Author Topic: 52 Games Challenge 2021  (Read 47702 times)


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2021
« Reply #60 on: January 20, 2021, 01:48:27 pm »
I figured at this point that I would like to share some small thoughts on the games I have played through so far since well everyone is doing it and as a way to contribute more than just what I have listed:

1. The Last Blade[PC]-1/2/21: Feels like SNK tried to make something similar to Samurai Shodown that wasn't Samurai Shodown. By all accounts this was fun despite their being limited credits and atleast to my knowledge no way of getting any more credits-8/10

2. Metal Slug 2[PC]-1/2/21: Never have given much of the Metal Slug series a try except for maybe first two levels of the original but that changed with me playing through the first last year and decided to follow up with the 2nd. Thankful for unlimited credits because it is chaotic and you really need to know it to make it through like Contra. Despite that, really fun game. Dug the final boss in concept-8/10

3. Bright Memory[PC]-1/2/21: This game is essentially a paid demo. It's not very long but damn it is fun and I can't wait to see what the full game Bright Memory: Infinite has to show. It's an FPS but with very solid movement and a bunch of tricks that kind of make it seem like a hack and slash of sorts. If you can get this on sale and you like shooters, this is a must-9/10

4. 007 Legends[360]-1/5/21: This felt more like a COD game than a James Bond game. The same can be said for the previous Bond FPS title Quantum of Solace but I had more fun with that one. That said, this one was alright but I felt like you have a better understanding of the different scenarios if you had watch the movies being represented in here which I didn't or maybe I would have hated it more cuz they butchered x, y and z. Regardless, it was alright. Not the worse-6/10

5. Metal Slug 3[PC]-1/9/21: I didn't feel this one as much as the second. It was good just not as good as the second. It had less stages but that was because the last stage was drawn out to oblivion and so far its the longest single stage Metal Slug level I have played through-7/10

6. The Last Blade 2[PC]-1/9/21: Didnt like this one as much as the first. It played fine but it different ramped up the bullshit spectrum rather quick which I expect out of SNK but man it was infuriating at not only the end boss but the one before him-6/10

7. Metal Slug X[PC]-1/10/21: I didnt know until just before I was about to play that this game is essentially an updated version of Metal Slug 2. 2 was good and so was this updated version-8/10

8. Erica[PS4]-1/11/21: This game is more an interactive movie than the likes of Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls and the like because literally you are watching a live action movie and your only actions are choices throughout and some small interactivity. That aside, if you enjoy those type of games then this is a good one. One cool thing is that you can control the game using your smartphone with a companion app. Originally I started this on the PS5 however you can only use the other method of control in the touchpad and it is trash using it so unless you want to better your control, you need to play this on a PS4 console. Also if you are into trophies, this one is not hard to get. I'm not a trophy guy but I decided to go for this one-9/10

9. Super Castlevania IV[SNES]-1/15/21: For the longest time, I have only ever played through stage 1 due to lack of trying. That all ended when I decided to playthrough this for real this time and overall really well executed game that ramps up the bullshit very quick. If anything, most of the difficulty comes from the stages themselves than the actual bosses who by all accounts aren't the worst until you get to the final stage. I'm not going to spoil but it is an endurance. Swing mechanics were find and controlled well which I thought might have been an issued but not really to be honest and great soundtrack-9/10

10. Castlevania: Bloodlines[GEN]-1/17/21: With 2 characters to use, each playthrough is shorter at 6 stages and aside from using a few different paths with Eric due to his jumping ability, stages are mostly the same. I found John's section a bit tougher than Eric but apparently he's more hard mode than Eric. John plays more in the traditional sense with  the whip and aside from diagonal whip from left and right while jumping, this games doesn't have multi directional whipping like Super Castlevania IV. With Eric it feels much easier however it helps that by the time I got to Eric, I knew what to expect given that as I said the stages aren't much different. His range especially when fully upgraded is so good and he does have diagonal movement as well as a downward thrust which I never used but it's pretty cool. Overall, it had a great soundtrack and it plays well albeit some BS but it's to be expected. I didn't like that this game has limited continued as no other CV game to my knowledge has limited except for this one-8/10

11. Castlevania II: Simon's Quest[NES]-1/19/21: I used a guide for this and playing this illustrated how cryptic this game was made to be which is a shame because past that, this game is not bad and got a bad rep for unfortunate reasons. It felt like a precursor a decade earlier to Symphony of the Night because as you progress into the game, you get more and more powerful. But again some of the things needed to progress gives off alot of how was I suppose to know that on my own. Also it has some killer music that doesn't get enough credit nor has been used in other CV games like Dracula's castle theme-7/10


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2021
« Reply #61 on: January 29, 2021, 11:31:40 am »
My next game lined up, seems to be an error for me. That is Baldur's Gate. For one reason or another, I have it as being in collection but it is not in my collection on the site. Only Tales of the Sword Coast. I have noticed (again) some PC games I'm pretty sure I own are not in my collection here, such as Unreal Tournament and Return to Castle Wolfenstein. So this weekend I will rearrange my collection at home and see if I can find these outliers and maybe be able to play Baldur's Gate.

Oh i also marked Duke Nukem Forever as beaten, as I did beat the base game this year. I still haven't beaten the DLC yet... I might not, it is pretty annoying.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2021
« Reply #62 on: January 30, 2021, 10:27:24 am »
4. Propeller Arena (Dreamcast)

I went back and revisited this game and unfortunately my opinion of it was slightly less favorable than it was the last time I beat it. For those of you who don't know, Propeller Arena is an unreleased Dreamcast game that was unfortunately cancelled for various reasons due to 9/11 (it was supposed to come out the week after the attacks occurred). Unfortunately I can't say the world is at a terrible loss that this game was never released and it's one of the weaker first party Sega games released during that time. Still, it does have its moments and if you wanted to play a very simplistic game, even for an arcade game, then this is a game you should try. Just need to track an ISO of it online, burn it to a disc (or emulate) and go to town. (1/29/21) [30/50]


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2021
« Reply #63 on: January 30, 2021, 01:33:23 pm »
06. Ultimate Chicken Horse || Nintendo Switch || 01.30.21

If you're in the market for having some good competitive gameplay with most rounds bringing out laughter, I highly recommend playing Ultimate Chicken Horse. This past week, the Japanese Switch eShop has offered a free trial to play, and it's been the most fun with co-op that I've had with friends in quite some time. The game's premise is that each round brings about a new level design, as each player selects a new element and places it onto the map. Once items have been placed, everyone races to the goal post. For a free trial, I was greatly pleased that the entire game is available to play, in addition to both local and online co-op features implemented; I highly enjoy this aspect, as this game actually allows for local and online co-op gameplay to work at the same time. The only downside is that the last two days we played, there was a little lag, but it was nothing major, and it very well could be attributed to my own internet or that I've been playing from the United States while my friends are in Japan. Throughout our roughly 12 hours playing, we unlocked all 17 stages, but there are still quite a lot of character accessories to unlock.

Nevertheless, the free trial is available until 3:00AM EST I believe, so if you're interested, don't skip on the free offer!

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2021
« Reply #64 on: February 02, 2021, 03:36:21 am »
I beat my 1st game of the year yesterday! (There is no hope for me on this challenge :P)

01. Sonic 3 & Knuckles
I've been saying for years I need to sit down and play the Complete version of Sonic 3, I've never done it before now. I certainly see what all the fuss is about when combined this is an EPIC package! The question is do i prefer it over Sonic The Hedgehog 2... Ehhh... No! I thin Sonic 2's level design while not as huge on scale, is more coherent. Not saying that Sonic3&K is a mess like Sonic CD, but there are times where it is easy to get lost - I had many such issues with Sky Sanctuary to where I found myself looping the same area. But it cetainly is an impressive game. I've always enjoyed Sonic 3's Special Stages the most and to have that elevated to Super Emerald status was epic. I also liked the additional story nods with knuckles, simple but his story arc is very effective. Overall great game, am considering moving on to the Sonic Advance GBA games as I've dabbled with them in the past.

I'm also playing Yakuza 5... It started out great, I plowed 17+ Hours into the 1st Chapter and then suddenly... nothing. The games 2ndChapter starts off feeling to similar to a scenario in the previous game, which was a slog then but at least the area was unique - Can't say that for Y5 this time around. However, once past that area there is a new location with this character and it's interested but held back by painfully slow pacing, tutorial explanations and fetch quest faf. I really loved the start of the game but have been struggling all month to enjoy this again and I so much want to play Yakuza 6 & 7. I'll see how I feel easing back into it after Sonic 3&K but I'm not optimistic.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2021
« Reply #65 on: February 02, 2021, 06:06:33 am »
January Update

Games Beat in January:
Assassin's Creed: Odyssey (PS4) - A good game that is way too long.  Beat on Jan. 22.
Injustice 2 (XB1) - NetherRealm is the king of story in fighting games.  They've really nailed the balance.  And it is much better than the first.  Beat on Jan. 23.
Control (XB1) - Holy crap this was good.  I love the world and the aesthetic.  Felt like it kind of rushed to the end once you hit Act 3, though.  Beat on Jan. 29.

Games Played in January:
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light (Switch) - The OG FE game, finally in an official translation.  It's surprisingly good, but definitely missing some modern QoL improvements.  I'm sometimes spending 15-20 minutes before the end of a chapter optimizing and moving equipment around.  That's mostly why I'm not finished yet - it can be a bit of time sink for that reason.
Minecraft (PC) - Oh, god.  Am I one of those people now? It's fun and something the GF and I can play with our friends.  Hoping to put together a little community with out small friend group so we can still hangout in the (still raging) pandemic.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2021
« Reply #66 on: February 02, 2021, 09:06:23 am »
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Quote from: Legend
bold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.

77. Mega Man Zero (NS)
This was my alternate for Dead Cells, real glad I played Dead Cells though.  I didn't know for sure what type of game Mega Man Zero was, didn't even google it.  I was kind of hoping it wasn't straight up a Mega Man game, but maybe Mega Man adjacent... honestly I was hoping it was a Mega Man Metroid game, that'd be dope.  Anyway, I like Metroid-vania games, but I don't really like Mega Man games, I can play them, I like Mega Man characters and the idea of elemental weapons and stuff, but I'm just not big on level based platformers.  I think the level based just makes the game look longer and daunting, I just don't enjoy it.  That said, for the most part this game wasn't bad once I got into the mindset of a Mega Man game and not a Metroid game.  First boss wrecked me constantly until I got into Mega Man X mode.  Then the rest of the game just kind of fell in place with me only needing to look up boss weaknesses.  Final boss however, was absolute bullshit.  I'll preface this with the statement about the Legacy Collection's Save assist mode which gives you checkpoints and what amounts to infinite lives.  The final boss is split into 2 phases, both incredibly tough, no checkpoint between them... So in order to practice the second phase, you have to beat the first phase again, and the first phase is tough on its own.  This is definitely something I would have enjoyed them modifying to put a checkpoint between the phases.  Future games in this series I may turn on Casual Scenario mode, because this was just absolute bullshit and I enjoyed this game fairly right up until the end.  I full on decided to abandon this game right at the final boss, but I was convinced to give it another try with a different strategy, still didn't work, made a strategy of my own adjacent to two strategies I had previously read, changed up the control scheme to go with the strategy and made it work after another 10 tries.
Rating: Soft pass overall, Hard pass on the final boss. Edit: Soft recommendation with Scenario Assist.

78. Dark Souls Remastered (NS)
This wasn't necessarily on my list of games I planned to play this year, but a Discord I am on is doing a Game Club, nobody would pick the next game.  Admin said whoever wrote up a description and such first, that would be the game.  I wrote up a quick troll description for Skyward Sword because it's a running joke how much the admin hates SS, he said too bad, everyone's playing SS.  I edited my post a few minutes later because it was still my post, I changed it to Dark Souls.  That didn't make people much happier still.  I even offered to be summoned and help people on most platforms and even offered to assist via voice chat/streaming/etc.  So far only myself and one other person appear to be even giving the game a chance, which is really sad and kind of goes against the whole point of what gameclub was going for... giving games a chance that you've never played before.  DS gets such a bad rap for being this incredibly tough game, and it is, but a lot of its difficulty is overcome via assistance, knowing what to do, and just practicing until you get better... and my offer to assist, I feel, could've made the experience really good for a lot of folks who made abandoned it once before or were hesitant to give the game a try due to its stigma.  DS1 is one of my favorite soulsborne games, Sekiro being my favorite, and the game is great with friends.  I actually talked to someone about Sekiro because it's my favorite and they never gave it a try because it has no single player, and their fun with these games is the co-op... it's something I didn't think about because I rarely play games online.
Rating: Solid recommendation

79. Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (NSO)
I've never really played this game before.  I'm sure I've told the story before, but I'll sort of give a quick run down again.  I got this game for Xmas one year, probably the year it came out, but that xmas we went to Louisiana to visit family for xmas and didn't bring our SNES.  My brother had to take a plane back home ahead of everyone else (we drove) because he had to go back to work, so he asked if he could take the game with him so he could play it since I couldn't play it anyway.  By the time we got back home he had already pawned the game to buy alcohol and drugs.  Never got to play it, my parents never rebought the game for me, and I only in recent years re-acquired the game, but still being so bitter about it never really got around to playing it.  So after being super bitter about this game for over 20 years, I'm finally getting to play it.  That being said, this game feels like a completely different game.  The controls feel more refined and the graphics look much better.  Mind you this game came out on SNES AFTER the N64 was already out.  The world seems more open with the boat thing, but I'm not far enough into the game to really understand any of that stuff yet.  I abandoned this game again back in 2019, bitterness is strong.  Re-picked it up this year and played it on NSO instead now that it's on NSO, so I had to start over anyway.  I didn't get what the bears were about as none of them did anything.  I found 0 uses for the DK or Bonus coins, the bear coins could only be used at one shop and even then the items I bought did nothing.  I might look it up, but it won't make a difference because I'm not going back and the game still didn't explain it.  There's a reason this franchise went dormant for 10+ years and we never heard from Kiddy or Dixie ever again.  This game isn't great, it tried to hard to be different, and just wasn't as fun as previous entries.  A lot more could've been done with what they started to implement, but it just wasn't there.
Rating: Soft pass

80. F-Zero (NSO)
I played F-Zero something (GP Legend?) on GBA years ago and I didn't enjoy it.  It had a legit story mode and it got stupid hard some part way through.  This one I expected more of the same, but this has no story, just MK style Grand Prix stuff.  Burned through all of the races and consider the game beat even though there are no credits unless I guess you beat it on Master Mode which I'm not bothering with.  The game introduces other elements like weather, magnets, road hazards, etc for increased difficulty in later levels and such.  I honestly don't enjoy F-Zero in general, so it doesn't affect me that the franchise has been dormant for nearly 20 years.
Rating: Hard pass

81. Bloodborne (PS4)
I started playing this after Dark Souls Remastered because my wife's cousin made mention he'd never played it before and I was like oh hell yeah, I love bloodborne and you can summon me, I'm on NG+ so I'll have to play a bit to be helpful (like beat a bunch of bosses and such so I can go anywhere they need).  So I did most of Central Yarnham, Hemwick Lane, Old Yarnham, and a few other places. Even if I keep playing this, I'm not intending on beating the game as I just want a character build for summoning for folks.  I forgot how much I really enjoyed this game.  There are some scenarios of enemies being stupid OP.  There is this one enemy that spawns for instance that spams a shotgun blast and has infinite ammo.  If I'm relegated to holding 20 bullets max, enemies should have a max as well.  They should not be allowed to just stay at a distance and spam bullets.  There's a reason this one enemy has like 50 notes nearby talking shit about him.  I barely beat the guy and I summoned an NPC to play bullet fodder mecca.
Rating: Solid recommendation.

82. Q.U.B.E. (PS4)
As always, I'm looking for a game to play and wind up just skimming through PS+ stuff.  I have Q.U.B.E. 2 on Switch and I've said to myself that I'm not playing it until I play through the first game.  So another on a whim game.  Plot is very meh on this game, even at the end with no real explanations or anything, it's just not very good.  Gameplay is good enough.  My statement is if you've never played Portal, just go play Portal.  If you've played Portal and say to yourself that you want more puzzle platforming, give QUBE a go, but otherwise don't bother.  The plot and dialogue isn't comparable to Portal in any way, but the puzzle platforming is pretty solid in this game, if even a little unforgiving at parts.  I considered abandoning the game at some of the tougher puzzles, but I persevered and pushed through against what I wanted honestly.
Rating: Soft pass.

83. Clannad: Side Stories (NS)
Clannad is one of my favorite animes, so I knew I needed this when it finally got announced.  That said, I wasn't aware from the beginning that the game is basically an audiobook.  No selections, you can't even choose the pace, it auto continues the text as if you're listening to an audiobook.  You can rewind and stuff if you missed something, but there's basically no interaction with this game.  This is basically for people like me who love Clannad and just want more story.  It's a series of 16 absolutely not connected side stories in the Clannad universe.  Some of the stories aren't canon of the true ending, because some of the stories take place during the plotlines of Tomoya dating different characters.  That all said, I can't honestly recommend this unless you really click with the Clannad series and just want more.  Otherwise there is absolutely no reason to play this.  You definitely can't play this if you never played the full Clannad game.  I don't think this requires any knowledge of Tomoyo After at least.
Rating: Hard pass.

84. The Touryst (XS)
My AC went out and we basically lived in my son's room for half a week, and in that time we brought in a TV, portable AC, and my X1X.  I saw a couple of games were leaving Game Pass, so I loaded them up and gave them a go.  This wasn't the first one I played, but it was the first one I beat.  Game is an puzzle platformer exploration game where you go through like 7 islands and do all the things it has to offer.  No combat really, basically just mini-games and puzzle platforming sections.  A pretty chill game overall.  Pretty enjoyable short experience.  One of the few games that has me puzzled like when I did Rogue Legacy, technically I played this on X1 and XS (as it has an XS version).  I see no reason to mark it beat for both platforms on backloggery, because I really don't identify a difference between X1 and XS, which I guess the same could be said for cross-save PS4/PSV games, so maybe I should mark it as beat on both.  Anyway, pretty fun game that I would recommend.
Rating: Soft recommendation.

85. Undermine (X1)
The other game I played while the AC was out that is leaving Game Pass soon.  I saw that the game is a roguelike game, sorta looked like Moonlighter gameplay wise (minus the shop mechanics), so I decided to give it a go because I had been enjoying roguelike games.  Pretty enjoyable game overall, but I think I've been more enjoying metroidvania more than roguelike in general, but a zelda-esque dungeon crawler roguelike isn't bad so no real problems there.  The enemies stealing money that you don't pick up quick enough is a very annoying mechanic.  I think I would've been okay with it if it ended up with "oh, hey, thanks for "paying" us all this money, have this cool thing"... which thinking about it, there was an area that was driven by donations... I'm gonna google real quick and see if that's related... nope, so my statement stands... also reading about the place for donations, it's stupid that if you mess up you basically have to delete your saved data and start the entire game over if you want to try to get in that place.  Honestly, I was gonna say this game isn't so bad, but reading that, I'm knocking it points for that bullshit.  This game has 96 achievements, so it winds up with like 10 points each.  I don't get the point of that, you're trying too hard.
Rating: Hard pass

86. Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King (NS)
My wife just recently played this game and insisted that I play this after her.  It wasn't a terrible game, but it just isn't that great of a game.  It's a not very good LTTP clone.  I won't make any direct comparisons as it's been a long time since I played Link's Awakening and I never actually finished LTTP, so it'd be hypocritical of me to try to make comparisons.  At the very least I can say that this game doesn't have the QoL stuff you'd expect from a modern game, so very dated in many ways... LTTP it's like ok it's a SNES game, whatever, this is a modern game.  The game uses very few buttons, so it makes most of my complaints particularly frustrating.  The lack of strafing makes the game frustrating, too often you need to hit enemies in a specific direction and it'd make it so easy if you could lock facing a certain direction and move around (strafing).  Teleporting is frustrating, it was so much worse for my wife.  Teleporting is just a list of location, pick one and warp.  It would have been a huge improvement to show a map to the side with the list and a little dot showing where on the map each entry related to.  The map itself is frustrating, because you go to look at the map and it defaults to zoomed in on the center of the map, so you have to manually zoom out, and then find yourself... it should just be zoomed out by default and relatively centered on yourself.  Items have no name or description, so there are a handful of items that I just never knew what they do because I'm not using a limited resource when I don't know what it does.  I still don't know what the butterfly is for.  Game has no way to run, eventually you unlock some shoes that let you dash, but the dash eats like a 3rd of your stamina.  Stamina drains super fast, but refills painfully slow.  It's probably not an exaggeration to say the stamina bar takes a full minute to refill.  Most items are unlimited use, but use stamina to use.  Boss fights heavily rely on items, so you hit the boss 2-3 times with whatever item and then dodge for a minute waiting for stamina to refill.  As it is, boss fights aren't the usual rule of 3s, and bosses don't show health bars, so boss fights are frustrating.  By the way, I mentioned dodging, no dash, no dodge roll, no running, it's just moving out of the way.  Joycon drift/pro controller d-pad design make a lot of the more precision areas frustrating.  We're talking walking over deteriorating floors over a chasm, but the labyrinth takes like a solid 2 minutes to get through, plus they throw enemies at you that either chase you, shoot at you, or just hover about.  I suggested to my wife to play Ittle Dew after this because I felt Ittle Dew was a better Zelda clone, but she abandoned it pretty quickly because she felt it was too rigid and difficult.  Might have to replay it to see if maybe my memory is incorrect regarding that game.  This game wasn't unenjoyable, but there was a enough frustrating about it that I'd be surprised if one couldn't suggest a better Zelda clone easily.  Oh and I entirely forgot, since the game only uses 3 face buttons, you've got a ton of buttons that could have been used for say, permanent upgrades/tools, or even letting you assign an item to each face button instead of just the 3.
Rating: Soft recommendation

87. Later Alligator (NS)
This is another one my wife played that she insisted that I play after her.  This one I had no hesitation because of how quickly she beat it.  I was enjoying this game honestly, just a stupid little Visual Novel type of game with some mini-games strewn throughout.  Some of the minigames are more of a joke than anything which is amusing, some minigames are like whatever, okay, sure.  And then some minigames are just stupid.  Played through the whole game and I was like I enjoyed this well enough that I'll playthrough NG+ basically to aim for 100% because the game is short enough and there didn't seem that much more content to hit.  The first mini-game I hit after starting NG+, I failed it, and it locked the minigame/activity so I couldn't complete it.  I'd have to playthrough and get to the next playthrough before I could have another chance... and if I mess up on the next playthrough, I'm having to commit to multiple playthroughs just to get through this one minigame.  I turned off the game and deleted it from my system.  This is by design for a steam achievement, well no achievements on Switch, so it just feels like a dick move.  I get it, but I ain't having it.  Don't give me a wholesome chill game and then lock something where if I mess up I gotta play through the whole game again, nothing chill about that.  The game wasn't good enough to let me let that go.  That aside, controls were too sensitive and made using a controller frustrating.  Pretty much designed to have to use the touchscreen, which basically makes it feel like a phone game.
Rating: Hard pass.

88. Nioh (PS4)
I've been thinking about playing this game a lot as I've heard the Soulsborne comparisons.  After playing Dark Souls Remastered and playing Bloodborne a little, I finally decided to give this game a go as I wanted more Soulsborne and something new.  So much to unwrap with this one.  I wasn't enjoying it at first, but I gave it the good old college try and grew to like it, it just took a lot of adjusting as it really isn't a Souls clone... it's its own thing but it adds in some Souls elements, I expect that it's essentially Ninja Gaiden with some added Souls influence, but I've never played a Ninja Gaiden game, so it's just an assumption.  So some observations re: souls, the controls in this game vary wildly from souls, dash and interact are swapped, interact is hold instead of press, attack is [] instead of the triggers, ranged attacks aim/fire a la FPS (L2/R2), almost any enemy can kill you quick and you can/will burn through your Ki (stamina) fighting a single enemy and must leverage the ki pulse system (basically refills your stamina quicker), and no open overworld, strictly level based self contained maps.  That said, playing this game, I put in a few hours and I'm done, I want to play something chill and just be done... but then I go to bed and wake up and I want more... I haven't yet decided if this is good or bad.  As I played more, and even got some info from viewers in my twitch stream, I've liked this game more and more.  I had the habit of never using the living weapon, to my detriment.. I also wasn't using magic/ninja skills to the best.  Eventually I hit a boss where I was getting my ass handed to me over and over and over.  I was about to give up and I looked up some stuff and I found out that all status effects work on bosses.  I was so used to playing games where bosses are immune to status effect stuff, so I just never even tried.  So I came up with this system where I hit sloth, defense down, attack down, spinning sword AOE, and attack up for myself... plus my guardian was adding damage to skills.  So I wound up beating the boss in like 15 seconds.  I thought it was a fluke, but I applied it to every subsequent boss and it wrecked house in most situations.  I definitely plan to come back to this game and possibly even aim for the platinum if it doesn't have difficulty/ng+ based trophies.
Rating: Soft recommendation

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« Last Edit: August 13, 2021, 03:31:09 pm by ignition365 »


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2021
« Reply #67 on: February 02, 2021, 05:13:59 pm »
Safe to say I went a bit much than I expected for the first month although to be fair, the majority were a bunch of shorter games like the Castlevania games and a few SNK games I have had on Steam for some time. With that said, I have been fairly been careful not starting games only to drop it like I used to. Obviously its only the first month but I hope to keep the trend going. Not sure how much I will get done this month now that classes have started but hopefully something as oppose to nothing.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2021
« Reply #68 on: February 02, 2021, 11:50:28 pm »
5. South Park: The Fractured but Whole (PS4)

I've been on a serious South Park kick as of late and I really wanted to either replay The Stick of Truth or play Fractured but Whole for the first time, and the promise of an exciting new South Park adventure won out. Presentation and sound wise Fractured but Whole nalls it with making the game look and feel like an 20-hour interactive South Park episode, but sadly the rest of the game falls short. I really wasn't a big fan of the story, especially the last third of it or so; it definitely wasn't as good or funny as Stick of Truth and the ending felt very anti-climactic (also hated who they made the main bad guy to be). The gameplay is very simple and straight forward which I really appreciate, however it might be a little too simple as it just felt way to easy and on top of that it just felt kinda stale after a while. With all that said, yes, I laughed really hard at several parts and the whole experience was pretty enjoyable, but sadly it's just not as good as the first game (2/2/21) [34/50]


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2021
« Reply #69 on: February 03, 2021, 10:13:36 am »
Finished main quest of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.

I've already talked about the vehicles elsewhere and in the end they aren't even really a problem. This is because you do not really need to use them for anything besides their introductory quests. Any other large gap on any of the areas I've found either can easily be jumped or have jump pads. Another issue I had found in the game is that you continuously get stuck on the terrain. Anytime there is some slight incline, you have to jump over the part where the polygons mesh or you can't move. Some ramps on Helios are like this and make no sense.

I previously said that I was just using snipers and that was partially true. Snipers vs humans. The laser weapons are by far the best guns to use. Some of them just melt. Pistols, machine guns and shotguns are fairly weak. Difficulty wasn't that steep, until one mission near the end you have to destroy a large ship. I died many times and I had to side-quest for about 5 hours before I was able to get past that area. The issues there were not enough ammo for weapons with range to damage the ship (laser weapons have a range limit) and others not doing enough or not being accurate enough to use at range. Second was shield, which was going down instantly to the fluff enemies. In Borderlands, bosses always have fluff enemies around that you can use to get second wind, but they still do shoot you and can be a general nuisance unless you outlevel them.

So I needed some more levels, a better long range gun (ended up using a gold SMG with 100% accuracy with hipfire), more ammo for the gun. And during this "grinding" period I did the quest where you can unlock the Grinder. Which is a machine you can put items into it and combine them into random other items. I would play the game just to do this all day, and I was basically doing that anyways and ignoring main quest. Fill up inventory with stuff, go back to town and grind them, go back out and repeat.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2021
« Reply #70 on: February 09, 2021, 10:26:49 am »
After going and reorganizing my PC jewel case games, I managed to only find a few extra items. Unreal Tournament discs which are actually already accounted for as part of Totally Unreal. Destruction Derby on PC, some NFR version of it anyways and then Icewind Dale. Still appear to have misplaced Soldier of Fortune, Soldier of Fortune II, RTCW and Red Faction, but even if I do find those, they go into my "already played" portion of my backlog list, which has lower priority than unplayed games.

In light of that, I also went through and tried to mark down the "includes" of multigame packs and demo collections, in order to attempt to find this "Baldur's Gate" I had. While I do have Tales of the Sword Coast, Baldur's Gate proper will have to be WL material for now. I was only able to find 1 game that included the Baldur's Gate demo, which is on the Forgotten Realms Archives - Silver Edition which I have added into Currently Playing, despite my post in this thread only tracking the individual games.

Using DOSbox for now (which won't cut it for Baldur's Gate demo, so I'll have to either complete my Win9x build or use a notebook) I had my first foray in trying to install from the CD to the mount point. It installed something, somewhere but I was not able to determine where it went. I didn't look on the ramdisk, it is possible it went there. In any case, I was able to run games by copying the dir from the CD to my HD and run then from the mountpoint.

I started out with Pool of Radiance, which had quite a learning curve since I do not have the manual. I do, however, have the code wheels and boy I can say I do not miss those one bit. After many attempts to figure things out, this type of game has a lot of prep work that needs to be done before you can even do anything. Truly a D&D simulation in that you have to create all your characters and change their sprites and this took some time. Inventory has a lot to be desired. I ended up abandoning this game because I encountered a soft lock within the first 20 minutes. Here is the flow of my Pool of Radiance experience:

1. Spend 10 minutes quickly creating party
2. Get taken on the tour of the starting town
3. Go outside into the real world and kill 2 kobolds, but my wizard is 1 HP
4. Go back to town and into the temple to get heals
5. Heals cost 600 gold (don't have it)
6. fat-finger the keyboard and accidentally "camp" inside the temple
7. guard comes and yells at me
8. get stuck in the temple between 2 walls and 2 triggers that bring up the merchant

Not wanting to even bother anymore, who knows how many more instances of mishaps there are like that. No confirmations on actions, especially things like camp while inside of a building! I checked some videos of the next few games on the disc and decided to not bother because they all ran the same engine.

So I moved onto Eye of the Beholder. Took a bit to figure out what to do but then another problem. This game doesn't use the code wheels but does use manual codes. So had to go look those up. Then on to level 2 and... I find out the hard way that there are certain areas that change your direction or teleport you around. Spend about an hour running in circles. I'm going to have to print the maps for this game because it is extremely confusing and frustrating.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2021
« Reply #71 on: February 10, 2021, 05:37:01 am »
02. Sonic Advance (GBA)
After playing Sonic 3&K I thought I'd move onto the Advance games. It was okay, the last level featured a lot of irritating pitfalls (Nothing nearly as bad as Sonic Rush mind you). It was an okay game, I see how the X-Zone area tried to cater for nostalgia but it came off as a bit tacky. Oddly enough, this game has a Level selection, so I could access the final boss without getting all the emeralds - which I had no intention of doing to be fair - Nor did I even find one bonus level to even get them! It's an okay game. I like the art direction despite t he limitations of the GBA. I can see myself trying the others.

I jumped back on Yakuza 5 last night and plowed through the part I was stuck on and hopefully am now back on track, though I certainly wont be ready for Yakuza 7 come March.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2021
« Reply #72 on: February 11, 2021, 08:54:01 pm »
07. Wandersong || Nintendo Switch || 02.11.21

Having gone into Wandersong almost completely blind, I feel good with my time exploring the world and meeting its inhabitants. What initially brought my attention to Wandersong is its art style which can be described as a children's book aesthetic complete with foreground and background layers. To match such style, the narrative largely begins with a  happy-go-lucky attitude as the player controls a bard who finds himself becoming the world's much-needed hero to stop the world's cycle of destruction. Along your journey, you'll meet dozens of characters who definitely bring life to the narrative, as the game includes a lot more dialogue that I had anticipated, albeit dialogue that is entirely optional. However, the game's mood almost suddenly shifts to a more realistic tone of what an end-of-the-world adventure may be. And, in my opinion, the game becomes much more enjoyable from this point. Events become bleak, characters begin to harbor doubt and sadness, and the adventure really does seem at its end for the worst. While the gameplay admittedly does not have much depth, the platforming segments are fine, yet seldom offer much challenge. Alongside platforming, the player will also encounter many music segments that are mostly call-and-repeat. Overall, the gameplay is casual, which I feel suits this type of game.

If you're looking for a casual title with great art direction and relatable characters to young adults, I recommend to consider playing Wandersong.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2021
« Reply #73 on: February 11, 2021, 10:28:13 pm »
Game 2 - Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix (PS4) - 30 Hours (Proud Mode)

+ Man, it felt really good to revisit this game. I had very fond yet fuzzy memories of the first Kingdom Hearts game when I played it in high school. Other than KHII, this game was the one I was looking most forward to playing on the collection. And honestly, I was surprised at how well this game still holds up. I thought the gameplay and controls would be a step down from Birth By Sleep, but it truly wasn't that bad. Apparently this game was tweaked somewhat when the HD remastered version was being developed, so that might have something to do with it. Regardless, everything about this game is an upgrade over BBS. Companions to fight with, better designed and more expansive worlds to explore (with the exception of Never Land), a better story, more secrets and content to discover, more Final Fantasy cameos, a much appreciated lack of focus on stupid mini games, better music... pretty much everything outside of the combat. Just a really great start to a fantastic game series.

- For me, the only problem I had was the limitations of your AI companions while playing on Proud Mode. Donald and Goofy have no self-preservation whatsoever and constantly make sub-optimal decisions with attacking and magic, when to heal, etc. yet you as a player don't really have that many options to designate their behavior. On normal mode it's less of an issue but on proud mode you need everything to count. There are also some cringy moments in the story with the dynamic between Riku and Sora, but it's part of the two of them growing up and maturing so it's really not too bad. Other than those two things, those are the only things that I didn't like.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2021, 10:50:30 pm by telly »
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

My music collection | My Backloggery

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2021
« Reply #74 on: February 12, 2021, 03:44:34 pm »
I really need to get my ass in gear and play some games! I've just been super busy with work and also have been very into console modding recently! Actually have some cool things to show off on here in the coming weeks potentially. Still, I really want to dive into some games and am going to try and beat something this weekend...maybe lol