything. I actually stumbled across this website in the need of a solution to catalog my video game collection online. I ventured into various different websites, however this one definitely had something that kept me coming back. Not sure exactly what it was, but I can almost pinpoint a combination of the sites incredible database and seemingly genuinely nice community members. Either way I am happy to make Vgcollect my new home.
Welcome to the site! Also you can just go ahead and say it was me that made you want to pick this site
But...but...but...he said "genuinely NICE community members"
But seriously, welcome to the site zierlaz (soon to be known as) "the other Matt"
Only one "Matt1"?!
But, then - what'll we call any new & additional "Matt's" who join the site
I hearby tag/re-name you as the:
...same idea as "O.G." (for "original gangster") -only- in this case...you were, are, and will forever be known & recognized as the:
Original Matt"