Hello everyone
1st part of the question.....
Just recently I started to get into the DBZ universe

. I have been watching the old episodes and the Budokai games and most especially Fighter Z are gorgeous and incredible fighting games up to the standards of Marvel Vs Capcom games. Very fun and fast paced arcade fun

I love the anime quite a bit and have been enjoying all the characters and the back plot. It's taking a lot to unravel as I am extremely late. But i'm starting back with the old cartoons and working my way up to new stuff.
I definitely already have my number 1 favorite character. But I will list off my favorite 3.
I also wanted to ask, what is everyone's thoughts on DBZ as a whole?
Android 18 is super badass. I think she's awesome. Not only is she extremely tough and capable of whooping Vegeta's butt but she is also extremely beautiful even though she's an android lol.
Second Favorite - Piccolo 
Piccolo is epic, he's strong but grounded in his ways too. He's Goku's buddy and he's strong af.
3rd favorite - Goku 
I know it's a casual fan answer because he's so popular, but he's freaking Goku lol. I like him a lot. More than I like Vegetta or Gohan.
Second Part of the Question......
For my second part of the title, I have seen a lot of debates circling around that Goku by himself could beat up the entire Marvel Universe. I think this is a bit of hyperbole and very situational but I could be wrong. I want to make it fair by giving Goku some sort of power limit. Maybe a certain SS threshold as DBZ universe plot wise the power is basically limitless so theoretically Goku could defeat anyone. So I made it fairer by having the entire DBZ Universe versus the Entire Marvel and DC universes. In a giant show down of epic galactic, super hero, saiyan proprotions

I personally think it's very close. For the DBZ let's give them only their regular form, maybe Super Saiyan form but not ultimate form so it's fair. But I think Silver Surfer serves to be an extremely difficult out, as does Galactus. Characters like Spiderman who are essentially mortals with super power suits would get killed pretty easily by Goku. Batman would get snapped in half like a pencil and maybe even eaten lol. But I think some mutated beasts like Venom, Carnage, Hulk, and the likes would be very tough to beat. I think Hulk would get bested by Piccolo easily but I think Carnage might Kill a Krillin or a Trunks.
It'd be a pretty amazing showdown. I think their are so many faceoffs to be had

Which is your pick for which universe would win?
I think i'm giving it to DBZ unvierse by a slim margain. I know Cell could whoop a good portion of the universe. I think strenght in numbers might play for Marvel. It'd be super close