Author Topic: 52 Games Challenge 2019  (Read 56374 times)

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #75 on: March 13, 2019, 12:09:37 pm »
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63. Gears 5 (X1)
Decided to take a break from God of War to play something else.  Popped in Control but it had a huge update and I already preloaded this thanks to Game Pass, so I decided to play this.  I remembered not particularly caring for Gears 4.  I think I didn't care for JD Fenix, the story didn't seem to explain enough of why the Locust (Swarm) were back, story was pretty short, and the ending was abrupt.  This game fairly quickly hands over the reigns to Kait (Laura Bailey ofc).  Kait is a more likely protagonist, so that helps.  They make JD sorta a bad guy for not much of a good reason, but then it's just fine... sorta disjointed.  Story and background is really good this time around though, I'm finding myself wanting to play the game instead of just about anything else.  Doubt it'll be a top 5 overall, but it might make top 5 for the year, if they can manage to not screw up the epilogue and the climax.  Epilogue and climax were pretty great, but the final boss fight was so frustrating that I think that alone disqualified it from being a top 5 game.  I'll go look at my list and see where it stacks... but Control will definitely outrank this so it might not matter.
Rating: Recommended.  It makes Gears 4 not so bad and the story is pretty good.

64. Control (PS4)
I don't even know how to talk about this game.  The story is so trippy and complicated... the game even starts you out with little subtle hints of what to expect.  There really isn't much I can talk about without spoiling things, but this game is pretty freaking great.  Combat is interesting and can be frustrating at times.  Combat provides so many different button actions that can be done that I find myself getting flustered with the options at hand pretty frequently.  The trophy list for the game looks really simple so I'll probably wind up going for the platinum on this game.  Wound up going for the platinum for this game.  This game was amazing.  It was difficult enough that I got the same feeling I got with Souls games while wandering around just waiting for shit to attack me and boss fights trying to figure out strategies.  Only 3 downsides with this game. 1) The loading screens when you die feel like forever, because you just want to jump back into it.. 2) Unpausing the game or loading from a loading screen leaves you with a couple of seconds of horrible framedrops (<10 fps).  Both annoying, but not game breaking.  3) No checkpoints, any progress you make is always saved, but when you die you get loaded back to the most recent control point (bonfire), this makes the game even more Souls like.  I hate to call this the Souls of 3rd Person Shooters, but it kind of is.
Rating: Highly Recommended.

65. Catherine: Full Body (PS4)
I've been interested in this game for a long time, anime puzzle game?  Sign me the frick up.  Puzzle gameplay is... sorta meh... it's the anime/story that keeps you going.  The puzzle gameplay isn't tiresome, so it's all good.  The story however is pretty damned good and has me wanting to play more.  The internet rage machine mostly spoiled the new content for me so I wasn't really surprised at the twists.  I never played the original, so I'm not patently aware of the ramifications to gameplay and story of them adding in Rin.  It makes me consider going back and playing the original... but I'll probably just do Youtube.  I decided to go for the Rin ending because it seemed like the thing they wanted you to do, I felt the obvious feelings towards K/Catherine, so I wanted to see what Rin wound up like.  I also heard something akin to that doing Rin's ending lets you do chapter select and no other endings give you that, and I want chapter select.  I was doing laundry late last night so I wound up playing really late and hitting Stage 10 by the time laundry was done running, I really wanted to finish the game, but I figured that would wind up keeping me up for another hour or so.  Finished the game.  I don't think I cared for the game quite enough to playthrough multiple times for the multiple endings, especially don't like the idea of replaying the same puzzles over and over.
Rating: Soft Recommendation.

66. God of War III Remastered (PS4)
Started this game shortly after finishing Catherine.  Kept falling asleep while playing, I'm unsure if it's because I was that bored of the game or if my allergies were just acting up that badly.  Took me getting about halfway through the game because I really got invested.  Honestly, this may be my least favorite God of War game.  Honestly, it's kind of a toss up between this and Ascension.  Ascension had a lot of colorblind unfriendly aspects, but so did this I assume.  Every game I ended with max stats... except this game.  Apparently there were invisible chests throughout the game that I didn't know about until the end of the game.  Apparently I was supposed to know that when there is mirage looking lines on the screen that that means there is an invisible chest, the game never really conveyed that information.  I messed around looking at these mirages every time they appeared, but I never tried to use the item that would've activated it, so I missed a ton of collectibles and would've wound up with max stats.  Yeah, definitely my least favorite game in the franchise.  Seems to tie up a lot of the Greek Mythology loose ends and stuff.  He appears to die at the end, but as GoW 2018 exists and he's got the scar from his wound at the end, obviously he lived.... somehow.  My only complaint is that Athena died in a previous game, she's in this game as a ghost, she is corporeal enough to hold a sword, seems like the only left antagonist and she just walks away at the end, sorta anticlimactic and seems to leave a single loose end.
[/b]Rating[/b]: Extremely soft recommendation.

67. Untitled Goose Game (NS)
Bought and started up this game over the weekend so I would have something I could play in front of my kid.  Only wound up playing for like 20 minutes or so before I was able to get back to playing whatever I was playing.  As short as this game is supposed to be, it will probably last me a while.  This game is actually really short, probably took me like 2 hours over the course of a week or so.  Game gives you things to do after beating the game, but I lost my motivation and just quit.  The ending made me laugh.  It's one of those endings where you saw or could've saw a thing at the beginning that would give away the ending, and you get to the ending and remember what you saw and just laugh.  Cost is fairly high for a game that will last you a couple of hours, it's fun and funny, but I feel it can lose its appeal pretty quickly, but I see replayability in it if you care for being an asshole goose.
Rating: Soft recommendation

68. Cube Escape: Seasons (Android)
My wife convinced me to play this game last night.  It was an enjoyable experience.  The game is about 30-40 minutes long and it's your traditional escape game but it gets pretty dark.  It's free, but it's also the equivalent to an old flash escape room game.  It's apparently a part of a long running series of escape games and it's well reviewed.  I might play a few more of them.
Rating: soft pass.

69. God of War (2018) (PS4)
Started this up after GoW3, been waiting so long for this game.  Bought this game day one with my PS4 Pro, finally started playing it on the day it got announced as a Greatest Hits title.  I've always had a mild fascination with Norse mythology, so I'm really digging this game.  I know nothing of the ending or if they are planning a whole trilogy around this, but I'm very excited about this experience.  Combat is pretty frustrating in this game.  It's like it wants to be hack and slash, but it also wants to be Dark Souls, but it isn't quite doing either very well.  Combat isn't so frustrating that I won't go for the platinum trophy, but I'm planning on going for the platinum as it's rated as a 3/10 for difficulty.  Story is pretty great, characters are well developed and portrayed, voice acting is amazing, gameplay and combat are fun and interesting.  Ending was really good, gave you a little bit of closure but didn't end in a manner that it doesn't make sense to continue running around and doing stuff, but also leaves tons for a sequel.
Rating: Highly Recommended.

70. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PS4)
Beat this game years ago when it came out, I've been playing it yearly slowly working towards the platinum.  Played a little bit and got frustrated that even almost a year later, there are things not spawning that I need to finish the game.  Got over it and kept playing.  After a few days of playing through missions over and over, I finally S-ranked all missions and completed all mission tasks and earned the platinum trophy.  No clue how much time total I put into the game because there were a lot of days that I left the game on and unpaused over night to unlock stuff.
Rating: Still a freaking amazing game.

71. WWE 2K19 (X1)
Since getting back into wrestling around Wrestlemania this year, I've been super into wrestling.  I wanted something sort of mindless to play while I was sick the past week, so I played this.  I forget constantly that since it because the 2K series, it's been pretty garbage overall.  I try to look online into how to adjust the game to make it super easy, because that's what I want when I play these games, just sort of mindless challengeless violence... but changing the settings to what should read as essentially the bot standing there and taking it, the bots will reverse everything still and you could utterly destroy the bot and never take a hit, but the pin system is so broken that you could lose at full health with a pin and a single reversal can earn them a finisher and they constantly reverse finishers.  I spent the entire game just doing what I can to burn their reversals so they couldn't reverse my finishers, because if they have a reversal stored 10/10 they will reverse finishers.
Rating: Hard pass.

72. Legend of Zelda, The: Link's Awakening (NS)
Finished Goose Game and my wife insisted that I start playing this even though I wasn't feeling it.  So I kept screwing around and did the thing I do when I'm made to do something I don't want to do.  I play stupid, I feign ignorance, and I'm all around annoying to people watching me play.  My wife got really angry and wanted me to stop playing because I kept getting myself killed on purpose and doing the wrong thing on purpose.  I also kept skipping over all dialogue so I legitimately had no clue what to do next.  No clue if I'll get through this game.  Finally being mildly serious about this game and through with the 2nd dungeon.  Kept playing through the game and finished it... I don't think it even places on my top 5 for games this year, unfortunately, it's a great game, but it just doesn't check all those boxes for me.
Rating: Recommended, definitely recommended over the original for it's QoL improvements.

73. Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes (GCN)
After having played Phantom Pain and trying to find other stuff to play and playing other stuff, I kept just wanting to play more Metal Gear.  So I sat down and tried to decide what to do, Metal Gear Solid (PS1 Classic), Metal Gear Solid (PS3 download), Metal Gear Solid (PS1 on one of those portable screens), or Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes (GCN).  Through my research a lot of folks insisted that PS1 was the way to go as PS1 Classic loses the memory card thing, PS3 probably loses the memory card thing, and people have some weird issue with the GCN release.  I have PS1 memory cards with saves, but probably 0 Konami games, but I do have a GCN memory card with tons of saves for tons of games.  GCN release has many QoL improvements, looks better, and I get the neat Nintendo references.  Played through the game over the course of a few days, really enjoyable experience for the most part, but nothing out of this world compared to other games I've played this year.
Rating: Recommended, much better experience than I had with what little I played of the OG MGS.

74. Two Eyes (Android)
My wife showed me this little app/game and now I'm playing it as my handheld/mobile game for now.  Will probably last me a while too.  Picross with a story(ish).  Really not much to say about this, even the story is kind of meh and non-existent.  It'll be a soft pass for this one, maybe even hard pass as the Jupiter Corp Picross games are the ultimate picross games.  After finishing the Wolf story I've gotten super interested in the game because I want to see the Deer story and the finale, so the story grabbed me I guess.  Finished the Deer story and started up the finale, I really didn't expect the finale puzzles to be 30x30, so it's taking a long time and will continue to take a long time.
Rating: Hard Pass.

75. Outer Worlds, The (X1)
Got super excited to try out this game as it got closer, literally knowing next to nothing about the game.  Free with Xbox GPU, so I knew I had to try it out.  Pleasantly surprised that it was pretty much Fallout: New Vegas X Firefly.  It's pretty freaking great... but it has a lot of... downsides.  World is very sci-fi, like almost No Man's Sky level of world sci-fi-ness.  Exploration feels super boring, and to be quite honest, everything looks like everything else, so half the time I don't know where I need to go and where is accessible.  Weapons are super boring, only recently realized that as you get better versions (base, MK2, Ultra) you get more customization options, which is nice.  Inventory management is atrocious as at a glance there is no way to know where what you want is without being able to just recognize the weapon's icon/image, text would go a long way.  Companions aren't likeable.  Closest to likable is Ellie and Pavarti, and even they can be annoying.  The game does a poor job of motivating you as a player to get involved.  You just wake up in a ship and get told to save everyone.  Fallout at least had reasons (find dad, get revenge, find son, etc).  It's been 70 years, I should have some pre-freeze knowledge, but I have nothing and the game gives you nothing.  As a role playing aspect, I don't know what I should and shouldn't know, seems like 70 years would be a long time and there would be things.  I don't know that this game will even break the top 5 for games released this year, it's definitely not on the top 5 for the year.  I find myself getting bored of the game and wanting to do something else.  I will likely give the game a second chance and go on a murder rampage just going full evil and kill everything.  I finished the game, thought about doing a second run like I suggested and couldn't put myself up to it.
Rating: Recommended for Fallout fans. Soft recommendation for everyone else.

76. Tangle Tower (NS)
Bought this game near launch because it was having a launch sale.  This game is made by the folks who brought you Detective Grimoire (same franchise), Snipperclips, and The Legend of Zelda: The Lampshade of no real significance.  That last one is a real flash based game, and it's actually pretty fun/funny.  This game has amazing voice acting, the character animations are just phenomenal, the story is interesting, the dialog is funny and a little bit irreverent (read as British), and the puzzles aren't too simple and hints are given with no punishment.  I absolutely adored this game and am trying to get my wife to play it as I think she'd love it.
Rating: Highly recommended.

77. Metal Gear Solid 2 HD: Sons of Liberty (X1BC)
Started this up after finishing Twin Snakes.  I was mildly concerned that going from a game that was made after Snake Eater, to a game before Snake Eater, that I'd be missing QoL improvements and have a miserable experience, but the HD collection release has QoL improvements over Twin Snakes even... so that's nice.  I did notice that the collection sort of default expected you to play Snake Eater first.  Seems the devs picked chronology over release order.  I played Sons of Liberty on PS2 way back in the day, but I never even got to the Olga fight I believe.  It wasn't a goal for me for this year, as I said God of War was my goal for the year, but I'm thinking I might get through the MGS franchise this year.
Rating: Recommended, essentially a direct sequel to MGS.

78. Metal Gear Solid 3 HD: Snake Eater (X1BC)
Started this up right after finishing Sons of Liberty.  There are a few throw backs to the previous games, and it appears to really just answer some back story questions that Sons of Liberty left about the Patriots.  I feel like this game provided backstory to help connect 2 and 4 together, but I'm thinking this whole franchise really could've been played in chronological order... maybe even should've.  Going 1995 > 2005 > 2007-2009 > 1964 > 2014 > 1974 > 1975 > 1984 by release order just throws things in such a weird order to try and piece together.  Plus I tend to look at MGS as a split.  Half the franchise should be looked at as Big Boss games and half should be looked at as Solid Snake games.  There seems to be very little overlap between them.  The only constants are Revolver Ocelot, The Emmerich family, and Metal Gear.  Essentially chronological pre MGS and post MGS.  Like I feel like this game really just served the purpose to set up who the Patriots are for MGS4, which while necessary, wasn't necessarily needed to take place between 2 and 4.
Rating: Recommended, provides a lot of information about a lot of characters (i.e. world building).

79. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PS3)
Started this game up and just really wasn't feeling it.  Got frustrated a lot because they try to justify the radar capability behind an item you have to keep equipped that runs on a battery.  Game throws endless enemies at you when alerts happen which is quite frustrating, so you can't even be like I'll just kill everyone because they'll immediately infinitely spawn.  As always story is kind of confusing and difficult to follow.  A lot of things come up that directly revolve around the events of Snake Eater, so this game is making that game necessary, but even played in chronological order, you would've already played that, but it would've been 100's of hours before this game, so events might have been forgotten, which could influence your intake of the story.
Rating: Recommended, closes off a lot of plot holes and arcs.

80. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (X1BC)
Started this up shortly after finishing Guns of the Patriots.  Moderately enjoying it so far.  Definitely feels and plays like a portable game with it's small area sections.  Definitely feels like the transition game moving from Tactical Espionage Action to Tactical Espionage Operations with the mission system.  Honestly the game is great, it's basically a prototype for MGSV which is just an amazing game to me.  The Outer Ops are quite annoying to me in conjunction with the limited 10-11 fultons per mission, but it's side content, so whatever. A lot of annoyances with this game, but it's actually really freaking fantastic.  Not as good as Phantom Pain, but it's pretty damned good and directly connects
Rating: Highly recommended.

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« Last Edit: December 05, 2019, 01:02:35 pm by ignition365 »

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #76 on: March 16, 2019, 02:45:31 am »
9 - Devil May Cry V (PS4 2019) - BEAT - Despite not being a fan of this series, not liking DMC4 and only beating the DMC reboot, I had a ton of fun with this one.  It's so over-the-top and cheesy and it is really just a blast to play.  I'm not particularly good at combos, but I will say, play on Devil Hunter unless you know you are absolutely terrible, because "Human" is way too easy, but I was more there for the experience than the challenge.  About the only thing I didn't like was playing as V.  He's not bad, but compared to Dante and Nero, he's both lacking and just not nearly as fun to play.  Like Dante gets all these different weapons and Nero has the Devil Breakers, and there's V sending out his pets to do the dirty work while finishing off the creature.  I'd honestly have been happier with the game if he had not been a playable character.  Fun game otherwise.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #77 on: March 16, 2019, 09:23:40 am »
I finished the games that I hadn't previously played in the Disney Afternoon Collection.

Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers 2
Darkwing Duck
Ducktales 2

Darkwing Duck is probably the only one worth revisiting.  None of them are bad, but Chip N Dale and Ducktales are fine sequels but are pretty short and easy compared to their first game and Talespin is an ok bullet hell shooter, but that's not really my genre.  DW is fun and semi-challenging, with some pretty cool level and boss design.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #78 on: March 16, 2019, 02:45:11 pm »
1. Overcooked (2016) [PS4]
Completion Requirements:
•   3 stars on all levels in main campaign
•   3 stars on all levels in Lost Morsel DLC
•   3 stars on all levels in Festive Seasoning DLC
•   Obtained all trophies

Yay, I finally finished a game in 2019. This game was a lot of fun and shows how a simple concept of cooking food and running a kitchen as the core gameplay can be entertaining. I played this co-op with my brother. It's probably more fun as a multiplayer game than single player. Recommended.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #79 on: March 17, 2019, 11:31:20 am »
Game 4 - Shantae: Risky's Revenge: Director's Cut (PS4) - 6 Hours

This game was decent, but isn't as good as Pirate's Curse or Half-Genie Hero. I don't know why, I just didn't enjoy this as much as the other two. I think going backwards in the series may have something to do with it, because the game just feels like... less of an experience than the other two, which is pretty substantial because most of these games are relatively same-y. This game has less transformations, less power ups, less boss fights, and less stages. The game is still fun though, pretty good gameplay, great music, lots of secrets and decent replay value.

Touching on some stuff that I really didn't like, it was frustrating how you couldn't just pay for upgrades and you needed an extra item in addition to money. There was also a moment where you need a crucial upgrade and it's locked behind a wooden barrier that you're supposed to burn down with an optional power-up you buy in the shop. The game doesn't tell you that you can burn down wooden barriers however, which was extremely annoying to find out. The other thing about power-ups is that you can only increase your hair's whipping speed, not attack power. So even towards the end of the game, early level enemies will still take the same number of hits making those areas a slog to re-go through. Lastly, I wasn't the biggest fan of the layered presentation of the areas. It worked best in Scuttle Town, but everywhere else it felt cumbersome.

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« Last Edit: April 02, 2019, 04:43:04 pm by telly »
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #80 on: March 17, 2019, 01:43:59 pm »
14. Uncharted Drakes Fortune (PS4) 3/13 - Beat

Finished up the first Uncharted on Wednesday. I'm hooked, i'll be playing through the whole series now lol


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #81 on: March 17, 2019, 11:57:16 pm »
4. Unravel Two(PS4)

I was very happily surprised when this was announced randomly last year because I loved the original so much. I finally got to playing it and I am a little disappointed by how short it is. Me and my sister played through it in about 5-6 hours total which definitely feels shorter than the first. It improved a lot on the gameplay mechanics, graphics, and the customization options and with the addition of a second character it adds another dimension to each puzzle. Overall a great sequel to the first and it was nice playing a multiplayer game with my sister for the first time in a bit.

Time: 5-6 hours

5. Journey(PS4)

I also played this again for the first time in a few years and it was just as wonderful as the first time. Very fun, relaxing, and thoughtful.

Time: 3 hours
« Last Edit: March 18, 2019, 12:01:20 am by wolfen »

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #82 on: March 18, 2019, 01:24:07 am »
4 - ZeroRanger (PC 2018) - BEAT - I'm counting this as beat, even if I didn't get the true ending lol This is a really great little shoot'em up with cool art and music, and I beat the last boss, just to get to one more thing to do that basically requires me to not lose against one more boss or my save is deleted...I lost.  I'm not gonna go back and redo the game again, maybe way down the road, but I'm good for now.  I do recommend the game, but on PC, I'd do some save manipulation next time where you backup the save, so that you can just get back to where you were before as I'm not super huge on these types of meta things most of the time (Undertale being one of the other notable ones that does it well.)

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #83 on: March 21, 2019, 07:33:04 am »
Just Beat:
9. Firewatch (PS4):
I snagged it on sale for £4 this weekend and played it in one evening. This is a prime example of what I hope for in an Indie game, while not a AAA budget, it still has enough to not cop out on things like being in 1st person and not seeing your character model pick up things. The game itself was very compelling, well written and I enjoyed my time within the narrative. I have no real complaints, it was a solid experience and one of the best shorter games I've played this gen. I had fun just exploring an getting familiar with the environment and getting involved with the interaction with the dialogue choices - To which you hear your protagonist actually say the line - I hate it when games present a line and skip to the reaction. I don't want to spoil anything but highly recommend it for an evening experience.

Final Fantasy V (PC)

Plan to play:
Ni No Kuni (PS3)
Vampyr (PS4)

9. Firewatch (PS4), 8. Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise (PS4), 7. The Simpsons Game (PS3), 6. Devil May Cry 3 HD (PS4), 5. Kingdom Hearts III (PS4), 4. Resident Evil 2 REMAKE (PS4), 3. Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance (PS4) 2. Resident Evil REMAKE (PS4) 1. Kingdom Hearts RE:Coded (PS4)


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #84 on: March 22, 2019, 04:54:09 pm »
Game 5 - Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War (PS4) - 6 Hours

Finished this game for the 3rd time I think? My plan is to get the platinum on this which will require 3 more playthroughs  :o


This is one of my favorite games, but I do need to go back and play AC04 to see how it stacks up in my memory. Anyway, it was great to play this game again, especially on PS4. My favorite part about Ace Combat games has always been the gameplay. You just feel like such a badass playing it, and the awesome music, sound effects and radio chatter all add to the awesome feeling. The arcade mode where you play as Mobius 1 and just get to go crazy was another nice gameplay feature. The squadron function actually does make a difference and you need to use them effectively to get by some missions especially on the harder difficulty levels. *Most* of the missions are really well designed and the arkbird and submarines were cool bosses to fight. And of course "Journey Home" is an astounding mission to play.

Moving past the gameplay, the music is top notch, and is easily one of my favorite video game soundtracks of all time. The main and secondary characters are all pretty good, especially Nagase, she's such a badass. The voice acting is also excellent, with some big heavy hitters playing key roles. I especially liked how Bartlett was voiced by Steve Blum and Snow was voiced by Beau Billingslea. Total throwback feelings to Cowboy Bebop given that this is a jet combat game. Lastly, the story is also really good, and has that typical "war game about anti war" schtick with just the right amount of conspiracy and MGS style flair.


There are only two things I can think of that I didn't like. There are definitely some sour lines especially from Chopper, he can definitely come off as obnoxious a lot of the time. There are also some really bad missions, like the poison gas mission and the one where you have to find and rescue Nagase. Honestly, that's all I can think of though.
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

My music collection | My Backloggery

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #85 on: March 24, 2019, 09:40:18 am »
I finished the main story of Batman: Arkham Origins last night.  I think I'd put it pretty close to on par with Arkham Knight.  The gameplay isn't as tight, but it doesn't have a shoehorned mechanic like the Batmobile shoved down your throat.  The story is probably a little better as well, even though some of the writing isn't as strong.  It's also the first Arkham game where I didn't collect all of the Riddler Trophies.  They didn't feel as thoughtfully planned out as the ones in the other games.  I was going to do all of the case files, but the second to last one bugged, and even though I completed a step it wouldn't move the quest marker along.  I could go to the next area, and beat up the thugs, but the trigger for the next step in the chain wouldn't activate.  Once that happened I just stepped away.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #86 on: March 29, 2019, 01:49:23 pm »
15. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS4) 3/29 - Beat

The Uncharted series is really turning out to be something special; but i guess most people already know that lol. Among Thieves is easily in my top 10 now. 

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #87 on: April 06, 2019, 02:30:05 am »
12 - Sekiro (PS4 2019) - BEAT - From Software really knows how to nail it with these style of action games, that's for sure.  Compared to Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne, I think this game does some stuff really well.  I love having more of an actual narrative, the movement is super great, and the gameplay built more around posture makes the gameplay a little more tense as it's definitely about putting pressure on the enemy more than even Bloodborne.  That said, I  still like BB and DS3 more.  It's mostly due to the variety those games offer that I don't think Sekiro has, but it doesn't make Sekiro a bad game in the slightest.  Highly recommended if you enjoy these types of games.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2019, 06:36:34 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #88 on: April 07, 2019, 10:37:38 am »
Game 7 - Cosmic Star Heroine (PS4) - 13 hours

+ Visually, the game is stunning. It's incredibly well done and I would purposefully walk slowly through some of the areas to take in all the vibrant and varied scenery. I loved those little cutscenes the game throws in with the story too.

I like most of the characters, they have fun unique qualities and just enough characterization to make them relatable. I especially like Alyssa, she's strong and badass.

The music is top-notch, and as I listened to it more and more it really grew on me. It's got a lot of great psy-fi, phil-noir and rocking tracks, and it's a joy to listen to both in and out of the game. Some of my favorites include "Arcade Rat", "The Vast Nimbus", "Wicked Metropolis" , "Alien Blues", "White Hat Hackers" plus many more. My only complaint is that some of my favorite tracks weren't used in more places!

The combat is fantastic, and is probably my favorite aspect of the game. There are a ton of original and fun ideas and strategies like status health bars, the use of techs that recharge with the defend command, and lots of unique and fun abilities (both inherent and equippable) to test out and experiment with. It all adds up to a wonderful combat system that's easy to get into, but hard to master. It gives the game some much needed identity and sets it apart from what would otherwise feel like a complete clone of other 16-bit RPGs. I played on Heroine difficulty and overall it was pretty good balance, I never needed to grind. Some abilities are really abusable though xD My final party was Alyssa, Chahn, Z'xorv and Sue


My biggest complaint was the pacing of the story. It's a pretty short game, which is fine, and the game's story started out really strong, but it kind of fell apart about 8 hours in. All the cool battle scenarios are frontloaded in the first hour, and you just find yourself getting thrown into all the final battles and bosses with little buildup, and it felt very rushed.

Some of the characters felt pretty underdeveloped, especially Finn and Clarke.

There were some weird visual glitches and quirks including collision errors, weird lines showing up while moving around, and some text bugs. Nothing too crazy though, I've heard that people have experienced much worse.

Overall I'm really happy I took a chance on buying this when it was announced through LRG, I had never even heard of the game beforehand. I think it's a great starting point for Zeboyd to expand upon with a future sequel (it seemed like that was going to happen based on the credits).

« Last Edit: July 05, 2019, 10:03:15 am by telly »
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Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #89 on: April 08, 2019, 03:12:59 am »
13 - Far Cry: New Dawn (PC 2019) - BEAT - Been a long time I've played these Far Cry games, all of the mainline ones since the first and this spinoff (I never got to Primal).  While this game was overall alright, totally fine like Far Cry 5, I think this series has run its course.  Probably needs a complete reboot as they basically blew up the world and there's not much I think they could do gameplay wise to make this interesting.  While post-apocalypse is usually my jam, this was sort of a bland one.  It's done mostly kinda realistic, except for some tougher animals, and the nonsense bullshit that is Bliss...the magical mcguffin of both games that never made sense.  Otherwise it's just running around the FC5 setting, but everything is just abit more shit looking. Okay game, but I wouldn't recommend unless you get it cheap and you just really like open world shooters.