Author Topic: What are your top 5 Most Anticipated 2021 games?  (Read 11840 times)


What are your top 5 Most Anticipated 2021 games?
« on: December 17, 2020, 10:00:25 am »
With 2020 being nearly over (thank God), we can now look towards 2021. While there's no guarantee that next year will be better, at the very least, there'll be more stock of next gen systems and graphics cards for gamers to upgrade too. That brings me to the topic at hand. We now know quite a few games that were pushed to 2021 or are presumed to release in 2021. More games appear to be constantly being added to the known list and I'm wondering what each of you hold as your top 5 most anticipated game that are more than likely coming next year?

Mine are all on or playable on PS5. In no particular order:

1. Outriders: I was hoping this would have been a launch game for PS5 but it got pushed to next February. It looks like f Uncharted's multiplayer, Destiny and Mass Effect had a love child. Three person co-op seems to be a focus. This is right up my alley as I love co-op and third person cover shooter games. Tons of potential.

2. Mass Effect Legendary Edition: I had the trilogy on PS3, but no longer have my PS3. It feels great to be able to pick this up again. One of my favorite series and I'm very excited that there's also a new ME game in the works. I'm guessing the new one won't release until 2022-23, but this will definitely hold me over.

3. Horizon Forbidden West: I really enjoyed the first game. Going up against robotic dinosaurs was fantastic; especially in a gaming industry era where it feels good dinosaur games are almost non-existent. I'm expecting quite a bit from this new one. I'm not sure if also releasing on PS4 will hold it back or not. I'm not we'll get a true next gen game as it was later announced for PS4 as well. I guess we'll see.

4. Oddworld Soulstorm: I loved the first two games back on PS1. I thought they did a great job with New N' Tasty. I'm absolutely looking forward to the remake of the second game with Soulstorm. Oddworld is one of the reasons I decided to go with PS1 after seeing its game lineup compared to Saturn back in the day. Seeing the new Oddworld shown with the PS5 lineup show brought a nostalgic smile to my face.

5. Hood: Outlaws and Legends: This game feels like it's For Honor meets Robinhood lore. It has me excited, but I have to wait and really see more presented to make the final call on if I'm going to jump on. Then of course, I have to see if any of my online buds will be jumping in as well. Here's hoping as it has quite a bit of poential.

Re: What are your top 5 Most Anticipated 2021 games?
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2020, 10:13:14 am »
I have almost no anticipation of anything.

Cyberpunk 2077 looked good, that's out now.

I guess Mass Effect trilogy or new game, if I had to name something I could be interested in playing.

Re: What are your top 5 Most Anticipated 2021 games?
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2020, 11:25:36 am »
1. Resident Evil 8 VILLAGE
RE7 was one of the biggest surprises last gen, so hoping this will be just as compelling (PS4 made the RE series so much more accessible and a main franchise for me now)

2. NieR Replicant Remake
One of my favourite games getting another chance after Automata, looking forward to replaying this gem.

3. Yakuza 7: Like A Dragon PS5 release
Waiting for the PS5 release, which is fine as I still have 5 & 6 to play. Digging the bold move to turn based combat, very excited for this one.

4. Oddworld: SoulStorm
Only recently played New N' Tasty and loved it. Looking forward to seeing Exodus's vision finally realised.

5. Balan Wonderworld
Unsure on this, but reckon it could be a brilliant co-op experience.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2020, 11:32:28 am by vivigamer »

Re: What are your top 5 Most Anticipated 2021 games?
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2020, 11:58:28 am »
I'm not really expecting to buy any games anytime soon. I'd rather focus on playing the games I already own and playing 2021 releases on PS5 whenever I get that.

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart - I don't have a PS5 yet but the last game was amazing. Definitely a reason to get a PS5 at some point.

Hogwarts Legacy - I'm hoping for this to be like Bully in Hogwarts. Full exploration of Hogwarts would be amazing.

Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood - Seems like a fun game. Looks more like a PS3 game but the gameplay that was recently released was cool so this will be nice to pick up on sale at some point.

Destruction AllStars - Twisted Metal type game but where you can actually get out of the vehicle. Hoping this is a hit so we not only get Twisted Metal DLC but that it's still active when I eventually get a PS5, lol.

Returnal - Something about this is just clicking for me while it seems most don't really care. Third-person shooter from a developer known for shoot 'em ups just seems like a good mix.

Honorable mention that isn't confirmed for 2021:
New Pokémon Snap - I don't really care about Pokémon much anymore but I've wanted a sequel to Snap for so long. Probably not a must buy or anything but definitely looking forward to seeing more of it.

Re: What are your top 5 Most Anticipated 2021 games?
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2020, 01:52:56 pm »
I don't really have many games that I heavily anticipate, especially for the newer consoles. I won't get a PS5 or the newer Xbox system till a few years down the road.

As for titles coming out soon, I mostly look forward to wrestling games. So there is a sequel to the arcade game WWF Wrestlefest from 1991 in the works & its scheduled to be released in late February. I have every intention of buying that game. It is called Retro Mania Wrestling

While I know that WWE 2K20 was a total & utter failure with all of the (sometimes) hilarious bugs that were found, I'm remaining hopeful that the installment for next year (WWE 2K22) will be better.  They typically release WWE games in mid to late October. I hope the year that they took off from creating a 2K21, will help them get things together for 2K22. I hope that the next installment will have a General Manager (or GM) mode. I liked playing the GM Modes in Smackdown Vs. Raw 2006 & 2007. In addition to their Showcase mode, I wish that they would include a Season Mode, & bring back the Create-A-Story Mode. The best game in the 2K franchise was WWE 2K14. Here's to looking forward to WWE 2K22.

« Last Edit: December 17, 2020, 01:55:46 pm by bigbossman »

Re: What are your top 5 Most Anticipated 2021 games?
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2020, 02:41:23 pm »
In random order, these are games I am interested in picking up ! I linked the trailer, feel free to watch or not watch them. I do not own any video I linked.
Kena: Bridge of Spirits
This is probably the game I am the most looking for, it just looks like so much fun.

Ghostwire : Tokyo
I probably will get this because it is so different from what we usually play. I am intrigued

Little Nightmares 2
Creepy as hell, I'm sold.

Sniper Elite VR
This looks like a lot of fun, I am new to the PSVR since the quarantine, been looking for games to get for the collection. 360 no scope, here I come.

Resident Evil Village

Played all of the resident evil serie, so this feel like a must ! not sure about the werewolf but I hope they won't mess it up !


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Re: What are your top 5 Most Anticipated 2021 games?
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2020, 03:31:43 pm »
1. Gotham Knights

2. Halo: Infinite

3. Metroid Prime 4 (if it comes out next year)

4. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 (another big maybe)

5. God of War: Ragnarok

6. Ys IX (yeah, I cheated, but I wanted to mention it)


Re: What are your top 5 Most Anticipated 2021 games?
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2020, 03:42:39 pm »
I will be sincere my dude, I dont even know what will be release next year, most of the time I buy retro games anyway.

But I will agree with the overall that Balan Wonderland looks great.
I also want to play the console release of Leisure Suit Larry Wet Dreams Dry Twice.

I am curious about Ratchet and Clank new game but I dont have the system
I always have problems learning English, but I still love to talk a lot; I also enjoy being kind to everyone for no reason; if people can hate for no reason, then I can love; after everything I have gone through, I found a little peace.

Re: What are your top 5 Most Anticipated 2021 games?
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2020, 04:25:29 pm »
In no particular order and a hefty bout of honorable mentions for games I'm interested in as I like to many video games lol

- Resident Evil Village - I loved Resident Evil 7,  it's absolutely one of my favorite RE games right there with Resident Evil 4, so returning to what that did in an all new setting with whatever weird werewolf monster nonsense that is happening, in a theme reminiscent of RE4, I'm all on board.  Making Chris out to be a villain of some sort is cool, so maybe we'll get Leon or Claire showing up in this too.

- Horizon: Forbidden West - While I didn't super love Horizon, the story was a little weak and I kinda hate how normal everyone talks when humanity has basically been going tribal for a long time (A weird complaint I know, but it throws me for a loop when everyone sounds super modern, immersion breaking essentially), but the setting is pretty cool and the robot creatures are awesome.  I am pretty excited to see what they do to add to the game and it's gonna look gorgeous on PS5.

- STALKER 2 - I'm a huge fan of this series and the Metro games a number of the devs went to work on afterwards.  The games were always janky, that engine they had was kind of a mess, but it had really great atmosphere and its a pretty unique series.  I'm really curious if they can recapture that, while also introducing more survival elements and deeper customization to things.  I want to get just lose myself in the Zone because its that involved now.

- Battlefield 2021 - I have absolutely no information on this game, other than it'll be out next year, but I've been a big BF fan for many years and while BF5 had some serious issues, it sounds like they are doing a lot to make sure that doesn't happen again and I'm hoping for a game that has no historical element and will either be some modern setting or we finally get Battlefield 2143.

- Monster Hunter Rise - I put this one last as I'm both excited, but unsure about it.  I didn't like the Monster Hunter games before World, they were clunky and much of the time were portable games, or in the case of Generations Ultimate on Switch, was a pretty ugly looking handheld port, but I struggled to get into the series.  World did a lot for me, becoming a favorite game of all time, but this games seems like it's trying to bridge a gap between the old and new.  I'm not looking forward to its performance and the downgrade in visuals, but the gameplay having its own gimmick with the wire bug makes this game seem really exciting and the gear and monsters they are bringing look like a lot of fun and it does seem to be taking tips from World that are genuinely better than what the series use to be.  I got the big collectors set


Pokemon Snap - I loved the original game even with how simple it was and I'm still shocked to this day that we didn't get Pokemon Snap on the Wii U, since it's a game tailor made to use the gamepad.

God of War: Ragnarok - It said 2021 at the end of the trailer, but that Horizon got a full video reveal and God of War got a tiny teaser, I feel like Horizon will be next year and God of War will be 2022.

Dying Light 2 - This doesn't technically have a release date, but a lot has been shown off and it was meant to have an early 2020 release at first, before getting delayed, so I am hoping it comes out next year.

Far Cry 6 - There's a part of me that still likes this series, even if everything after 3 wasn't great (They need to knock out some of the RPG-like elements), I just enjoy an open world FPS, but this one looks like it has a really good villain with Giancarlo Esposito, who is a fantastic actor, and the whole setting seems very interesting to me.  Maybe it'll be alright, I don't know, but I want to like it.

Halo: Infinite - I use to be a big Halo fan, haven't been for years, but I'm interested to see if this game brings it back and I'm excited for it being the first Halo game to be made with PC in mind.  Will the game be good? No clue, it's got nearly another year of development to fix it up, so we'll see.

Gotham Knights - I'm hoping this one is gonna be good, it's the Arkham Batman formula, but with Nightwing, Robin, Batgirl, and Red Hood and I'm ready to jump back into DC with that.  More interested in this one than the new Suicide Squad coming up, just because Gotham Knights sounds like a singleplayer game that can be played co-op, while Suicide Squad sounds like a co-op game that can be played solo, which is a notable distinction.

Back 4 Blood - It's just Left 4 Dead 3, but Turtle Rock couldn't use the name, so they just made their own game and it's looking really good.  The same thing as Left 4 Dead in every way, but they are finding some new things to add and it looks like they are bringing some of their work on Evolve into this with some crazy giant monster zombie.

Evil Dead: The Game - This might be nothing notable, but I'm a big Evil Dead fan, so something that brings in characters from Evil Dead 1, 2, Army of Darkness, and the tv show is just awesome, though I'm not a big fan of co-op games.

Breath of the Wild 2 - This doesn't have any confirmation, we haven't seen anything on it since E3 last year, but I feel like with 2021 being the 35th Anniversary of Zelda, they are definitely wanting this to cap off the year.  I have my issues with the Switch and Nintendo these days, but I am pretty excited for what this could be, hopefully fixing issues I had with the first game.


Re: What are your top 5 Most Anticipated 2021 games?
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2020, 06:59:11 pm »
1. Sports Story
2. Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX
3. Psychonauts 2 (maybe)
4. Pocky & Rocky
5. Bayonetta 3
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."


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Re: What are your top 5 Most Anticipated 2021 games?
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2020, 10:28:43 pm »
1.Resident evil Village
2.Halo Infinite
3.Battlefield 6
4.The Medium
6.Metroid Prime 4
7.R-Type Final 2
10.Prince of Persia Sands of time remake

I cheated and went to 10
« Last Edit: December 17, 2020, 10:30:36 pm by wartoy »


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Re: What are your top 5 Most Anticipated 2021 games?
« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2020, 10:47:28 pm »
1.Resident evil Village
2.Halo Infinite
3.Battlefield 6
4.The Medium
6.Metroid Prime 4
7.R-Type Final 2
10.Prince of Persia Sands of time remake

I cheated and went to 10

I didn't even know about R-Type Final 2, that should have been on my list.


Re: What are your top 5 Most Anticipated 2021 games?
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2020, 02:33:40 am »
I will be sincere my dude, I dont even know what will be release next year, most of the time I buy retro games anyway.


Re: What are your top 5 Most Anticipated 2021 games?
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2020, 04:02:21 pm »
I will be sincere my dude, I dont even know what will be release next year, most of the time I buy retro games anyway.


This mostly includes me as well. I'm so out of the loop as to what's being released next year. There are some games that have been announced/teased that I have no clue if they'll end up coming out next year, but for what it's worth, here they are.

1. Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order 2
2. Gran Turismo 7
3. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2
4. Final Fantasy XVI
5. Dragon Age 4


Re: What are your top 5 Most Anticipated 2021 games?
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2020, 05:10:46 pm »
:: Little Nightmares II
:: Bravely Default II
:: NieR:Replicant ver.1.22474487139...
:: NEO: The World Ends With You
:: Resident Evil Village