As you may have noticed my specific taste in video-games are primarily from 1980-2005. I have been a gamer as long as I can remember. My first console being the
Nintendo Entertainment System back in 1990s shortly after
Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Being an only child I was spoiled to a point of playing most releases for these consoles at launch either from rental or store purchase. Besides console gaming, arcade games also are a favorite of mine. Personally I enjoy playing titles that didn't reach the mass audience and/or that were shelved away from either lack of exposure or from an over-saturated market on a specific formula at the time. Original, genre-breaking titles are also very captivating to me.
I'm a video gamer that was born in the 1980s. I would consider the new generation of gaming more of a ponzi scheme; recycled game play with content deliberately removed so the consumer is forced to shell out more cash for it. The whole Download content, micro-transactions, pay-as-you-play method is atrocious - more or less the elephant in the room for contemporary gamers. Although I consider myself a gamer I have very little interest in the seventh, and current generation of systems and games. The last console I bought was the Microsoft Xbox 360 solely for arcade ports of my favorite series.
In 2004 I contributed to a dozen of p2p communities one of them being the private 'Sega Saturn Torrents'. I've done so weekly for a year until one-by-one the websites were shut down or discontinued. I'm also the administrator of a retro video game website entitled 'Special-Attack' that was online from 2005-2012 that featured reviews of obscure games, articles, opinions, composed by myself. Special-Attack is temporarily shut-down but all the posts were saved+encrypted and will return to the net in the coming future.
As of 2010 to present I've sold much of my collection to focus on primarily two Japanese systems; NEC PC Engine CD and Sega Saturn. You can view my gallery
@imgur NEC1989 X SEGA1994■ Fan of classic Sega / Hudson / Compile
■ Enjoys Fighter / Platform / Puzzle / Shmup genre
■ Dislikes FPS / Sport / Racing / GTA-esqe genre
■ Dislikes emulation / M.U.G.E.N
I'm also active member & contributor on
Unikgamer(now defunct),
Favslist community.