Civilization II Box Art
Civilization II Box Art
Civilization II Box Art


Civilization II

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Estimated Value: $8.93 [via]
Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Activision
Developer(s): Micro Prose
Platform: PlayStation [NA]
Also on Platforms: PS1 [EU]
Genre: Strategy
Rating: ESRB - E (US / Canada)
Item Number: SLUS-00792
Barcode: 047875106260
Release Date: December 31 1998
Description: NA
Box Text: Civilization has reached new heights.

Civilization II conquers the PlayStation game console. Become a part of the Civilization phenomenon. Make every critical social, economic and political decision as you build an empire to span history. Compete against some of the greatest leaders of all time. It’s discovery. It’s discovery. It’s diplomacy. It’s your destiny. So plan your every move carefully. Because in this game, you either stand the test of time or you’re history.

•Command powerful armies. Defend and conquer using a wide range of weaponry. Deploy a variety of troops, equipment and technology. From archers, paratroopers and elephants to AEGIS cruisers and Stealth fighters.
•Negotiate with rival empires. Plan a strategy to outwit history’s most cunning leaders. Advanced diplomatic tactics allow you to wage war, make peace or form cooperative alliances with other nations.
•Devise and control technology. Drive your cities’ technological evolution with amphibious warfare, seafaring tactics, theology and more.
•Construct Wonders of the World. Full-motion video brings to life Leonardo da Vinci’s Workshop, the Statue of Liberty and Marco Polo’s Embassy.
•Enjoy exclusive enhancements. An all-new interface adapted especially for the PlayStation game console lets you lead your empire with ease. Plus, a Beginner mode offers hints along the way.
Date User Field Value
03-22-2022 nathan776 Cart/Disc/Media Art new
03-22-2022 nathan776 Back Box Art new
03-22-2022 nathan776 Box Text Civilization has reached new heights. Civilization II conquers the PlayStation game console. Become a part of the Civilization phenomenon. Make every critical social, economic and political decision as you build an empire to span history. Compete against some of the greatest leaders of all time. It’s discovery. It’s discovery. It’s diplomacy. It’s your destiny. So plan your every move carefully. Because in this game, you either stand the test of time or you’re history. •Command powerful armies. Defend and conquer using a wide range of weaponry. Deploy a variety of troops, equipment and technology. From archers, paratroopers and elephants to AEGIS cruisers and Stealth fighters. •Negotiate with rival empires. Plan a strategy to outwit history’s most cunning leaders. Advanced diplomatic tactics allow you to wage war, make peace or form cooperative alliances with other nations. •Devise and control technology. Drive your cities’ technological evolution with amphibious warfare, seafaring tactics, theology and more. •Construct Wonders of the World. Full-motion video brings to life Leonardo da Vinci’s Workshop, the Statue of Liberty and Marco Polo’s Embassy. •Enjoy exclusive enhancements. An all-new interface adapted especially for the PlayStation game console lets you lead your empire with ease. Plus, a Beginner mode offers hints along the way.
12-12-2021 leonefamily Barcode 047875106260
12-12-2021 leonefamily Rating 2
02-14-2018 jonathanbarolet Release Date - Year 1998
02-14-2018 jonathanbarolet Release Date - Day 31
02-14-2018 jonathanbarolet Release Date - Month 12
02-14-2018 jonathanbarolet Genre 15
02-14-2018 jonathanbarolet Publisher 3
02-14-2018 jonathanbarolet Developer 4365
03-17-2012 drewbaker Front Box Art new
NA NA Created

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