Author Topic: 52 Games Challenge 2022  (Read 49929 times)

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #165 on: May 02, 2022, 04:09:15 pm »
Here are the games I played in April!

Offworld Trading Company (PC) - This was fine.  I really loved the idea of an economics based RTS, but it was way too fast paced for what I was expecting.  I played a few games, won way fewer.

Yoku's Island Express (PC) - Beat on Apr. 17.  So, so cute.  Perfect length for the type of game and control scheme.  Could have easily have worn out its welcome with all the pinball.

World of Warcraft (PC) - I succumbed to the temptation after almost 8 years.  I'm having a blast because there is so much content I've missed.

Vampire Survivors (PC) - A perfect way to kill 15-30 minutes.  Way too good and fun for a $3 game.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #166 on: May 02, 2022, 08:25:07 pm »
20. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS5) 5/2/22

GOD I FUCKING LOVE THIS FRANCHISE! Every minute of this game was just perfect, I didn’t want it to end. I know I have Lost Legacy to play, but there’s just something a little sad about finishing up Nathan’s story; I really hope they bring him back for a new game soon.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #167 on: May 03, 2022, 10:03:26 am »
20. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS5) 5/2/22

GOD I FUCKING LOVE THIS FRANCHISE! Every minute of this game was just perfect, I didn’t want it to end. I know I have Lost Legacy to play, but there’s just something a little sad about finishing up Nathan’s story; I really hope they bring him back for a new game soon.

I couldn't have been less excited when they announced part 4.  I just felt like they had a good run and were just trying to milk the franchise.

It's far and away the best in the series.  Couldn't believe it.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2022, 10:10:05 am by Cartagia »


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Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #168 on: May 03, 2022, 06:27:53 pm »
20. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS5) 5/2/22

GOD I FUCKING LOVE THIS FRANCHISE! Every minute of this game was just perfect, I didn’t want it to end. I know I have Lost Legacy to play, but there’s just something a little sad about finishing up Nathan’s story; I really hope they bring him back for a new game soon.

I couldn't have been less excited when they announced part 4.  I just felt like they had a good run and were just trying to milk the franchise.

It's far and away the best in the series.  Couldn't believe it.

100% agreed.
Uncharted 4 seemed like it would be a cheaply-made money grab, and turned out excellent. For me, UC2 is just a hair better, but UC4 is right up there.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #169 on: May 04, 2022, 09:55:50 am »
31. Mega Man X2

More like Meh-ga Man X2. SLAM! I gave it a replay just because. It's fine, but still my least favorite in the X series.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #170 on: May 04, 2022, 04:49:24 pm »
20. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS5) 5/2/22

GOD I FUCKING LOVE THIS FRANCHISE! Every minute of this game was just perfect, I didn’t want it to end. I know I have Lost Legacy to play, but there’s just something a little sad about finishing up Nathan’s story; I really hope they bring him back for a new game soon.

Until then, there's always Tom Holland.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #171 on: May 04, 2022, 06:33:24 pm »
13 - Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer - BEAT - It's May 4th, so it's Star Wars day and I figured I'd play something Star Wars, so I grabbed the PC version of Episode 1 Racer since it was on a very cheap sale.  I believe this is the original PC version, not that newer version they put out not that long ago that I think is console exclusive, which would explain a few wonky details, but I was surprised at how good it is.  Visually, a lot of the menu's and such look kinda rough, but they work, there's mouse support, and while it's all old school PC graphics, it's not unplayable.  The cutscene stuff is borked as it doesn't scale with you resolution, so on my 27" monitor, the videos are kinda like the size of my phone, if not smaller lol Not the best, but not unwatchable.

That being said, the gameplay is fantastic, it's smooth as heck, runs well, it's a real quality racing game, I was surprised at how much it holds up and it's neat playing this with a good controller and not playing on an N64.  From what I'm seeing, the updated version of the game on like Switch and I think PS4, does have improved, cleaned up, cutscenes, and maybe some improved menu and text stuff, but game wise seems about the same.  Definitely cool to be playing this again.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #172 on: May 09, 2022, 09:24:12 am »
Main List
Previous List

Quote from: Legend
bold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.
italicized games are in progress.
standard games are games I am not currently trying to beat.
strikethrough games are games that have been abandoned.

64. Superman (2600)
I was looking for games that came out during years that I've missed so far, so I found that this one filled 1979 for me so I gave it a go.  First impression is that I have no clue what's going on, so I had to look up a guide.  Guide did a pretty good job of explaining the game.  So I started playing it understanding the concepts.  Honestly, this game is pretty good.  Like it might be one of my favorite 2600 games now as it's a pretty solid single player game.  Since you're Superman, you can't die, so there are no game overs, you're just playing against the clock for the best time.  Goal is 1) throw Lex Luthor and his minions in jail, 2) fix the bridge, 3) get to work at the Daily Planet.  Controls are pretty simple, the only worry in the game is Kryptonite, if it touches you, you turn into Clark Kent and you have to go find and get a kiss from Lois Lane to become Superman again.  Amusing.  Honestly though, it's a short, simple game.
Rating: Soft recommendation

65. Mario Bros. (2600)
Another game to fill out a missing year.  Just the basic pipe cleaning Mario game, plays well enough on Atari, but I remember playing the SNES Mario All-Stars version.  Not much to say about it.
Rating: Hard pass

66. Kung Fu (NES)
Another year filler.  Anything pre, I don't know, 1994 will probably be year filler stuff any given year.  Not many games came out in 1985, Atari was dead, NES was too new, real limited options here.  Anyways, this is a real simple beat em up game, you head left/right depending on where you start, fight some dudes, fight the boss, move to the next floor of the tower.  4 or 5 levels total, real quick game.
Rating: Hard pass

67. Balloon Fight (NES)
Another year filler.  I've had interest in playing this game since finding out years ago that Satoru Iwata made the game, but I like all NES games, I rarely get around to it.  Any while this year filler stuff is kind of meh for me to do, it does push me to play games that otherwise I never would've gotten around to.  This game was so pleasant that I actually went and got all of the achievements on Retro Achievements for it.  It's the first game that I 100% completed too.  That said, there isn't much to the game and from what I read it's basically Joust?
Rating: Soft pass

68. Contra (NES)
Another year filler, this time 1988.  Decided that since I've never played a Contra game before that I'd give it a go, especially after playing the run and gun James Bond game.  Pretty fun game, but like seriously, I don't know how people play this game without an emulator or Konami code, some parts are just devilishly tough.  Like it's fun, but I wouldn't think it were fun back in the day, especially if I cared to actually beat the game.
Rating: Soft pass

69. Spider-Man (PSX)
The first 3D entry in the franchise run, I fully expected this to be the longest game so far, and it's proving so.  Gameplay is fine so far, but the lack of analog controls is frustrating, and I'm confident this game isn't early PS1.  My controller isn't setup for analog at the moment so it's okay, but I'll need to fix that eventually.  Controls are a tad confusing, like when I want to jump off a wall and web swing away, I don't know how to do that, if I try to get off the wall, Spidey just falls instead of jumping.  That seems like a big flaw either in missing feature or in that I don't know how to do it because it didn't really teach me during the tutorial.  The chase segments in this are a bit unforgiving which can be very frustrating.  I always find it funny how comics do blue for black and for blue, so punisher, venom, and spider-man both show up as blue, but punisher and venom should be black... so should spiderman have been black and red instead of blue and red?
Rating: Soft pass

70. Spy Hunter (NES)
Another year filler, this time 1987 because I skipped over it when I was looking at stuff.  I've had a mild interest in this series for a long time and I love me some driving games.  Pretty simple game, lots of dodging stuff.  Plays incredibly well with the exception of the obvious NES era stuff.  Enjoyed my time with this enough and the achievement list was simple enough that I wound up with all of the Retro Achievements except one, so I went out of my way to get the last one I was missing.  So this makes for the 2nd completed achievement list game on Retro Achievements for me.  This game closes a gap and now I've got 1977 through 1993 covered in a year by year thing.
Rating: Soft pass

71. 3 Ninjas Kick Back (SNES)
I didn't choose this one to be a year filler, but it does happen to fill 1994 for me.  I picked it because I wanted a random SNES game to play, got half way through and thought about what year this game came out and was sort of hoping it wasn't 1994 because I already had a game in mind for 94 (King's Field), so doing this takes away at least a little incentive to playing King's Field.  Enough so that I'll go back to Spider-Man for the time being but plan to come back to King's Field eventually.  Anyway, generic action platformer licensed off a terrible kids movie.  I grew up with these movies so nostalgia and what not, almost makes me want to watch the movies.  Kinda sad, I loved watching stupid stuff like this as a kid, and I know my wife wouldn't be cool with our kid watching this, and neither would I, because our kid would immediately start running around and kicking and throwing stuff and laugh.  Anyway, not a great game tbh.
Rating: Hard pass

72. Tunic (XS)
Started this game at launch.  Really enjoyed the demo for this game, and sadly I'd maybe say the demo is better than the game itself.  The game is pretty great, but then you reach a point where you have limited health and you just gotta survive until you fix stuff.  Like 1 shot KO type of health, and that's just nuts.  The game does have built-in infinite health and it doesn't void achievements, but god damn is that part brutal.  I didn't even realize you could fix it, so I did infinite health and finished the game and then read about how to fix it, still fucked up.  So game's beat, but now I'm going back and doing missed achievements and going for the true ending.  I expected this game to be a top 5 contender for the year, but if it does, it'll be by default.  I'm quite disappointed in the difficulty spike towards the end.
Rating: Soft recommendation, if you're okay with cheating.  Hard pass otherwise.

73. Bebe's Kids (SNES)
Wowee was this game terrible.  I can go and remove it from my wishlist for sure if it's still on there.  It's a movie beat em up, but it's terrible.  Retro Achievements made it worse by requiring you to beat levels with 0 special moves and special moves kill and enemy in 3-4 hits, but normal hits takes like 50 hits.  It's bonkers broken.  Level design is near non-existent.  One of the fights is torture because you have to jump kick, but if you're at the bottom of the screen and jump, it'll just place you on a pedestal instead of letting you kick, it's poor programming simply put, if I jump from the bottom, even though my sprite winds up high, it doesn't mean I was close enough to make that jump, because I wasn't.
Rating: Hard pass

74. Seven of Heart (PC)
Didn't even mean to play this game let alone beat it.  My kid was playing on his computer and he loaded up the game and started playing it but it was actually kinda tough for a kids game so I started playing it for him and the game is only like 10 levels long so I beat it without even knowing it.  It's a single screen platformer where you collect keys and hearts and dodge obstacles.  That's it, real simple stuff.
Rating: Hard pass

75. Pocket Mini Golf (NS)
I was sitting around and really wanting to play a game, but I wasn't allowed to play on the TV because my kid earned no screen time because he decided to rub a rock against the TV screen, TV's fine, he's just a jerk.  So anyway, decided to grab my switch and play something in handheld mode.  I saw that I had downloaded this at some point and thought, eh this will be a chill game to play and can work towards my backlog.  Game has no real goal, it's kinda retro in that sense.  It's just like 50 levels and once you beat them you start getting random combos of levels infinitely.  I think I did like 60 levels and quit to the main menu and saw that it was an endless thing.  So I'm considering it beat.  You can collect gems while playing the levels but they don't seem to serve a purpose, so meh on that.  There is no par or anything, it's literally just get the ball in the hole with no anything for taking too many shots.  So it's a really chill kind of puzzle game that honestly you could lose yourself in.  For something that I got for free, I'd recommend it because it's a nice little time waster, but it's honestly not really worth your time.
Rating: Soft pass

My father in law wanted to try out VR when he came to visit (among other things) so after setting everything up and him playing and then heading home I decided since I set it up, I might as well play some VR games.  Started out with this one because I remember it being good casual fun.  I got further than I've ever gotten in my recent playthrough, but the game is essentially an endless game like Tetris.  It's interesting and the difficult ramps up pretty quick.  Don't expect I'll ever get much further than level 3, but it's a nice game to just play on occasion.
Rating: Soft recommendation

77. Blood & Truth (PSVR)
This was my first major VR game in quite some time if really ever to be honest, most of the other VR games I've played before had been puzzle games so pretty forgiving stuff.  I've got so much to say about this game though, because at first I'm like ok, meh, and then I'm enjoying and playing, and then I'm like meh, and then I finish the game and I have complaints, but then I play other games and really realize just how great this game is from a technical/gameplay standpoint.  Like for instance, I played this game for hours, came out of VR, and I didn't have that weird reality perception thing where everything feels off, I'm not sure how they did that, but every other game I come out of VR and I'm like are my hands real?  Maybe the tracking is real good?  Maybe the things they have you do work well with your brain?  Maybe the immersion is weak so it's easy to differentiate?  I don't know, but I like it.  The game has you holster your weapons a lot, which I find neat.  Reloading requires you to grab new magazines from your chest and pop it in, which I enjoy more than some of the other methods of reloading I've seen.  Story is pretty good, graphics are good too (kinda wish I had played on PS5 for the PS5 patch).  My main complaints are the story ending in a cliffhanger teasing a sequel that may never come and issues with tracking/climbing causing you to fall to your death a lot.  Aiming is a bit weird in VR and no real good way to use a scope but maybe Aim controller would help?  This is so far the best PSVR shooter to try.  I may drop the recommendation on this if I manage to find a better game, but I feel like that probably ain't happening.
Rating: Solid recommendation

78. The American Dream (PSVR)
This one had been on my list for a long time because it looked ridiculous, so I figured it'd be funny.  Well guess what, it isn't very fun and it aged incredibly poorly, though the true ending is on point.  Anyway, this game is dumb, the gameplay is dumb, just about everything in this game is dumb.  The true ending, which I won't spoil is a political commentary on guns in America, which the whole game is tbh, and which don't get me wrong, I agree, but wow that ending.  Gameplay isn't great, the final boss fight is confusing, just totally not even worth playing tbh
Rating: Hard pass

79. Katamari Damacy (X1)
Saw this was leaving game pass and decided, knowing it was short, to give it a play because Katamari is always enjoyable.  Interestingly, I remember the final couple of levels in this game being incredibly difficult, did they adjust the difficulty for Reroll?  I don't know, still a great game though.  I'm always mildly disappointed in the game though because really once you've done the last level there isn't even much reason to replay levels or anything, not that all levels have an eternal mode.
Rating: Soft recommendation

80. Omno (X1)
Another one of those leaving Game pass games that I decided to play.  I really only pushed through on this one because it was so short, but I really didn't enjoy the game.  The game play mechanics weren't very good and I just didn't care about the story.  To be honest, I didn't give this one much of a chance, but also to be honest, it's not that special of a game sad to say.  I didn't even understand the ending to be honest either.
Rating: Hard pass

81.  Powerwash Simulator (XS)
I had been hyped for this game since I first heard about it and I got even more hype when I heard it was coming to Game Pass.  Such a chill relaxing game... too much so, like to the point that I legitimately fell asleep playing the game on many occasions.  Surprisingly the game has a story, so that's kind of interesting, and it even does moderately well at tying things off, except maybe the what happened to the bad folks.  Real simple mechanics of cleaning, game gets a little tedious with some of the achievements and eventually you get to a point where your cleaning supplies just aren't that great.  The final level for instance, I upgraded all of my equipment, but like it was still a pain.  Even that, the cleaning supplies specifically don't seem to work that great, they're cheap, but they don't work that great and for that long for that matter, and it's a limited resource.  Honestly, I expected to like this game more than I actually did, it's not bad, but too often I found myself thinking that this game is a waste of time and not even that relaxing, it's just tedious.
Rating: Soft recommendation.

82. Forza Horizon 4 (XS)
I saw that the Ultimate DLC was on sale and I suspect the game/DLC will be delisted next month so I decided to bite on it and give the game a go.  I was surprised to see that there was so much in the game that I had never gotten around to doing.  I had done the main festival story and then stopped playing because of the season/games as a service nature of the game.  I'm still frustrated by the games as a service nature to be honest, because while it adds longevity to the game, it only adds that longevity while they are updating the game.  You can't go back and do previous seasons or anything, so once the game gets delisted next month (presumably), all you'll have to do is the festival story stuff and some of the side content, so much will be lost even if you do own the game.  I'm pessimistic about it, but I hope they patch the game to allow players to go back and do previous seasons, that would add long term longevity to the game for folks who buy the game before it gets delisted.  I'm really enjoying my time coming back to this game, but I am finding that 5 has a lot of features that I didn't even realize weren't in previous games and it's a bit disappointing.  5 specifically has a feature that rewards you for collecting so many/all cars from a given manufacturer, and this game does not.  But again, once these games get delisted, it'll be impossible to collect all of the cars because cars are locked behind the seasons/games as a service content.  I really love these games, but the games as a service and common delisting just makes the games harder to recommend.
Rating: Soft recommendation

83. Twelve Minutes (XS/X1/PC)
So I started this game on XS around launch and didn't quite enjoy my time with it and sort of abandoned it, it's leaving game pass soon, so I decided to try and finish it.  I wound up playing on X1/PC interchangeably based on availability, mostly playing on PC.  I recall now that I didn't enjoy it because I was playing with a guide to get achievements and it basically made the experience where I watched a playthrough and then mimicked the playthrough, so it sort of made playing the game pointless.  That said I, same as most folks, didn't really get what was going on with this game, even having beaten the game, I wasn't quite sure what was going on.  Apparently the entire game is you playing through your future in your head while talking with your dad, which ok, that makes things make more sense, but I still don't get the timeline, do I understand this correctly, you met a girl on xmas and fell absolutely in love by new years?  That's one of the only things I don't get and it's kind of like the entire premise of the game... but also, somehow you're playing through these scenarios in your head without the knowledge that you have?  I guess that's another flaw, I'm daydreaming about not knowing why I'm daydreaming?  No, not gonna dwell on that.  The concept of this game is great, execution is poor, the achievements make it so you basically have to spoil the game for yourself to go through a guide, and the story just completely goes off the rails.
Rating: Hard pass

84. Mighty Goose (XS)
A big ole list of games leaving game pass came out and this was the most attractive game in the bunch in that I played it first.  Just a Contra style run and gun kinda game.  I enjoyed my time with the game, but sadly I can't remember much about it.  I only recall having a basic ass weapon and randomly getting shotguns, smgs, rocket launchers, etc.  I'm gonna recommend because my recollection is fuzzy, but I know I enjoyed the game.
Rating: Soft recommendation

85. I Am Fish (XS)
Another leaving game pass game, but I played this one with my wife's cousins visiting and one of them gave me the story (which I pieced part of it together) that this is a direct sequel to I Am Bread, which is a prequel to Surgeon Simulator (That part I didn't know).  I recall hating playing I Am Bread and having to force myself to get through the game.  This was much more enjoyable, though it took me a long time to really figure out the controls to be able to enjoy the game, and even then I was very much forcing myself to get through the game so I could be done with it.  Game's fun, but as with most of these simulator games it can be very frustrating at times.  I had more than one situation where I was super close to the next checkpoint, but something fucky went on and I managed to barely not make it, and I just couldn't do it again, so I skipped to the next checkpoint and took the reduced points.
Rating: Soft pass

Next List
« Last Edit: September 06, 2022, 10:41:20 pm by ignition365 »


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #173 on: May 09, 2022, 10:31:32 am »
7. The Long Dark

The presmise for this game turned out to be different than I had expected. I think I had watched some youtube videos for it a long time ago, or perhaps I have confused it with some other similar type games. It didn't matter so much as the mechanics are fairly interesting, however you could consider the game to be a walking simulator for a lot of the time since you can't really run and the more you carry, the slower you move. I almost died immediately, even on the easy mode it is very difficult at the beginning because you have to manage temperature without having any items or skills. Once I found my way to a house and got some items, the game got a bit easier.

The main version of the game is called Wintermute and is the campaign. It is 5 parts but part 5 is not released yet. I know from (spoilers) that the second two parts you play as the person you are trying to find in the first part. Part 1 is the most enjoyable to me. Part 2 is where the problems start. By this point you end up with enough clothing to stay relatively warm, and have found enough to repair what you have. But you also end up finding most of your tools and then it become inventory simulator. You don't technically need many of the tools like the crowbar or hacksaw. These are heavy. You need a climbing rope and it is the heaviest. So you decide if you want to get rid of stuff. You can't get rid of the rope, can't get rid of the clothes, the next heaviest thing is water, can't get rid of that. All the food and materials you picked up have to go.

Part 2 is much more sparsely populated with locations compared to part 1. There is a lot of walking to do. Part 2 all comes down to fighting a bear. You see it in cutscenes, the other person you meet talks about it. Until you get to a point where you have to get parts from radio towers, you get the idea that you have to avoid it and the game makes it clear that it can't be killed without a special weapon. And this is true, except when you get this weapon (its heavy too) you can't actually kill the bear then either. Because the encounter with the bear is completely scripted and it is a situation that you cannot play the game any other way than the way the developers intended. You can encounter the bear 2 times during regular gameplay. At the 2nd tower you go to, he will be there. There is some game logic involved that can be exploited and can be done at one of the towers but not the other. That logic is, the bear will spawn if you haven't gotten the part from the tower. So the goal is to get the part and not play the mini-game with the bear.

On the 2nd tower I died many times due to the minigame. You have to use the spear in a quick-time event against the bear, then click very fast to "win" the encounter. But you can't actually click fast enough to do this, so you have to change the accessibility option to do it. If you time it wrong, lose or the bear hits you before you can engage the mini-game, you will be mauled and likely die. If you manage to engage the minigame but don't fill up the bar, you will live but only get about 5-10 seconds to attempt to heal but since the game is not paused when you use inventory window, you can die in a menu. And then there is an unskippable animation of the bear attacking you. This was already frustrating enough, but I decided to try again. The goal is to not attack the bear and to get the part. I did this successfully on the 2nd tower by running (you can move faster) and using the terrain to escape. The bear's pathing is limited to where a person is supposed to be able to go, but like any 3D game a player can get around onto parts of the map they aren't supposed to go. After a certain distance the bear will despawn. Then it respawns at the last tower. The tower at the north side only has one approach point to it and unlike the other, the bear spawns between the player and the tower. So there is no way to escape the bear and get the part and run away, the terrain does not allow for this type of movement.

So that was enough of the campaign for me. I had read that when you complete the radio tower parts quest you'll be forced to fight the bear again, where it moves you into a cave with no inventory or light and you will be forced into a stealth mission to find the spear and then kill the bear. I wasn't interested in doing that either. However there are other game modes, most notably the survival mode that looks interesting and I may try out some day in the future.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #174 on: May 10, 2022, 09:15:19 am »
8. Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword

I have recently come to the realisation that I may not have ever played Civilization IV. I certainly had played II back in the 90s, and III when it came out. Having the Limited Edition, which is a large tin container in a time when I remember there being many other PC gamese released in tin containers. I had not originally bought it for myself, but as a present for my cousin on Christmas only to find out he had already gotten it! So I kept it and do remember playing it but not to the degree that I can remember how to play it to this day. Is it really true that I had not played any version of Civ IV prior to now? I even look at my collection here and see two copies, the US version and an EU version I most certainly haven't played.

In any case, Beyond the Sword (BTS) is a self-contained expansion. I suspect the other add-ons such as Colonization are the same way. Initially I was confused why Steam listed them as separate games and not DLC. Now I know. BTS is heavily customised/modded versions of the base game. The first scenario I played was more along the lines of a squad-based tactical thing on an alien planet. It was fine but wasn't what I was really expecting. Then I tried another scenario that actually used the main game mechanics. It was completely foreign to me, which is why I think it is quite possible I never actually played Civ IV to begin with.

And that is a bad thing, as BTS is not the ideal entry into the game since it is modded and also does not have any sort of tutorials to use. I know the general way to play the game but the combat was causing me major issues even on Settler difficulty. So I decided to shelve BTS until some other day in the future when I can play Civ IV proper first to know how to do it. I have queued up Minecraft Story Mode but likely won't get to starting that until next week.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #175 on: May 10, 2022, 12:32:00 pm »
8: Rhythm Heaven Megamix completed 5/6/22

I finally got a perfect in every mini game (even Lockstep, which wasn't easy!), and that was when I considered myself done with it. I haven't done every challenge train challenge, or bought every bonus collectible, but I still consider myself done with it. Buy this game before the eShop closes! (Or buy a European/Japanese 3DS and a physical copy of the game that way).

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #176 on: May 10, 2022, 03:11:13 pm »
Finally! I have finished a game after a while (I have been vigorously working on finishing Miitopia and the game is seriously torturing me at this point lol)!

5. The Stanley Parable (PC)

This is the original. I actually got the Ultra Deluxe edition recently and I am just as entertained as the original. I have also legitimately earned the Go Outside achievement, so I was like you know what? Let's get it completed! I am hoping to pick up the pace soon!
Currently Playing: Game & Wario



Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #177 on: May 11, 2022, 10:32:12 am »
32. Demon Gaze II

Wonderful dungeon crawling RPG; a massive improvement over the first one - which is saying a lot because the first one was solid. The highlight was the cast. Instead of generic classes, your team consisted of actual characters. I'm really excited to write a review for this.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #178 on: May 12, 2022, 09:24:00 am »
Game 5 - Mega Man Battle Network 2 (Wii U) – 22 Hours

I will always have a soft spot for the Battle Network games, even though I will fully admit that the series is far from perfect. One of the things that I love about these games is the combat, and Battle Network 2 is no exception. It’s such a fun combination of strategy regarding your chip selections combined with and fast paced combat requiring quick reaction times, spatial awareness, utilizing combos, and there’s pretty much nothing like it. This game however being only the second in the series, is missing a lot of the gameplay features that I loved from later installments. Not having NaviCust and Full Synchro is a real bummer. You get some different “styles” that you can equip to change how Mega Man plays but you can only hold two at a time which was disappointing. I like that you can upgrade your buster just through powerups you find in the overworld however. From what I've heard this game has a lot of exploitable aspects of the gameplay that hardcore fans of the series enjoy but from a more casual perspective I think the later games have a better experience with more to offer.

Speaking of the overworld, I’ve always loved MMBN’s setting. I think it’s the coolest idea with a lot of potential. As a kid I would always dream about this series providing a fully explorable internet world with a myriad of things to do rather than… a featureless web of interconnected pathways and maybe a couple shops or other Navis dotted around. Oh well, not really a fault of this game in particular. In fact, this game really isn’t too different than any of the others with regards to its setting. I did like a lot of the puzzles that were involved with boss stages, particularly KnightMan. The music was also pretty good, but some of it gets very repetitive after a short time. Using one song for the entire internet world is just one example.

The one area that these games always struggle with is the writing and story, and this game is no exception. I love that the main villain only shows up once over the course of the story, and you just get a text dump about his motivations and backstory AFTER you’ve already beaten him. Really great. The writing is very basic and uninspiring, and these games struggle a lot with character limitations when naming and describing chips and other features of the gameplay which has always been a bit of a nuisance. On that note, this game has some more “adult” concepts than I was expecting, like alcohol and religious references. I wonder if the Wii U version has some modifications that I don’t know fully (I do know that there are some special chips in this version that you could only get via a special promotion or trading in the original which was a nice touch.)

Overall, when I hear people talk about the best MMBN game, it's usually between 2 or 3. Personally, I think 3 is way better, but they're all pretty comparable experiences, barring the 1st game. I will always enjoy playing this series and I might boot this up again later to try and find some more secrets and round out my chip collection.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2022, 09:00:39 am by telly »
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Re: 52 Games Challenge 2022
« Reply #179 on: May 13, 2022, 06:43:38 pm »
14 - Evil Dead: The Game (PC 2022) - BEAT/ENDLESS - I'm a big Evil Dead fan, specifically Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness, the series was fun also, so getting the first major game since the Xbox/PS2 days is pretty great and I think they did a lot to nail the feel of the series.  Visually looks great and runs well, tons of blood, and the idea of it is pretty cool.  The main game is asymmetrical multiplayer, 4 survivors exploring an open section of a map to find parts of a map that leads to the Kandarin Dagger and pages of the Necronomicon, which then lead to a fight to take out the Dark Ones, and then keep the book safe for a certain amount of time.  The other side is one play playing as Deadite, who in spirit form (Handled like the first person camera view seen in the movies) flies around, setting traps, putting out minions, and can fight directly by possessing minions, players who are too afraid, or by summoning an elite like Evil Ash or Knowby's wife in all her terrifying, floating, grossness lol

I'm counting this one as "BEAT/ENDLESS" as it also has a couple singleplayer bonus missions that you can probably get a few hours out of, 5 of them currently, which let players unlock a couple outfits and the rest of the characters, Ash, Pablo, and Amanda from the series, and then Arthur.  They are pretty cool actually, I wouldn't mind them adding more, even for just general challenges or such, the Arthur one is super busted difficulty wise.  The rest were fine, but this one was rough with no checkpoints and honestly felt abit unfair, especially having to fight the Pit Demon and Evil Ash with very limited health items at the end.

I've only played a little multiplayer, but I can see some casual enjoyment out of this stuff.  I like this setup more than like a game such as Dead by Daylight, where all you do is hide and work generators, you got some regular action and stuff to do along with progressing the objectives.