Author Topic: The Original Xbox Appreciation Thread  (Read 8529 times)


Re: The Original Xbox Appreciation Thread
« Reply #15 on: August 03, 2020, 03:29:48 pm »
One of these days I'll get myself an original Xbox. Out of all the retro consoles I don't own, I think the original Xbox is at the top of my list. I already have several games and full set of four controllers for the thing  ;D

I think my issues that have been keeping me from pulling the trigger are the console size and the seemingly countless hidden issues they end up having.

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Re: The Original Xbox Appreciation Thread
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2020, 03:33:33 pm »
One of these days I'll get myself an original Xbox. Out of all the retro consoles I don't own, I think the original Xbox is at the top of my list. I already have several games and full set of four controllers for the thing  ;D

I think my issues that have been keeping me from pulling the trigger are the console size and the seemingly countless hidden issues they end up having.

For original Xbox? I own two and have never had an issue. I don't hear about many issues with them. That seems to be more 360s.

Re: The Original Xbox Appreciation Thread
« Reply #17 on: August 03, 2020, 04:22:24 pm »
i always get some flack for this, but I actually prefer the original XBOX over the Gamecube (I like the PS2 and Dreamcast more than both those however). I feel like the XBOX' library was criminally overlooked and often just thought of as the console you played Halo on and that's it. I myself thought this for years until I decided to start collecting for it and found a ton of excellent games for it that people were practically giving away. In fact it was so easy to collect for that I've been done with XBOX collecting for nearly a decade after finding almost every game I wanted for it for under $5 each.


Re: The Original Xbox Appreciation Thread
« Reply #18 on: August 03, 2020, 09:42:50 pm »
Who can agree that the original Xbox was also the best looking console in the 6th generation of video game consoles?

because I think even the normal colored casing on the Xbox was the best of it's time. then the SEGA Dreamcast, then the Nintendo GameCube then the appearance of the original black PlayStation 2 consoles
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Re: The Original Xbox Appreciation Thread
« Reply #19 on: August 03, 2020, 10:13:32 pm »
Eh, while I like the black/green color scheme, the console is just a huge block to me, up there with the likes of the PS3.  Style wise, probably the Dreamcast looks the best in general, followed by the PS2, then the Xbox, and then Gamecube.  Gamecube is mostly on the bottom because I thought the handle was kinda dumb.  If we include different system versions, the PS2 Slim is probably the best looking one to me.


Re: The Original Xbox Appreciation Thread
« Reply #20 on: August 03, 2020, 10:28:51 pm »
Eh, while I like the black/green color scheme, the console is just a huge block to me

You may want to avert your eyes from the Xbox One then.

Re: The Original Xbox Appreciation Thread
« Reply #21 on: August 03, 2020, 11:03:06 pm »
Eh, while I like the black/green color scheme, the console is just a huge block to me

You may want to avert your eyes from the Xbox One then.

I don't think the Xbox One looks good either, but it is at least abit more sleek than the original Xbox and lighter.


Re: The Original Xbox Appreciation Thread
« Reply #22 on: August 26, 2020, 12:20:09 am »
Was there any major graphic improvements done to the Xbox360? because Halo 2 played on my original Xbox looks a lot like Halo Reach and Halo 3 OSTD. on the 360 but I have not touched Halo 3 and Halo 4 on the 360 yet.

As far as I can tell later games on the OG Xbox's look much alike all the Xbox360 games I've played so far on an actual Xbox360

the only thing is the the Original "Halo Combat Evolved" looks dated compared to today's games, but it was made in 2001 so, and Halo 2 was made in 2004.
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Re: The Original Xbox Appreciation Thread
« Reply #23 on: August 26, 2020, 08:26:29 am »
I understand that Xbox as a brand has been around for near 20 years now and that there is a large following. There is a large fanbase and that's great. People tend to have fond memories of what they grew up with.

The only thing I credit Xbox with is getting online infrastructure done well for consoles. That said, it was truly the Halo 2 player base that turned me off of Xbox initially. I had bought an Xbox OG with the Halo 2 Collectors Edition in order to play with my brother online. Unfortunately, he was never online. Once I beat the story, I went online and the user base was so horrible. I was always getting put on the team with 8 year olds that were singing into the mic and running in circles instead of capturing the damn flag. I also never knew how many lovers my mom had until I went online with Halo 2. I got so frustrated by the situation that I sold off the Xbox and everything that went with it after owning it for only a month. I never went back. Granted, subsequent systems gave different reasons not to buy them.


Re: The Original Xbox Appreciation Thread
« Reply #24 on: September 06, 2020, 02:49:03 am »
The original Xbox was my true return to gaming after the NES. I skipped SNES/Genesis out of spite. I bought a Jaguar on closeout "so our nephew could have something to play when he came over" ie... that is what I told my wife, I just wanted a console. We did eventually get a N64 right at the end of that generation and it sparked enough interest that we bought both the Xbox (me) and GameCube (wife) at launch.
I was so eager for the system that I bought every magazine I could, read everything online I could find and even picked up the behind the scenes book Opening the Xbox ( and read it cover to cover multiple times. We even bought our first HDTV and surround sound system in preparation for it.
I took launch day off and picked up the systems, brought them home, tossed the GameCube into a corner and fired up the system for the first time. The boot sequence was exactly the indicator a new generation of gaming called for. It was otherworldly and very psuedo-future-tech looking. A few adjustments and before I knew it I was the John-117 (I had read the novelizations of all the games that had them) coming out of cryo-stasis on the Pillar of Autumn. It was awesome.
Eventually we hooked up the Gamecube and Rogue Squadron was nice and all but the Xbox was the system of the generation for us (my wife was converted very easily after seeing the Xbox in action, other than when Animal Crossing came along). We did end up picking up a PS/2 slim but I think it was used maybe twice (just like our PS4 this time around).
My wife even bought Steel Battalion for it when that was launched. We were on a first name basis with the game shop that generation and they were very envious when she did that.
Anyway, that Xbox was awesome and I am so glad that the Series X will support the games from it.


Re: The Original Xbox Appreciation Thread
« Reply #25 on: October 24, 2020, 08:32:40 am »
Been playing my original Xbox console lately. and having a blast with it. Been playing corvette on the original Xbox and, with the original Xbox  S controller combined. makes all racing games, I've played so far a lot more enjoyable on the Xbox rather then Xbox360. In my opinion, Also good to have a working original Xbox because it puts less wear and tear on your Xbox360. The triggers are vary comfortable to me right trigger to accelerate and left trigger for brake makes for a great experience :)

« Last Edit: October 24, 2020, 08:35:18 am by oldgamerz »
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Re: The Original Xbox Appreciation Thread
« Reply #26 on: November 09, 2020, 11:36:17 pm »
But the I found out due to the nature of exploit used to mod the console, it could no longer play the MechAssault games. So I had to get another just so I can play MechAssault again.
That has to be a thing with old versions of the softmod or something? I had mine soft modded 4-5 years back and I can swear I remember MechAssault working. It's no longer softmoded because I mod chipped it so I could use a unlocked SATA HD so I can't verify it.


Re: The Original Xbox Appreciation Thread
« Reply #27 on: February 02, 2021, 03:33:00 pm »
I currently only have the S controller, I'm wondering if the DUKE would be more comfortable, any positive thoughts on the original Xbox original Controllers


HERE IS THE 2ND/S ORIGIONAL XBOX CONTROLLER nicknamed the S controller for the original Xbox consoles)

updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: The Original Xbox Appreciation Thread
« Reply #28 on: February 03, 2021, 07:01:11 pm »
I heard some people with large hands prefer the duke I don't mind it but prefer the s controller.


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Re: The Original Xbox Appreciation Thread
« Reply #29 on: February 03, 2021, 09:51:39 pm »
I started with the Duke, then upgraded to the "S" when it came out. It just feels more comfortable to me, and the black and white buttons are placed better.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2021, 09:53:40 pm by burningdoom »