Hit up a toy show that I thought was going to be a little podunk affair and instead it was this MONSTER show with several hundred attendees. It was staged at a fairgrounds so I figured they rented one of the small buildings. NOPE...5 buildings and the largest ones on the grounds at that. They were filled to the brim with tables (from 12 different states according to the flyer).
What I thought was going to be a quick little in-and-out affair turned out to us spending almost the whole time there trying to make sure we hit every building and seeing just about every table. I never would have guessed the show would be so big and have so many attendees.

Most of the stuff was out of my price range but I managed to find some things for myself and others. I picked up two Bandai Pokemon Model kits for my friend's son. I had found him ones of Pikachu and Eevee previously at GameStop that he took a liking to so I knew he'd like these new ones. I know one was Ho-oh but can't remember the other. It's a Legendary I think from Pokemon White. His dad is into Megaman and found him a Funko Pop of one he didn't have yet (8-bit version). I know there's color variants of the one I picked up but they're pricey.

Found myself a Mickey Mouse gumball machine and some Snoopy figurines/knick-knacks. Even though it was a toy show, I was hoping to find some comic/trade vendors. There were a few and I found a couple of trades for decent prices.
While there was plenty of Transformers/GI Joe and such from my youth there, a lot of it was well out of my price range. I finally got to see the GI Joe Aircraft Carrier out of the box and in-person for the first time (had previously only seen it in pictures). That was a treat.

I always had an appreciation for the more obscure toys from the late 70's/early-to-mid 80's, a lot of which I didn't see hardly any of while I was there.

I was on the lookout for a few things such as Crystar, Starriors, Max Steele Robo Force, Dungeon & Dragons, and Visionaries. Of those lines, the one I saw the most was D&D. I saw Starriors at one table but saw nothing for Crystar or Visionaries. One table had something for Max Steele which I picked up.

Has the box and mini-comic but not inner packaging. It has a cosmetic issue but that's due to age so not worried about that. Best part it was only $20 so I didn't have to break the bank.