Main ListPrevious Listbold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.
italicized games are in progress.
standard games are games I am not currently trying to beat.
strikethrough games are games that have been abandoned.
Muppets Movie Adventure (PS Vita)
I'm a huge Muppets fan and saw this on a list of Vita exclusives, so I decided I'd give it a go. I expected to abandon it quickly or something, but it looks like it's a super short game that I'll probably beat in a day or so. It is no good so far, I wouldn't even recommend it as a Muppets fan because there is no voice acting, the writing is terrible, the director is annoying at death screens, and the gameplay is honestly mediocre at best. But I'm committed at this point, so I'm going to try and finish the game.
Rating: Hard Pass.
Word Sudoku by POWGI (PS Vita)
I like games like this and saw that POWGI has a bunch of games like this, and then I saw they are all quick and easy platinums, so I'll probably be playing through all of their games. Took a day or two to get through it. I will hard pass all of these games for sure, but I like games like this so not an issue for me.
Rating: Hard pass.
Nier: Automata (PS4)
For some reason I started this game after I finished Titanfall 2. Not sure why other than I beat Nier years ago and meant to play through this game. I burned through Ending A pretty quickly, then burned through Ending B pretty quickly too. I think I've got 35 hours in the game so far. Each ending took my about 17 hours. I'm having the problem that I really really want to count my two playthroughs as separate games on this list because each ending took a feature length game to get through and both provided basically the same ending. I'm actually super frustrated that I bothered to play through a second time to get the B ending. I rarely play through games more than once, so feeling forced to play through twice just to get the real ending isn't a concept I enjoy, having to play through twice to get the same ending twice so I can get the real ending in a 3rd playthrough? That infuriates me. I don't expect this game to be a recommended game, I expect it to be a hard pass, honestly. Went back and looked and I really don't have much in the way of notes on the first game. My recollection is it being purely hack and slash, this game is hack and slash with lots of shmup/bullet hell elements. I think the only reason I've been pushing myself to get through Ending C is because I read that this game is an easy platinum once you get through Ending C because you can literally buy the rest of the trophies with in game currency and save scumming. It sounds so bullshit I can't believe it and I want to see. Story wise, I'm not too invested in this game, I don't particularly care for any of the characters. I'll say the only thing I've enjoyed is the few scenes of interactions you see between Adam and Eve, which is mildly entertaining, but even that I sort of expect to get ruined through something story wise later on. The introduction of hacking in playthrough B provided enough difference and sped up battles such that playthrough B wasn't much of a slog and I was able to just sort of burn through it. Eventually I realized that you can basically run from all fights except boss battles so you can literally just run from boss to boss in your second playthrough and destroy the boss in 4-7 hack mini-games. I'm probably going to count the game as 1 playthrough.
Rating: Soft Recommendation, I just don't get this series.
Crossovers by POWGI (PS Vita)
More POWGI puzzle games, I won't be tracking progress on these because I burn through the puzzles too quickly and they don't straight forward tell you progress. Eh, I'm not big on crosswords, the game wasn't terrible, but not my thing. My kid loved it just because it's a ton of letters.
Rating: Hard pass.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (X1BC)
I actually started this game over ten years ago on 360, but I guess I abandoned it. Transferred my save data from my 360 on to the cloud so I can play on X1. I was actually pretty close to the end of the game so it didn't take my longer to get through the game. Standard Sonic gameplay and Knuckles is a dick.
Rating: Soft recommendation
Sonic the Hedgehog (GG)
One of my earliest gaming memories is playing this game. I feel like I never beat it before, but I know I played it a lot as a kid and I feel like I made it to at least the final zone. I don't know other people's opinions on these for sure, but I think most people hate the GG games, but this is one of my favorite Sonic games.
Rating: Soft recommendation
Word Sweeper by POWGI (PS Vita)
Another POWGI game, this time crossword minesweeper. I still don't like crosswords, but I like minesweeper. I'm probably going to hate this game though, from what little I've played. It's not a terrible game, but meh.
Rating: Hard pass.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (GG)
I read this is one of the hardest Sonic games, so wasn't really looking forward to slogging through this one. Everything about this game is so different from other entries in the series. Honestly, this one wasn't anything special though.
Rating: Soft pass.
Sonic CD (GCN)
I hadn't planned on playing this one yet, but only because I didn't realize it released so early in the franchise. Had to check the best way to play the game, I don't own it on XBLA so GCN it is, plus it's an opportunity to try out my GCHD. Loading up the gamecube and then loading progressive mode... o.m.g. worlds apart in quality. Game though, yikes. Mostly not bad, but man was the Metal Sonic boss race/battle the worst. Ending animation was interesting it being a first for the Sonic franchise.
Rating: Soft pass.
Word Maze by POWGI (PS Vita)
Another Powgi puzzle game, pretty simple puzzle mechanics. Nothing special. Words link together to fill the screen using all of the words.
Rating: Hard pass
Crypto by POWGI (PS Vita)
Oh look another Powgi puzzle game. Generic Cryptoquip stuff, but with quotes from famous people. Honestly, that alone makes this game more interesting and worth playing for me. My wife watched me play a bit and she may play it too.
Rating: Soft pass.
Sonic the Hedgehog Chaos (GG)
I thought this game was going to be something special with the name, but it's really just another entry in the Sonic series. Nothing special, the later levels get frustrating with the pipes, teleporters, etc.
Rating: Soft pass
Sonic the Hedgehog Spinball (Gen)
I really didn't want to play this one because I was sure it was going to be terrible... and it was. This is my wife's favorite Sonic game... for some reason. Honestly, this could've been a better game if the instructions were more clear and knowing where the emeralds are and how man you have and how many you have left.
Rating: Hard pass.
Sonic Drift (PS2)
I wasn't really planning on playing this one because it provides nothing, but I went ahead and played it anyway. It's pretty terrible, like 80s arcade racer terrible. Hopefully Drift 2 is more Daytona or Mario Kart.
Rating: Hard pass.
Sonic & Knuckles (X1BC)
I had started this game about 10 years ago, but only got like 10 minutes in, so I didn't bother transferring my save data up to the cloud and just started the game over. A little upset with myself that I didn't plan that out better a decade ago and play through Sonic 3 & Knuckles, but it is what it is and I don't plan on replaying just to get the whole shebang all at once. Game just seems to be more of fuckles being a dick. Nothing really stands out here.
Rating: Soft pass.
Sonic Triple Trouble (GG)
Basically seems to be the GG counterpart to 3/Knuckles. Again, nothing special. Game Gear has massive frame drops in these games and that can get real annoying, but nothing that makes the game totally unplayable... except when the game isn't responsive during the framedrops.
Rating: Hard pass.
Knuckles Chaotix (32X)
I'd love to mark progress on this game, but it seemingly randomly decides what level you will do next. It took me a bit to figure out playing this one. I really didn't want to hook up my 32X to play this game, so I needed some alternative way to play. Looked at running RetroArch on PSClassic, couldn't for the life of me figure out how to get a 32X core running on a device with no internet. Looked at running RetroArch on PSVita, but it literally took 3 hours to download and install, by which time I had it figured out elsewhere. Eventually I downloaded RetroArch on my phone, bluetooth'd my 500mil PS4 controller, and downloaded a Knuckles Chaotix rom. Smart View'd my screen to my TV, plugged the phone into a fast charger, and went on my way. Plays really well, even with the screen mirroring. Kind of a game changer for me. Anyways, on the topic of the game, I was very discouraged by the actual tutorial at the beginning of the game, further discouraged by the fact that I couldn't get past tutorial 2 without skipping it... but this game is actually really fun. Honestly, that was super enjoyable. Pleasantly surprised by how good this game was. I think this is going to come out of this as my favorite Sonic game.
Rating: Soft recommendation.
Tails Skypatrol (GCN)
More sonic games, I've got a lot of spin off games in my future. I'm burning through these games so quickly, but the 3D games are going to stick around for way too long, I'm sure. Anyway, this one wasn't very good, but it wasn't the worst. Tails flies around helicopter style, the game's basically a shmup without the shooting kinda. Tails carries a ring that can be thrown at enemies and slings back to him. It's interesting and telling of the designs of the time, not the worst, but it's not really a good game.
Rating: Hard pass.
Sonic Drift 2 (GCN)
I was originally going to play this on GG, but I already had the GCN up and running so I figured might as well. It just makes it a little frustrating in that I like that my backloggery was getting filled with GG beats, but now GCN is getting populated with beats. I was hoping this would be different from the first Drift game, but it really isn't. It's more refined and totally playable, it was way less of a pain to get through than the first one, so I'll still say it's better than the original, but still not a great game.
Rating: Hard pass.
Tails Adventures (GCN)
More GG games that I could've been playing on the OG carts

Anyway, this is probably one of the longest Sonic games I've played yet. It definitely felt longer because it took me 3 days to beat instead of like an hour. This game is arguably a metroidvania game, and it's not terrible. I'd argue it's a good game, matter of fact. Shit, I'd go so far as to say it's probably one of the few spin off games worth your time playing, shit probably one of the few Sonic games worth playing. Some of the mechanics can be frustrating and make you feel like there is no way to get through sections without getting hit, but health is pretty plentiful and there are no instant death mechanics, the game's pretty forgiving.
Rating: Soft Recommendation.
Sonic Labyrinth (GG)
Started this one right after Tails Adventures hoping to get into the game enough to understand the mechanics so I could finish it the next evening... but this game is short as fuck, I beat it in about 20 minutes according to the stats at the end. My understanding is that this game is a precursor to Sonic 3D Blast, so I expect 3D Blast and subsequently Blast, to be more of this. This honestly wasn't the worst. The slow walking is pretty painful, but the spin dashing makes movement bearable. Grab some keys, find the exit. Eventually fight a boss. Repeat.
Rating: Hard pass.
Sonic the Fighters (GCN)
Jumped into this one after finishing Labyrinth (Which was shooooort). Just a standard fighting game, pick a character, run through all the characters, fight yourself, then fight the sub-boss and final boss. Game was mostly easy until I got to Metal Sonic which was insanely difficult, and then Robotnik was a super pushover. Wack. I hate fighting games in general, so this was miserable.
Rating: Hard pass.
Sonic 3D Blast (SS)
My first Saturn game I've ever played and beaten now. I decided to go with Saturn because it seemed like the definitive way to play the game, the quality and graphics are just worlds better than the Genesis version. I played this game over the course of several days, it was such a slow play for me. I used cheats to jump to where I left off since there are no save points or anything, so my final score in the game was butt, but appreciated that I didn't have to play it all in one go or leave my Saturn on for days. Honestly, this game sucked major butt. 3D doesn't work very well in isometric perspective. The final boss fight was a bullshit take no hits repeat the process twice go through 5 phases kind of boss. This one has me constantly considering buying a Retrotink2x Pro to get a better picture out of it. I have my retro setup split to two screens, an HDTV and a CRT, it obviously looks better on the CRT, but I mostly played on the HDTV despite. I'm still on the fence about buying a retrotink2x Pro.
Rating: Hard pass.
Special rant (Retrotink2x Pro)
Going to go on a tangent about that here because I want to talk about it, but I don't really need input from people I guess. So in trying to justify Retrotink I posed myself the question of what would I use it for. Anything pre NES isn't composite/component so moot. NES, SNES, Genesis, SMS, GG, or GB/C/A I generally use Retron5 which already has a 2x scaler built in. N64, I've got Super64. GCN, I've got GCHD Mk II. PS1, I would play on PS3. PS2/Xbox are component already, I expect no real improvement of quality. Saturn/DC would be useful. 32X/Sega CD could potentially be useful. I don't really expect to ever play my TG-16, but it could use it if I did. 3DO is basically the same statement as TG16. The other potential use is that I have an HDTV that only takes HDMI inputs, so this would convert any component/composite to HDMI even if no improvement, it gets the systems on that TV if I need it. That all said, Saturn through composite on my 4k TV wasn't the worst, colors were a bit washed out, but it wasn't the worst. Spending $150 (even if it's all in Amazon rewards money) just doesn't seem like a good investment right now.
Sonic Blast (GG)
Was sort of expecting this to be more of Labyrinth/3D Blast, but this game is totally just another 2D Sonic game. Pretty short entry too, nothing special though. Really don't have much to say, it's pretty forgettable.
Rating Hard pass.
Sonic R (GCN)
Immediately hopped into this after finishing Blast, took all of 20 minutes to get through the GP mode and beat the game. Much better than the Drift racing series, but not great. Some of the controls are confusing, the level layouts aren't intuitive all the time, so I got turned around a few times. I almost look forward to playing the Riders/Rivals games, though I don't own any of the Riders games, so I've got to figure out what to do about that. Still a hard pass though, definitely provides nothing of value.
Rating: Hard pass.
Sonic the Hedgehog Pocket Adventure (NGPC)
I considered not playing this one because why, and because it's basically Sonic 2, but I did it anyway. Again nothing really special, first level or two feels identical to Sonic 2, but then things get different. Played this one on my phone through an emulator like Knuckles Chaotix. This one had 2 act zones, which made the game go by pretty quickly. I actually, in the order I was planning, shouldn't have played this one yet, but I felt like getting it out of the way before jumping into Adventure, because A and A2 could be back to back this way.
Rating: Hard pass.
Sonic Adventure DX (X1BC)
Such a controversial one this one. I tried to gather what's the best way to play this one. I heard DC is best because best textures and lighting. I heard GCN DX is best because additional content, all Game Gear games, and updated visuals. I heard XBLA definitive if you don't care about the GG games and have the DX DLC. I heard PC with unofficial patches, but I don't own the PC version and had no interest in wrangling that together. I chose XBLA via X1X mainly because there is no info out there on how it plays on X1X. First thing I noticed, on the first level, I lost all but 1 life dying via falling through the level... at completely different points each time. After the first level it never happened again though, so that's something I guess. Voice acting is absolutely terrible in this game, like laughably terrible, which is sad, because you know they weren't going for campy so awful it's awesome VO work, but here we are. Camera work is still pretty terrible and they even call that out at the very beginning "We know it's rough, but stick with it and you'll be fine" uh what? Other controversial thing... I only beat this game via Sonic's Adventure mode and didn't beat it with all of the characters. I committed to playing all of the Sonic games, but I know I'll get burnt out if I re-play every game over and over to get all of the endings. After Nier Automata, I don't think I can do that sort of thing again, so for now I'm just doing the one ending and calling it a day. I don't want to say I might come back and do it, because I know I won't.
Rating: Hard pass.
Pokemon Picross (GBC)
Current Progress: 6-6
This game got released as part of a leak of Nintendo stuff, game looks to be complete and fully functional, which is frustrating because I would have imported the heck out of this. Sounds like it's 150 puzzles, 1 for each pokemon in gen 1. Just general Picross stuff. What little text the game has is not in English, but it's picross so you don't really need it to play, and the text is mostly pokemon names and "Oh look, it's [pokemon]! You want to come with me? Okay, let's go. Yes, I got [pokemon]". Totally playable. Did all 151 puzzles and got initial credits and complete credits. Unlocked Safari Zone and started that. I don't fully understand what this mode is, I went through the translate for it, but it didn't make much sense. The fact that all of the puzzles are pokemon, it's definitely more worth playing than your average Picross game.
Rating: Soft recommendation
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