South Park Box Art


South Park

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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Acclaim
Developer(s): Appaloosa Interactive
Platform: PlayStation [EU]
Also on Platforms: N64 [AU] N64 [EU] N64 [NA] PC [NA] Pinball PS1 [NA]
Genre: First-person Shooter
Rating: NA
Item Number: NA
Barcode: 3455192117314
Release Date: October 31 1999
Description: packaging text in English
back item number: BKL21173.01 - UKV

1-2 Players
Memory Card 1 Block
Analog Control Compatible
Vibration Function Compatible
Box Text: NA
Date User Field Value
02-20-2023 dhaabi Description packaging text in English back item number: BKL21173.01 - UKV 1-2 Players Memory Card 1 Block Analog Control Compatible Vibration Function Compatible
12-09-2021 koemo1 Release Date - Year 1999
12-09-2021 koemo1 Release Date - Day 31
12-09-2021 koemo1 Release Date - Month 10
12-09-2021 koemo1 Genre 6
12-09-2021 koemo1 Publisher 69
12-09-2021 koemo1 Developer 1375
07-15-2015 jogetin123 Name South Park
01-06-2015 cassidy528 Front Box Art new
07-18-2014 teencollector Created

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