I want to build my own Gaming Museum on my property. A place where friends, family, and fellow gamers can hang out with their kids and not just see, but play all the games. I want it to be a sanctuary of sorts, a temporary escape for people who are troubled by things going on in their life.
A drug den for gamers, kinda. I imagine a very large room, bean bag chairs, Many TVs both modern and CRT, and shelves, so many shelves full of video games for every system. Think, like a library only with a more relaxed feel.
I obviously haven't worked all the kinks out in my big plan yet, but I still haven't got nearly enough games to fill even three shelves. So that comes first.
I try to learn everything I can about each game/console/memorabilia I get my hands on. Date of release, behind the scenes info (The old Phalanx man was Bertil Valley, born Jan 01 1913, died April 09 2004, and aside from being the Banjo Guy, he owned a construction company, and he was a also a volunteer Santa Claus for 25 years.)
I guess I do want to "own" everything. But I don't want to collect just for myself, that'd be boring. I want others to enjoy it too. I want to make people happy. And video games are my passion, so why not share it?