Jaguar XJ220 Box Art
Jaguar XJ220 Box Art
Jaguar XJ220 Box Art


Jaguar XJ220

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Estimated Value: $8.05 [via]
Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): JVC Digital Studios
Developer(s): Core Design Ltd.
Platform: Sega CD [NA]
Also on Platforms: Amiga [EU] CD Aladdin Boy Mega CD [EU] Mega-CD [JP] Sega CD [BR]
Genre: Racing
Rating: ESRB - K-A (US / Canada)
Item Number: T-6406
Barcode: 9119920551
Release Date: 1993
Description: NA
Box Text: Welcome to the 200 Club!

Thanks to your Jaguar XJ220 - at 200-MPH-plus, the fastest supercar on the road today - you are the hottest rookie sensation on the SCR Grand Prix and World Tour circuits.

Now it's time to unleash your quad-cam baby and let the racing world feel your Jaguar's bite.
Date User Field Value
11-09-2012 exonerator Cart/Disc/Media Art new
11-09-2012 exonerator Item Number T-6406
01-02-2012 jonathonstriker Back Box Art new
01-02-2012 jonathonstriker Front Box Art new
01-02-2012 jonathonstriker Box Text Welcome to the 200 Club! Thanks to your Jaguar XJ220 - at 200-MPH-plus, the fastest supercar on the road today - you are the hottest rookie sensation on the SCR Grand Prix and World Tour circuits. Now it's time to unleash your quad-cam baby and let the racing world feel your Jaguar's bite.
01-02-2012 jonathonstriker Release Date - Year 1993
01-02-2012 jonathonstriker Rating 8
01-02-2012 jonathonstriker Genre 10
01-02-2012 jonathonstriker Publisher 2101
01-02-2012 jonathonstriker Developer 703
NA NA Created

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