I am surprised how even back then in 2017, LRG had that controversy between their hands, I remember buying a lot of their stuff but after a lot of "interesting" stuff happening I decided to just stop buying their stuff.
I dont want to talk about newest controversies (That there are) if not a bit about that Shantae GBC physical edition.
I definitely have a love-hate relationship with LRG. They put out too much, overcharge, take forever filling orders (this was even before COVID was a thing), pander to the specullectors/flippers, and act like their crap doesn't stink half the time. At least they've changed up their practice a little toward making things pre-orders instead of having this narrow window to purchase things and it'd a blink and you miss it thing. It's still not perfect but better than what it used to be for the most part. Now if they could just not charge $35-40 for games that go for $5-10 on digital marketplaces...

While I do consider it a nice novelty, I cant take it more seriously, maybe it is the cheaper option for some people get the physical cart and play it on real hardware but after all... it is not that cartridge that goes up for 400$ on ebay, also that purple color of the cart and the box... certainly make it look a lot like a bootleg.
I dont want to talk about the quality itself of the product, I want to believe the cartridge wont catch fire like some other supposedly physical modern reproductions. (Return of Double Dragon, Iam8Bit)
What are your thoughts, guys? I think is a cute idea.... but again... will someone actually feel happy buying this reproduction instead of the extremely expensive, real one?

First things first, let's get some terminology semantics squared away. I have a hard time calling the LRG GBC Shantae a repro/reproduction. In my mind, a repro is a fan-made thing that utilizes a sac cart (probably some old sports game or what have you), shiny new stickers, and a ROM dump of either an existing expensive title or an unreleased/translated ROM. In regards to the ones that try to get passed off as the real deal, I (and I'm sure plenty of others) have a true disdain for them as they're quite simply bootlegs. The ones that contain the translated/unreleased games I don't mind as much but I tend to avoid purchasing because I don't agree with sacking existing carts to be used to make them (even if they are essentially worthless sports games or whatever).
With the LRG GBC Shantae cart, I have a hard time lumping it in with the stuff above because they're a (allegedly) professional unit who has access to manufacturers for the carts (shells/boards/printers) AND they have the cooperation of the developer of the original game in WayForward. I have to imagine the code on their carts is nearly identical to the one on the actual cartridge that was released 20 years ago. It's not an "Official" release in the sense that it doesn't have the Nintendo seal but I'd still hazard to say the LRG GBC Shantae is official since the original developer is on board. I'd hazard to even include some of that Retro-Bit and Iam8bit stuff as being legit since Data East/G-Mode, Jaleco and Tradewest/Technos I believe are on board with those releases as well (though feel free to correct me on that).
I purchased the LRG GBC Shantae because I don't ever see myself owning the original one. I had my chance at one point as I certainly remember picking it up out of a clearance bin at TRU and they had it marked at $20. At the time, they had several copies and I figured I had time but the next time I went back they were cleared out.

I certainly have a knack for that as I've also held US Magical Chase, UN Squadron, and Hagane (all CIB) in my hand and all were similarly priced but passed on them for whatever reason.

I'm also that same dumbass who paid full price for the CE of Duke Nukem Forever on PC.

Lastly, I know it's not the "real" one but because WayForward is on board, it's real to me.