Like I said, it also depends on your definition of expensive, not to mention my use of the word most, and not the word all.
Plus the Sonic games are not good. I don't care who hears me. 
but your literally mention mario world for 20$
shinobi III rocket knight and streets of rage II have that same price range, let alone the tons of other options.
I mean not really - at least depending on your definition of expensive. Those games are generally at least double - if not more - than the price of the best / most popular games on the SNES and NES. The problem with Genesis is that most of the best games are not common like those other consoles. Sure everyone has some favorites that are probably a bit more pricey, but when you get down to brass tax the Mario games are amazing and usually $20 a pop.
My point is it ain't the case for most games on genesis. snes does a way worse job at that for the good games.
wich Is why I said pretty much all retro consoles have their sought after pricy games that most people won't get
snes, master system dreamcast they all have that very same problem for them premium titles.
like snes does it multiple times worse it's not even funny.
Are people forgetting pocky & rocky demons crest chrono trigger or earthbound
These prices even surpass those 4 mentioned cib as literally lose cardridges. and these 4 games are regularly in top 10 snes lists. These are popular as hell for snes.
Well if your mentioning those snes games you have to use the genesis top expensive games to compare them like Musha,Crusader of Centy,Trouble Shooter,Splaterhouse 3,Streets of Rage 3
Hagane, wild guns, pocky & rocky 2 final fight 3, metal warriors, ninja warriors evo. megaman 7 and megaman x3, having megaman in the name alone makes it even mainstream sought after. tons of megaman collectors out there, and unlike wily wars the games are actually good.
eitherway I was mentioning the top 10 games on the system none of your examples are usually top 10 on genesis not even musha. these are niche or lesser options. amazing games don't get me wrong but not the very best most popular games on the system
splatter house 2 and streets of rage 2 and lightning force are better.
streets of rage 3 is the black sheep in the series with bad music, splatter house 3 ain't as great with the swap up in gameplay compared to 2.
trouble shooter is nice but really niche I've rarely seen anyone but the really hardcore shootemup fans talk about that title not to mention that most people talk about the japan only part 2 instead wich is way better. still fairly cheap compared to most pricy snes titles that surpass it as cart only
meanwhile demons crest earthbound and especially chrono trigger are absolute favourites by many. Cartagia did mention the most popular games on the system after all. chrono trigger is even considered to be the best rpg of all times by many. the hype for chrono trigger and earthbound is ridiculous none of those sega examples are that popular. yes they are sought after but you could kinda compare them to the more niche options such as hagane or wild guns on snes or whack series like keio flying squadron mr gimmick nes. sure every collectors knows about them and they are worth much but these are not your first picks. you could also mention alien soldier for sega, but again it's such a niche game compared to majority of the pricy snes games.
snes has legitmate examples of top tier games that are the most popular that are out of reach. far worse than genesis. aside from those 4 examples those super pricy games that you mentioned are far less popular.
Contra hard corps pricy? snes version is only 10$ less cart only yet more pricy as cib
hyperstone heist same story compared to turtles in time
Like only castlevania is a bit more pricy on genesis
and it's not like super metroid is literally the same price cart only and cib far higher in price than gunstar heroes.
even common games such as zelda a link to the past cib are the same price as the supposedly pricy as hell games that are contra hard corps and gunstar heroes in cib condition.
Only thing I'm saying is that snes has both niche but actual top 10 material or higher mainstream games that aren't niche that are some of the most pricy games on the system. almost all those sega examples have better versions with earlier parts or are less known. musha is the only comes close to maybe being one of the more popular games but even than it's not even the best shoot emup option on genesis and it's more in the same league as amazing lesser picked titles such as wild guns and hagane.