Bionic Commando Box Art
Bionic Commando Box Art
Bionic Commando Box Art


Bionic Commando

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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Capcom
Developer(s): Capcom
Platform: Nintendo Entertainment System [EU]
Also on Platforms: 3DS eShop [EU] 3DS eShop [NA] Atari ST [EU] C64 [EU] C64 [NA] GB [EU] GB [JP] GB [NA] GBC [EU] Jaguar PC [EU] PS3 [EU] PS3 [JP] PS3 [NA] Steam Xbox 360 Digital [NA] Xbox 360 [EU] Xbox 360 [JP] Xbox 360 [KR] Xbox 360 [NA] ZX Spectrum
Genre: Platformer
Rating: None
Item Number: NES-CM-UKV
Barcode: 13388110087
Release Date: October 26 1990
Description: NA
Box Text: For two years, your people have struggled against the relentless onslaught of invading forces. With your army reduced to a handful and your artillery depleted, further resistance seems impossible. But in a hidden underground laboratory, a team of scientists has at last perfected a new kind of fighting machinery: a bionic arm that extends and contracts, providing unheard of strength and maneuverability. Combined with an arsenal of rapid-fire, armor-piercing and heat-seeking weaponry, this will put the power of an entire army in the hands of one man... one carefully chosen soldier, who has what it takes to become a new breed of unstoppable commando... a Bionic Commando. And you are that soldier! Your mission will take you through the heavily-patrolled wilderness surrounding the enemy headquarters and into the very heart of the fortress itself. Even to the most courageous soldier, it would seem an impossible challenge. But there has never been a soldier like the Bionic Commando!
Date User Field Value
11-23-2018 cma7os Item Number NES-CM-UKV
02-14-2013 thaddy Box Text For two years, your people have struggled against the relentless onslaught of invading forces. With your army reduced to a handful and your artillery depleted, further resistance seems impossible. But in a hidden underground laboratory, a team of scientists has at last perfected a new kind of fighting machinery: a bionic arm that extends and contracts, providing unheard of strength and maneuverability. Combined with an arsenal of rapid-fire, armor-piercing and heat-seeking weaponry, this will put the power of an entire army in the hands of one man... one carefully chosen soldier, who has what it takes to become a new breed of unstoppable commando... a Bionic Commando. And you are that soldier! Your mission will take you through the heavily-patrolled wilderness surrounding the enemy headquarters and into the very heart of the fortress itself. Even to the most courageous soldier, it would seem an impossible challenge. But there has never been a soldier like the Bionic Commando!
02-14-2013 thaddy Barcode 13388110087
02-14-2013 thaddy Item Number NES-CM
02-14-2013 thaddy Release Date - Day 26
02-14-2013 thaddy Release Date - Year 1990
02-14-2013 thaddy Release Date - Month 10
02-14-2013 thaddy Publisher 445
12-24-2011 kirbysuperstar Back Box Art new
12-24-2011 kirbysuperstar Front Box Art new
09-03-2011 kirbysuperstar Cart/Disc/Media Art new
08-30-2011 kirbysuperstar Created

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