Author Topic: Those White Whales  (Read 5226 times)


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Those White Whales
« on: June 30, 2017, 11:28:19 am »
What are some of those games that have eluded you in your hunt?  Not just something you kinda want or are on your radar, but games that you've been hunting for a while. 

It may be those games that you search for a good price on.  Anyone of us can find Stadium Events or and NWC cart today if we have the cash to spend.  The internet made it easy to find stuff.

I searched for Snow Bros for the better part of a decade before I finally found it. I've been looking for Gargoyles for the Genesis for years and still haven't found it.

What are you still searching for?


Re: Those White Whales
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2017, 12:06:22 pm »
Daytona USA Netlink Edition on Saturn US, I'd say the longest I have wanted to get this game... perhaps close to 10 years now.

If I look on my wishlist, the ones that have eluded me the longest there are the Genesis carts for Atomic Robo-Kid and Liberty or Death. For Atomic Robo Kid, I have seen it complete on Ebay only a couple of times. Most times it is the MD version. Never seen Liberty or Death on there except empty case only. For neither of those have I seen it available as just the cart.

The Ghostbusters Genesis on my wishlist is also from that same time period I added those other two Genesis games. I have seen the Ghostbusters cart being sold, I just won't spend more than $20 to buy it.

Re: Those White Whales
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2017, 12:23:51 pm »
Bebe's Kids for SNES.  There are some other games that I have wanted for a long time, but most I've acquired.  This one has been in my interests since I was a child, but I've never seen it in the wild and I missed out when it was easily found for about $10 because I just let it slip.


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Re: Those White Whales
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2017, 12:44:51 pm »
Einhander on PS1, Intelligent Qube on PS1, and Punisher on Genesis.

I played the demo of Einhander and Intelligent Qube on one of those PlayStation Magazine demo discs for years on end. But I still have yet to find either of those games outside of eBay, or haven't had the cash to put down on them for eBay prices.

I used to play the Punisher arcade at the 7-11 in the front of our neighborhood all the time. And I used to rent the Genesis version at the local video store. One of those super-nostalgic titles for me, that is unfortunately expensive as hell now.

Though I suspect I may be getting those 3 titles at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo this fall.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2017, 02:02:20 pm by burningdoom »


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Re: Those White Whales
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2017, 01:10:31 pm »
For the longest time, the PS2 Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence Limited Edition (Red Cover) was my white whale.  I stupidly did not get it when it came out and I thought I would never be able to get one.  10 years later, last summer, I was able to finally track a copy down locally (sealed even), along with a bunch of other MGS collectors editions that I never owned. 

So now my current white whale is the other PS2 collector edition I skipped out on: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner with the Jack Frost/Raiho plushie.  It was on clearance for $20 at Gamestop forever, why didn't I pick it up???????????

I suppose I could just buy the plushie separately but it's just not the same. 

Re: Those White Whales
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2017, 01:58:24 pm »
The rarity of some PS1 titles is astounding. There are a handful of PS1 titles that I've never seen in person or have seen maybe once the entire time I've been collecting. Here are a few of them.

- Fox Hunt (PS1): A local game store had a copy about 3-years ago for $30. I passed on getting it and of course it sold, now it's like $100+

- Batman Forever (PS1): Not to be confused with the platform beat em' up on the Genesis and SNES, this is an arcade port that was on the Saturn and PS1. I've seen the Saturn version a few times over the years, but still have never lied eyes on the PS1 version in person.

- Silent Bomber (PS1): I own this game thanks to Ebay, but that was after giving up on trying to find it for years in the wild. Still have never seen a copy on stores shelves anywhere.

- In the Hunt (PS1): Still have never seen this one in person, although a friend of mine who is also a collector found the much rarer jewel case version at a thrift store for $5 a few years ago. Still super jelly over that one.


Re: Those White Whales
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2017, 03:18:23 pm »
The meowth promo card in the pokemon trading card game for gameboy color

Finally found a an excellent boxed copy, and i had spare two promo cards both with the paper inlay one being sealed for a 100% complete copy of bad condition ones.

After all those time I could not find either one of those cards anymore. Having to many spare manuals vip points special paper work of good games can have it's toll I guess, have searched for it everywhere but allass I've given up and it was not in those boxes while I specifly sorted it in the more important spare materials in a small box for yours truly.

I consider it lost and i i will probably get it someday once again with another copy. It's not super rare to be fair but it is very unfortunate especially since I had two, pretty annoying those small and pesky things that's a first for me.

Fortunately some of the other games one wich is actually pretty rare ease the pain a bit from this deal  ;)

Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: Those White Whales
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2017, 03:33:59 pm »
Castlevania SOTN was my biggest white while until yesterday.I had it when I was a kid played the hell out of but sold it to get a PS2.  I still on the hunt for a copy of G.I. Joe: The Atlantis Factor (NES). Yes I know I can find these online but I always try to get my stuff local as much as I can. And I'm under the impression I'll never find any Bloody Roar games in the wild. I've only found the 3rd one for the PS2 and it was disc only because someone stole the booklet and case the day before at the shop I was at. There are probably some more but I just think of them right now.


Re: Those White Whales
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2017, 03:46:16 pm »
Sega Challenge newsletter premier issue.


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Re: Those White Whales
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2017, 04:08:11 pm »
- In the Hunt (PS1): Still have never seen this one in person, although a friend of mine who is also a collector found the much rarer jewel case version at a thrift store for $5 a few years ago. Still super jelly over that one.

What sucks about this game, too, is that it's one of the few examples of a 2D game having the better version on PS1. The Saturn version is plagued with crippling slowdown. So the super-rare PS1 version is the version you want.


Re: Those White Whales
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2017, 09:27:36 pm »

- In the Hunt (PS1): Still have never seen this one in person, although a friend of mine who is also a collector found the much rarer jewel case version at a thrift store for $5 a few years ago. Still super jelly over that one.

Would you say that you're still "In the hunt" for that title?  ;D
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Re: Those White Whales
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2017, 11:47:20 pm »
El Chavo Kart for the Xbox 360. It's a basic licensed racing game, but does not pop up for a reasonable amount, likely due to a very limited release. I heard that it was released only in Mexico, but haven't really seen anything confirming it. Still, I'll eventually get it, but I'll get the easier, cheaper ones first.


Re: Those White Whales
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2017, 11:49:12 pm »
Einhander on PS1, Intelligent Qube on PS1, and Punisher on Genesis.

I played the demo of Einhander and Intelligent Qube on one of those PlayStation Magazine demo discs for years on end. But I still have yet to find either of those games outside of eBay, or haven't had the cash to put down on them for eBay prices.

I used to play the Punisher arcade at the 7-11 in the front of our neighborhood all the time. And I used to rent the Genesis version at the local video store. One of those super-nostalgic titles for me, that is unfortunately expensive as hell now.

Though I suspect I may be getting those 3 titles at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo this fall.

I had Intelligent Qube on my radar for years and for the same reason as you mentioned via the PS Demo. I finally bit the bullet earlier this year over Ebay but what I did was I took advantage of that $25 off of $75 deal they frequently have and one of the items in question was Intelligent Qube.


Re: Those White Whales
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2017, 07:21:10 pm »
Harmful Park for the PS1. A few copies are on eBay, but I'm not about to drop $600 on a reseller. I would also probably sell a kidney to get a Forbidden Siren press kit or one of the original Drag-On Dragoon retail posters. Being a big import collector makes it hard for me to find these things in the wild.
Always looking to buy Drakengard, Nier, and Siren collector's items.

Re: Those White Whales
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2017, 07:46:30 pm »

- In the Hunt (PS1): Still have never seen this one in person, although a friend of mine who is also a collector found the much rarer jewel case version at a thrift store for $5 a few years ago. Still super jelly over that one.

Would you say that you're still "In the hunt" for that title?  ;D

LOL I see what you did there ;)

but yes, yes I am :(