Author Topic: This gen it's called Xbox One X and next gen it's called Xbox Series X  (Read 5179 times)

 ??? :o

I can't fathom how a multi billion dollar company can be this dumb.


I can, people said the Xbox 360 had a dumb name, it gained publicity. People said the Xbox One had a dumb name, it gained publicity. This is something Microsoft has become known for and they realize that naming their console something dumb or confusing just generates more publicity for their console and in turn more sales.


Still a better name than PlayStation 5  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Still a better name than PlayStation 5  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

^ This. 

I can, people said the Xbox 360 had a dumb name, it gained publicity. People said the Xbox One had a dumb name, it gained publicity. This is something Microsoft has become known for and they realize that naming their console something dumb or confusing just generates more publicity for their console and in turn more sales.
More sales? I don't think that worked out. Sales were so much lower than PS4 that they stopped reporting hardware sales years ago.


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PlayStation 5 is straight forward and consistent. No confusion there, it's the next best PlayStation on the market.

Series X on the other hand is going to confuse the fuck out of your parents.  Nintendo and Microsoft must play footsies under the table. :)

Still a better name than PlayStation 5  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Not really.

PlayStation 5 says “okay it’s the sequel and next one up from the PlayStation 4”, which is exactly what the name is supposed to convey.

Calling two consoles Xbox Something X is just poor muddled marketing.

Still a better name than PlayStation 5  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don't see how that is lol Yeah it's simple and straightforward, but you know what it is.  Xbox Series X makes little sense when you remember that the Xbox One X is a thing.  Also there is info out there, that when the new Xbox releases, there will be at least two versions, one that is less powerful and one that is actually their top of the line one, so there will be something like 5 different Xbox consoles out there to buy unless they stop production on some soon.  Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X, Xbox Series X, and whatever the weaker Series X is called.  That's just begging for market confusion.


It's been the same sequential numbering for 25 years now. And it's the same logo now for almost 15 years. I don't like either names, but I give props to Microsoft for at least trying a new name. Naming it the PS5 is boring, sterile and unoriginal.

The only people who might be confused are parents buying the console for their kids. Who will probably just buy it anyway. And if they are confused they can easily look it up - this isn't pre internet age when parents didn't know that the Super Nintendo was a whole new console.
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2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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This is compounded further when you remember there’s an Xbox One S and Xbox Series S as well.

It’s almost like the worst name they could possibly have chosen. It’s like naming a bootleg version of your old console. And I like Xbox and have owned every generation of Xbox.

It's been the same sequential numbering for 25 years now. And it's the same logo now for almost 15 years. I don't like either names, but I give props to Microsoft for at least trying a new name. Naming it the PS5 is boring, sterile and unoriginal.

The only people who might be confused are parents buying the console for their kids. Who will probably just buy it anyway. And if they are confused they can easily look it up - this isn't pre internet age when parents didn't know that the Super Nintendo was a whole new console.

The Wii U struggled due to people thinking it was just a Wii addon rather than a new console, that wasn't very long ago.  People are more tech savvy these days for sure, but a lot aren't and how things are branded can help direct people on what to buy.  I mean it's not like the Xbox One wasn't a bad name to begin with already.  Xbox 360 was a weird name, but at least it's a unique number to make it standout. 

Playstation 5 is stability and simple.  Yeah it's kinda boring, and I like that Nintendo regularly changed their names over the years to make their systems more unique (Though the Wii is still absolutely terrible as a name, man they should've kept the codename "Revolution"), but people understand what they are getting with the PS5.  Playstation 4 is old, Playstation 5 is new.  No issues.  Plus PS5 makes up for sounding boring, by being one of the most unique looking consoles in many years lol

It's been the same sequential numbering for 25 years now. And it's the same logo now for almost 15 years. I don't like either names, but I give props to Microsoft for at least trying a new name. Naming it the PS5 is boring, sterile and unoriginal.

The only people who might be confused are parents buying the console for their kids. Who will probably just buy it anyway. And if they are confused they can easily look it up - this isn't pre internet age when parents didn't know that the Super Nintendo was a whole new console.
Pretty sure the logo changed fall 2009 so it hasn't even been a full 11 years lol.

That being said I wanted them to bring back the PS2 logo and black color scheme but neither of those are happening. Oh well.


It's been the same sequential numbering for 25 years now. And it's the same logo now for almost 15 years. I don't like either names, but I give props to Microsoft for at least trying a new name. Naming it the PS5 is boring, sterile and unoriginal.

The only people who might be confused are parents buying the console for their kids. Who will probably just buy it anyway. And if they are confused they can easily look it up - this isn't pre internet age when parents didn't know that the Super Nintendo was a whole new console.

The Wii U struggled due to people thinking it was just a Wii addon rather than a new console, that wasn't very long ago.  People are more tech savvy these days for sure, but a lot aren't and how things are branded can help direct people on what to buy.  I mean it's not like the Xbox One wasn't a bad name to begin with already.  Xbox 360 was a weird name, but at least it's a unique number to make it standout. 

Playstation 5 is stability and simple.  Yeah it's kinda boring, and I like that Nintendo regularly changed their names over the years to make their systems more unique (Though the Wii is still absolutely terrible as a name, man they should've kept the codename "Revolution"), but people understand what they are getting with the PS5.  Playstation 4 is old, Playstation 5 is new.  No issues.  Plus PS5 makes up for sounding boring, by being one of the most unique looking consoles in many years lol

Yeah at least the console looks very different, I will give them that.

It's been the same sequential numbering for 25 years now. And it's the same logo now for almost 15 years. I don't like either names, but I give props to Microsoft for at least trying a new name. Naming it the PS5 is boring, sterile and unoriginal.

The only people who might be confused are parents buying the console for their kids. Who will probably just buy it anyway. And if they are confused they can easily look it up - this isn't pre internet age when parents didn't know that the Super Nintendo was a whole new console.

Pretty sure the logo changed fall 2009 so it hasn't even been a full 11 years lol.

That being said I wanted them to bring back the PS2 logo and black color scheme but neither of those are happening. Oh well.

Well even so, that still feels like a long time to me :P

But yeah, I wish they could have done something more stylistic with the logo to make it fit more with the overall console design (like how the PS2 logo looked). Ultimately I'm not too upset though as long as it's got some good games to play on it!
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2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Xbox One. Xbox One X. Xbox One S. Xbox Series X. (Presumably) Xbox Series S.

You can't convince me that anyone outside the longtime Xbox audience and especially the average consumer can easily differentiate between these. With the PlayStation brand name and console namings, a clear path of progression is being stated. While one can discredit Sony for a bland marketing tactic, they can't deny that such transparency has helped allow for Sony to remain at the top of the industry for years.

Oh, it's worse than that- they've said the next one is actually just Xbox, like it's a generic brand name. Like how if you ask someone what their phone is and they say 'iphone'. Series X just tells you what iteration (like iPhone 11 vs. iPhone XS or whatnot.) Because THAT makes it so much clearer! *extreme eyeroll*

Playstation's naming may be boring as heck, but at least you always know what system you're talking about!