Author Topic: How many upcoming games are you actually excited for?  (Read 5848 times)

Re: How many upcoming games are you actually excited for?
« Reply #30 on: December 27, 2019, 04:01:13 pm »
Me personally, I just got a Playstation 4 for Christmas. This wasn't expected, nor was it on my list of things to get. I'm not ungrateful, but now I have a game system that I have have to get games for now.

I'm not so much looking forward to new releases as I am looking to building up my PS4 collection. Right now, my focus is on getting those titles that are the most affordable like the sports games & titles that were released near the console's release date. Here lately with all the bugs that have been in some of the games such as WWE 2K20, I'm not so sure that paying $60.00 for a brand new game is the right thing to do. I hate to take the clothes off of a game developer's back, but there's no harm in waiting a week or two after a game's release to see how it is.

The good thing about WWE 2K20 is that the price sunk like a stone from its release date to the Christmas shopping season. I might wait to buy it when it gets down to about $9.99. That way, I can boot it up & watch the characters rubber band between the ropes & do some squat walking.


Re: How many upcoming games are you actually excited for?
« Reply #31 on: January 05, 2020, 05:22:19 pm »
I've found that I'm more excited for remakes or reboots of older games or the actual classic games than I am for new ideas. There are exceptions but they are few. Here's what I'm looking forward too:

 - Ghost of Tsushima (only new IP that has my excitement)
 - FF7 Remake
 - RE3 Remake
 - Streets of Rage 4

Then I'm looking forward to the PS5 launch.

Re: How many upcoming games are you actually excited for?
« Reply #32 on: January 05, 2020, 06:34:59 pm »
I can add Resident Evil 3 Remake to my list of games I'm excited for.  I'm kinda trying to muster up interest in the Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot game, but I'll probably wait to hear how that one turns out as another run through the DBZ story isn't sounding all that great, but not sure if the general gameplay experience is gonna be enough to hook me in even as a fan.


Re: How many upcoming games are you actually excited for?
« Reply #33 on: January 05, 2020, 07:23:03 pm »
Yeah, me too. I'm interested in DBZ: Kakarot, but the prospect of it being just a "new" game retelling the same old story doesn't particularly make me want to get it on day one. I'll most likely wait until it goes for like $20, if I'm being perfectly honest.

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When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!