Author Topic: Star Wars Talk *EXPECT MANDALORIAN SPOILERS*  (Read 5847 times)

« Reply #15 on: December 25, 2019, 09:05:30 pm »
See, that’s the kind of stuff that makes me want to play it ;D

« Reply #16 on: December 25, 2019, 09:08:55 pm »
See, that’s the kind of stuff that makes me want to play it ;D

It's definitely a good game even with the problems it has with like performance and such and maybe the gameplay that needed some more work, but it's overall pretty fun and has me hopeful for Respawn to continue on with this and really expand and improve on it.

« Reply #17 on: December 26, 2019, 12:00:35 am »
Were the Force Unleashed games actually good? I don't remember playing them and I thought about grabbing them on the cheap on Steam with the sale since I'm still in the mood for Star Wars games.

They were both solid action titles. I'd say the story was better in the first game, but the gameplay was better in the 2nd.

If I had any complaints, it's that, especially on the harder difficulties, you have all these neat force powers but keep coming across enemies resistant to them.

Also, the DLC missions are worth grabbing for both of them as they're neat "What if the Dark side won" scenarios. Most memorable scene of those for me was when you kill Chewie by grabbing him with the force and then use him to take all of Han's blaster shots.

« Reply #18 on: December 26, 2019, 01:41:56 am »
Were the Force Unleashed games actually good? I don't remember playing them and I thought about grabbing them on the cheap on Steam with the sale since I'm still in the mood for Star Wars games.

They were both solid action titles. I'd say the story was better in the first game, but the gameplay was better in the 2nd.

If I had any complaints, it's that, especially on the harder difficulties, you have all these neat force powers but keep coming across enemies resistant to them.

Also, the DLC missions are worth grabbing for both of them as they're neat "What if the Dark side won" scenarios. Most memorable scene of those for me was when you kill Chewie by grabbing him with the force and then use him to take all of Han's blaster shots.

Both of them look like they come with the DLC, so I'll definitely want to check those out as I love "What If" stuff like that.  I'll probably pick them up soon before the sale runs out and play them next month.  Nothing really new to play till March at the moment.


« Reply #19 on: December 26, 2019, 10:28:43 am »
I like Star Wars but haven't got to see any of the sequels of the original trilogy but I saw all the prequels and the origional a long time ago and want to see all star wars films in order. but never did because I never bought any star wars film on DVD or bluray but I want to see every movie in order but never did.

I saw all of them except for after episode VI
« Last Edit: December 26, 2019, 10:31:04 am by oldgamerz »
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« Reply #20 on: December 27, 2019, 05:30:19 pm »
Saw the last episode of season 1 of The Mandalorian and I'd have to give it a solid 7/10 overall. I really enjoyed this series, although the overall pacing of the season was greatly impeded by episodes 4, 5, and 6 which were all filler and barely contributed to the overall story. In fact you could probably skip those three episodes and still know what was going on from episode 3 and continuing on 7. But even the filler episodes had their moments and none of them were outright bad. I am going to rewatch the entire series soon without interruption and see if my opinion of the overall story and pacing changes at all. I can't wait for season 2; this is how you do good Star Wars.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2019, 12:58:20 am by bikingjahuty »

« Reply #21 on: December 27, 2019, 06:28:15 pm »
Now I want a Mandalorian update for Battlefront 2 lol The map would be the town and surrounding lava flats the show is mainly set in for Galactic Assault, Mando (I know he has a name now, but I am just calling him Mando from now on lol) would be on the Rebel side, IG-11 on the Imperial (Things have to stretch abit to fit into the setup), and there would be a playable Heavy Mandalorian with the jetpack on the rebels side and the Incinerator Trooper would be on the Imperial, which would mostly just be a swap of the First Order Flametrooper already in the game, but maybe with some new abilities.  Get on it, DICE!

« Reply #22 on: December 30, 2019, 01:06:14 am »
Saw the last episode of season 1 of The Mandalorian and I'd have to give it a solid 7/10 overall. I really enjoyed this series, although the overall pacing of the season was greatly impeded by episodes 4, 5, and 6 which were all filler and barely contributed to the overall story. In fact you could probably skip those three episodes and still know what was going on from episode 3 and continuing on 7. But even the filler episodes had their moments and none of them were outright bad. I am going to rewatch the entire series soon without interruption and see if my opinion of the overall story and pacing changes at all. I can't wait for season 2; this is how you do good Star Wars.

So i rewatched The Mandalorian without interruption of having to wait a week for the next episode to come out, and sadly my opinion of the series went down slightly. Not because of any sort of blaring fault I never noticed when I first watched it, although there were some things I didn't notice the first time that kind of bothered me, but because it just didn't hold my attention like it did the first time around. I found myself not as excited about certain parts that had me pretty amped the first time I watched them, and just overall I didn't think the story was as good. One thing to slightly counter balance this was I actually found the two of the three filler episodes in the middle of the season more enjoyable, but only a little. On the flip side, the third filler episode, The Prisoner, I actually found more unwatchable and annoying the second time round; Mando's "crew" in that episode are among the most cliche, ridiculous group of characters in all of Star Wars before and after Disney. In the end I'd have to lower my score of this show down to a 6/10, so on par with Rogue One, which was pretty good, but just slightly better than okay.

I'm still looking forward to season 2 of The Mandalorian, although for better or worse the next year of waiting won't feel like an eternity for me given my final opinion on the show. While the Mandalorian is an example of better Star Wars since Disney bought the franchise, it still doesn't hold up to most of the pre-Disney films. Hopefully season 2 will elevate this show higher for me in my opinion of it.

« Reply #23 on: October 30, 2020, 07:33:56 pm »
Bringing this back with the new season of The Mandalorian starting and of course I'll say there will be spoilers from here on out for the new episodes, so ignore anything past this if you haven't started the new season.


So yeah this episode was tailor made for me specifically.  We are back on Tattoine, we get Boba Fett's armor, we get a giant monster to fight, and then we get literally Boba Fett at the very end.  I'm quite happy lol

I knew right away that was Fett's armor, but that it didn't seem like him because of how ill-fitting the armor felt.  I thought they were gonna keep whether Fett was alive questionable for a lot longer, that perhaps he would eventually show up as a plot point much later in the season or even for a future season, but that he's going to be involved is awesome.  That we could eventually get a Mando vs Mando fight or a Mando/Fett teamup or even both has me pretty excited.

I was a little surprised to see the Krayt Dragon.  As soon as the ground shook and that they were in some small town, I joked it was Tremors, but then it actually ends up being Tremors, which I kinda love.  I feel like they changed the lore for them abit, as looking it up, there are two subspecies of them, one being the kind I remember from Star Wars Galaxies back in the day, which were just giant four legged lizards with horns.  Then there are Greater Krayt Dragons, which from description sound more like a sand swimming Plesiosaurus with a bunch of legs.  They don't show that in this episode, comes across more like a giant worm, hence the Tremor comparison.  Either way, this was a badass monster for sure.

The whole story for this episode is solid, though it doesn't deal much with the overarching story about Baby Yoda too much, which I'm sure could be seen as a small negative of the episode, but yeah I'm all in on this new season for sure.

« Reply #24 on: October 31, 2020, 02:29:28 pm »
I thought the part where they actually killed the Krayt Dragon could have been done better.

Bringing this back with the new season of The Mandalorian starting and of course I'll say there will be spoilers from here on out for the new episodes, so ignore anything past this if you haven't started the new season.


So yeah this episode was tailor made for me specifically.  We are back on Tattoine, we get Boba Fett's armor, we get a giant monster to fight, and then we get literally Boba Fett at the very end.  I'm quite happy lol

I knew right away that was Fett's armor, but that it didn't seem like him because of how ill-fitting the armor felt.  I thought they were gonna keep whether Fett was alive questionable for a lot longer, that perhaps he would eventually show up as a plot point much later in the season or even for a future season, but that he's going to be involved is awesome.  That we could eventually get a Mando vs Mando fight or a Mando/Fett teamup or even both has me pretty excited.

I was a little surprised to see the Krayt Dragon.  As soon as the ground shook and that they were in some small town, I joked it was Tremors, but then it actually ends up being Tremors, which I kinda love.  I feel like they changed the lore for them abit, as looking it up, there are two subspecies of them, one being the kind I remember from Star Wars Galaxies back in the day, which were just giant four legged lizards with horns.  Then there are Greater Krayt Dragons, which from description sound more like a sand swimming Plesiosaurus with a bunch of legs.  They don't show that in this episode, comes across more like a giant worm, hence the Tremor comparison.  Either way, this was a badass monster for sure.

The whole story for this episode is solid, though it doesn't deal much with the overarching story about Baby Yoda too much, which I'm sure could be seen as a small negative of the episode, but yeah I'm all in on this new season for sure.
I am glad they got the actor that played Jango to play Boba Fett.

« Reply #25 on: October 31, 2020, 05:12:19 pm »
I thought the part where they actually killed the Krayt Dragon could have been done better.

I am glad they got the actor that played Jango to play Boba Fett.

I was happy enough with it, blowing the creature up from the inside is a pretty tried and true method lol.  I'm also glad they got him to play Boba since it makes sense for him to look like that being a clone and its cool to bring him back to the series like this.

« Reply #26 on: November 01, 2020, 05:22:27 am »
I thought the part where they actually killed the Krayt Dragon could have been done better.

I am glad they got the actor that played Jango to play Boba Fett.

I was happy enough with it, blowing the creature up from the inside is a pretty tried and true method lol.  I'm also glad they got him to play Boba since it makes sense for him to look like that being a clone and its cool to bring him back to the series like this.

I also liked that it was one of many small (and other larger) ways it was laying the ground work for Boba's return.

Other cool things about the episode:
  • It 100% re-canonizes Obi-Wan's yell in A New Hope as a Krayt Dragon howl to scare off the Tuskens to save Luke - it was in the original novel and EU, but was one of the Disney buyout casualties.
  • Cobb Vanth made the jump from novels to screen.  Played by the creator's dream casting no less.  Not sure if this has actually happened before now, as I don't really follow the new canon novels.
  • A mini Deadwood reunion, as the Weequay bartender was played by W. Earl Brown, who played Dan Dority on that show, alongside Timothy Olyphant.
  • Timothy Olyphant!


« Reply #27 on: November 03, 2020, 04:55:05 am »

And yes, I'm well aware of the irony...

  • Timothy Olyphant!

I know. He's a dreamy mofo.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!

« Reply #28 on: November 06, 2020, 07:38:50 pm »
While I enjoyed the new Mando episode, it's starting to feel a little "Monster of the Week", which would be otherwise fine in a longer running show, but for a season that is only going to have 8 episodes, two of them haven't really involved much of the main plot.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2020, 07:41:13 pm by kamikazekeeg »

« Reply #29 on: November 07, 2020, 03:46:45 pm »
While I enjoyed the new Mando episode, it's starting to feel a little "Monster of the Week", which would be otherwise fine in a longer running show, but for a season that is only going to have 8 episodes, two of them haven't really involved much of the main plot.

We had this discussion last season I think (I definitely had it last season, just maybe not with you), but I'm all for the standalone stuff.  Give me "Tales of the Mando" all day erryday.  Though, honestly, and this is a shock even to me, because I adore Amy Sedaris, but I don't like Peli Motto that much - I think it's mostly just the character design, though.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2020, 04:21:50 pm by Cartagia »