Got enough to show you guys my latest Pickups and I added something in my collection I've been hunting for years to find.
So lets get it started...
AMIIBOHave to pick up the newest Amiibos
- Banjo & Kazooie
- Terry
- Byleth
- Cotton Reboot
- Chasm
- The Mummy Demastered
- Hades
- Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
I noticed that the last game is kinda getting harder to find sense part two came out, only one Walmart in my area even had a copy.
XB1/XBSX- Dragon Quest XI (saw this on sale for $25)
- Blackguards (Amazon $10)
- Who Wants to be a Millionaire (on sale for $15)
- Sabastien Loeb Rally Evo (Amazon $10)
- The Golf Club 2019 (Best Buy $8)
- Project Cars 2 (Amazon $10)
- Moto Racer 4 (Amazon $12)
PS4- Demon;s Tier +
- The Mummy Remastered
- Monochrome Order
- Paper Beast
- Chasm
- Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia
- Lego Movie 2 (Amazon $10)
- Star Wars: Squadrons (Best Buy $20)
- Cotton Reboot
- Onechanbara Origins
- NG
- Robotics:Notes Elite Dash
- Zanki Zero: Last Beginning
- Yu-No: A Girl Who Wants Love at the Bound of this World (title that rolls of the tongue) lol
- RE:Zero: The Prophecy of the Throne
GBASaw these hacks and figured... okay sure... why not...
- Pokemon: Moemon Fire Red
- Pokemon: Moemon Emerald Version
Basically its trades out normal Pokemon with Anime Girls.
PS2My local used game store got in an obscure PS2 game I needed at a reasonable price.
- Disaster Report
ADVENTURE VISIONI never thought I'd ever see a homebrew cart for this rare system, they guy made only 10 copies and I made him an offer and got one.
- Break Vaders
ARCADELast I've been hunting Facebook, Craigslist and other online markets looking for certain arcades that mean something to me.
Finally one popped up at a decent price, I contacted the seller and we came to a price we both agreed too.
I'm so happy to add this to my arcade room.
- BurgerTime