My Secret Santa Telly did such an awesome job and deserves a shoutout. He got me two games that were in the top 10 of games I was looking for- Pix w/ the card!! and a sealed?? Yu-Gi-Oh The Sacred Cards, so AWESOME. Pix is one of my favorite games for the vita and I missed out on the LRG release originally and the Yu-Gi-Oh game is my favorite on the GBA. And on top of that he got me a game that looks totally up my alley. Very much appreciated- I so very much enjoy this tradition every year.
I watched some of the VGcollect stream and saw that others got some awesome stuff! We have such a wonderful community here. I hope to maybe join a stream sometime. To answer tpugmire- he was correct, I was his Santa and I'm glad he liked the games.