DarkStar One: Broken Alliance Box Art
DarkStar One: Broken Alliance Box Art
DarkStar One: Broken Alliance Box Art


DarkStar One: Broken Alliance

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Estimated Value: $5.64 [via PriceCharting.com]
Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): CDV Software; Kalypso Media
Developer(s): Ascaron Entertainment
Platform: Xbox 360 [NA]
Also on Platforms: 360 [EU]
Genre: Flight Simulator
Rating: ESRB - T (US / Canada)
Item Number: NA
Barcode: 853490002050
Release Date: July 20 2010
Description: Game comes with a cardboard outer case sleeve.

• instruction booklet
• game disc

players 1
1 MB to save game
HDTV 720p/1080i/1080p
in-game Dolby Digital
Box Text: In DarkStar One - Broken Alliance, command the mysterious spacecraft, the DarkStar One, allowing near infinite customization capabilities using the latest and even mysterious alien weapons and technologies. Blast into space for in-your-face 3D combat in full 1080p High Definition, explore over 300 alien worlds, buy and sell cargo or services, all while exploring a vast and beautiful universe in a quest to uncover the mystery behind the main character's father.

-Action and adventure in one exciting package - an innovative hybrid game that moves the player seamlessly between story-driven adventure, RPG customization and action-packed space battles

-Play as pirate, trader, mercenary, bounty hunter, smuggler or assassin, configuring your ship accordingly, as the game world reacts to your actions and reputation

-Explore a universe of more than 300 solar systems populated by 6 distinct alien races with unique ship designs, tactics, behaviors and realistic economies

-Amazing visuals and sound - enjoy more than 35 hours of true 1080p High Definition gameplay, over 40 minutes of cut-scene storytelling and 90 minutes of original music in Dolby 5.1 channel surround sound
Date User Field Value
02-14-2023 silverbow Description Game comes with a cardboard outer case sleeve. includes: • instruction booklet • game disc players 1 1 MB to save game HDTV 720p/1080i/1080p in-game Dolby Digital friends achievements
02-13-2019 silverbow Description Game comes with a cardboard outer case sleeve.
02-13-2019 silverbow Box Text In DarkStar One - Broken Alliance, command the mysterious spacecraft, the DarkStar One, allowing near infinite customization capabilities using the latest and even mysterious alien weapons and technologies. Blast into space for in-your-face 3D combat in full 1080p High Definition, explore over 300 alien worlds, buy and sell cargo or services, all while exploring a vast and beautiful universe in a quest to uncover the mystery behind the main character's father. -Action and adventure in one exciting package - an innovative hybrid game that moves the player seamlessly between story-driven adventure, RPG customization and action-packed space battles -Play as pirate, trader, mercenary, bounty hunter, smuggler or assassin, configuring your ship accordingly, as the game world reacts to your actions and reputation -Explore a universe of more than 300 solar systems populated by 6 distinct alien races with unique ship designs, tactics, behaviors and realistic economies -Amazing visuals and sound - enjoy more than 35 hours of true 1080p High Definition gameplay, over 40 minutes of cut-scene storytelling and 90 minutes of original music in Dolby 5.1 channel surround sound
12-26-2012 artikskarab Cart/Disc/Media Art new
12-26-2012 artikskarab Back Box Art new
12-26-2012 artikskarab Front Box Art new
12-26-2012 artikskarab Box Text In DarkStar One - Broken Alliance, command the mysterious spacecraft, the DarkStar One, allowing near infinite customization capabilities using the latest and even mysterious alien weapons and technologies. Blast into space for in-your-face 3D combat in full 1080p High Definition, explore over 300 alien worlds, buy and sell cargo or services, all while exploring a vast and beautiful universe in a quest to uncover the mystery behind the main character's father. -Action and adventure in one exciting package - an innovative hybrid game that moves the player seamlessly between story-driven adventure, RPG customization and action-packed space battles -Play as pirate, trader, mercenary, bounty hunter, smuggler or assassin, configuring your ship accordingly, as the game world reacts to your actions and reputation -Explore a universe of more than 300 solar systems populated by 6 distinct alien races with unique ship designs, tactics, behaviors and realistic economies -Amazing visuals and sound - enjoy more than 35 hours of true 1080p High Definition gameplay, over 40 minutes of cut-scene storytelling and 90 minutes of original music in Dolby 5.1 channel surround sound
12-26-2012 artikskarab Barcode 853490002050
12-26-2012 artikskarab Genre 23
12-26-2012 artikskarab Publisher 4218
12-26-2012 artikskarab Developer 2391
03-20-2011 sriq Created

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