Main ListPrevious Listbold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.
italicized games are in progress.
standard games are games I am not currently trying to beat.
strikethrough games are games that have been abandoned.
Final Fantasy III (6) (SNES)
Really hate that they called it 3 when it's 6.

Anyway, another game club game, started this up right after finishing Persona. Had some trouble early on because I really wanted to play Persona 2 instead, but I powered through and I'm making progress now. Progress is slow, but I'm making it. I just don't enjoy FF's ATB combat system, and this game has some convoluted aspects like the Blitz system for Sabin. A few of the people taking part love this game, like they named their children after characters from this game. I'm figuring that's a childhood thing, because I'm honestly not enjoying this game as much as say Chrono Trigger. I basically abandoned this game for a month or so, stopped playing games and watched a bunch of anime and read a bunch of books. Finally decided that I'm back playing games and played Fallout 76 and Watch Dogs and a bunch of other stuff. Decided now that I'm playing games again, I need to give this game another chance. Decided that if I'm going to give this game a chance, I'm going to use cheats to help push me through. Played with cheats that weren't working for a while whilst still trying to get cheats working. Mainly wanted to A) Turn off/lower chance of random battles, B) Increase XP/Lvl to where it should be for battles, and C) Have money to buy whatever equipment I want. A) Took me a while, but I figured out turning off random battles around when I got the moogle charm

. B) The only way to level up skills I could find that actually worked pushed you to level 99, didn't figure it out until near the end of the game, so earlier, I was level whatever stat wise, but HP wise I was still 18, so that didn't work out very well.

C) Couldn't find a way to have money, but found a way to have 99 of an item, 99'd a high selling item and sold it to have gold to buy equipment. That stuff aside, I didn't follow the walkthrough close enough, and I didn't save often enough that Shadow died and I would've had to replay several hours of game to get back to the point where he died to save him. So I said fuck it and kept playing. Didn't get back Gau, Relm, Relm's pappy, and maybe one other person and ran through the rest of the game with groups of 3 instead of groups of 4. Final battle, my groups died on the final hit at each stage so no chance of Phoenix Down to keep them alive so finished the boss with one guy still alive. I feel like I can't rate this game too badly, because I didn't rightfully give it a chance it deserved, but the random battle rate was way too high and the combat system too complex. I didn't care or understand Gau, Sabin required memorized button inputs, I didn't get or remember the relic/esper systems, and I just don't care for the ATB system of FF games.
Rating: Soft Pass.
Watch Dogs: Legion (PS5)
For some reason preordered this game when I know I shouldn't have. Didn't pay full price, but still would've saved quite a bit of money waiting like 5 days for the 50% price drop lol. Anyway, left the game sealed until I got my PS5. Day one on PS5, couldn't get past the intro mission without the game crashing over and over. Finally found a work around and got to playing, but I was so frustrated that I just wasn't very interested anymore. Kept playing on and off for a while. I feel like I had the same issue with WD2, but at least that game had characters. This game has randomly generated characters that all sound way off from how they look. Honestly, that's this games biggest downside. Not only aren't the characters relatable because they are randomly generated and not well thought out or designed, but the random generation is just absolutely terrible. I didn't stress test the recruit system because I assume it's bad, like I assume there is an upper limit of like 50 recruits or something, otherwise I'd consider going and just recruit as many as I can, but I can only assume there is an upper limit and not worth the effort. It'd be neat to have a game with a finite population where you can recruit the whole population and immediately win the game, or kill the whole population and immediately win the game because there is no reason for the game to continue.
Rating: Soft pass.
122. Dark Souls III: Fire Fades Edition (X1)
Game Challenge 2021123. Wreckfest (X1)
Game Challenge 2021124.
Tomoyo After (NS)
Game Challenge 2021125. Resident Evil: Code Veronica X HD (X1BC)
Current Progress: Military Training Facility
Been looking to play more games that I want to play, and it was an achievement week, so I decided to pop this on and play far enough to get 3 achievements. Managed to get all the way to Claire's playthrough's Military Training Facility. Big bad is annoying, Steve is even more annoying. Honestly, this game feels like so terrible it's good, my wife and I had a decent time laughing and making fun of the voice acting and such.
126. Marvel's Avengers (PS4)
A good dude on Discord used his Verizon perk thing to hook me up with a copy. Not happy that the game requires an internet connection to start up, but the game seems fine so far.
127. Oxenfree (NS)
Current Progress: Going to save Ren
I asked my wife about playing a game again and she insisted on this one. Personally I'm not feeling it, and I absolutely hate games that make you make decisions but don't give you enough time to even read the options. It sounds like it's short though, and my wife insists, so I'll give it a go, but I will probably only play while my wife is watching. What with me being so interested in DQ Builders 2, I just don't know when I'll get around to finishing up this game.
128. Yakuza Kiwami 2] (PS4)
Current Progress: Chapter 5
Decided to play this for some reason. Not quite getting into it, but I'm enjoying my time so far. I'm already struggling with the fact that I've already played through the story of Yakuza 2 so I'm not paying attention to dialogue. I may not make it through given that fact alone.
129. Human Fall Flat (X1)
Current Progress: Demolition
I started playing this a while back for the easy achievements to meet my goals for Xbox Rewards, so when I need achievements I hop on this. It's definitely a frustrating game, but it seems easy for quick achievements.