Project: Snowblind Box Art
Project: Snowblind Box Art
Project: Snowblind Box Art


Project: Snowblind

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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Eidos
Developer(s): Crystal Dynamics
Platform: PlayStation 2 [EU]
Also on Platforms: PC [EU] PC [NA] PS2 [NA] Steam Xbox [EU] Xbox [NA]
Genre: First-person Shooter
Rating: PEGI - 16 (Europe)
Item Number: SLES-52859
Barcode: 5032921021708
Release Date: March 4 2005
Description: NA
Box Text: In Project: Snowblind, you can experience war through the eyes of the first of a new breed of supersoldiers. As Lt. Nathan Frost, your mission is to stop a renegade regime from eradicating the civilized world. You must use your newly implanted enhancements, tools, weapons, and vehicles in your fight on the front lines. Discover your character's superhuman powers in the single-player missions, and then showcase your talents in the online multiplayer modes. The PlayStation 2 version of the game also features exclusive gameplay modes.
Date User Field Value
06-14-2022 endemonadia Cart/Disc/Media Art new
09-07-2015 mastafafik Barcode 5032921021708
09-07-2015 mastafafik Item Number SLES-52859
09-07-2015 mastafafik Release Date - Year 2005
09-07-2015 mastafafik Release Date - Month 3
09-07-2015 mastafafik Release Date - Day 4
09-07-2015 mastafafik Publisher 1614
09-07-2015 mastafafik Developer 5925
10-20-2013 macblayne Created

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