Town of Light, The Box Art
Town of Light, The Box Art
Town of Light, The Box Art


Town of Light, The

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Alt-Name The Town of Light
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Wired Productions
Platform: PlayStation 4 [NA]
Also on Platforms: PS4 [AU] PS4 [EU] PSN (PS4) [EU] PSN (PS4) [NA] Steam Xbox One [EU] Xbox One [NA]
Genre: Survival Horror
Rating: ESRB - M (US / Canada)
Item Number: 2102433
Barcode: 811994020901
Release Date: June 6 2017
Description: packaging text in English, French
back item number: IN020901

• sealed set of 6 Real Location Photos
Box Text: Play through the eyes of Renee, a 16-year-old girl who suffers from symptoms of mental illness. She is search for answers to the many questions from her past, whilst exploring the place where she spent most of her youth. Guide Renee through a dark and emotional journey where the lines between entertainment, storytelling and reality blur.
Date User Field Value
07-14-2021 dhaabi Description packaging text in English, French back item number: IN020901 includes: • sealed set of 6 Real Location Photos
10-08-2020 dagazconcept Developer 7186
10-07-2020 dagazconcept Barcode 811994020901
10-07-2020 dagazconcept Item Number 2102433
10-07-2020 dagazconcept Publisher 4983
03-15-2018 price5474 Cart/Disc/Media Art new
02-26-2018 price5474 Back Box Art new
02-26-2018 price5474 Front Box Art new
06-08-2017 eliphas0 Created

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